World Agroforestry Centre
The World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) is a CGIAR Consortium Research Centre. ICRAF’s headquarters are in Nairobi, Kenya, with six regional offices located in Cameroon, China, India, Indonesia, Kenya and Peru.
The World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) is a CGIAR Consortium Research Centre. ICRAF’s headquarters are in Nairobi, Kenya, with six regional offices located in Cameroon, China, India, Indonesia, Kenya and Peru.
A Articulação Nacional de Agroecologia (ANA) é um espaço de articulação e convergência entre movimentos, redes e organizações da sociedade civil brasileira engajadas em experiências concretas de promoção da agroecologia, de fortalecimento da produção familiar e de construção de alternativas sustentáveis de desenvolvimento rural. Atualmente a ANA articula vinte e três redes estaduais e regionais, que reúnem centenas de grupos, associações e organizações não governamentais em todo o país, além de quinze movimentos sociais de abrangência nacional.
The Dedan Kimathi University of Technology motto is: “Better Life through Technology”.
To be a Premier Technological University Excelling in Quality Education, Research, and Technology Transfer for National Development.
There has been a long tradition of cooperation between the federal and provincial/territorial governments in forestry matters.
The establishment of the CCFM in 1985 provided an important forum for the respective governments to exchange information, work cooperatively, provide leadership and generate actions on forestry related matters of interests to all Canadians above and beyond the work done by individuals governments.
The primary role of the CCFM is to provide:
IUFRO is "the" global network for forest science cooperation. It unites more than 15,000 scientists in almost 700 Member Organizations in over 110 countries, and is a member of ICSU. Scientists cooperate in IUFRO on a voluntary basis.
Our mission is to advance research excellence and knowledge sharing, and to foster the development of science-based solutions to forest-related challenges for the benefit of forests and people worldwide.
Máximo Tribunal especializado de la Jurisdicción Agroambiental del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia.
The India Biodiversity Portal is a repository of information designed to harness and disseminate collective intelligence on the biodiversity of the Indian subcontinent.
HEKS champions the cause of a more humane and just world and a life in dignity. Internationally, HEKS/EPER focuses on rural community development, humanitarian aid and inter-church cooperation.