Payments for soil carbon sequestration – “A good incentive for soil conservation”
Soil carbon is important for soil structure and related nutrient and water holding properties. Increasing soil carbon stocks results in improved crop growth and contributes to enhanced climate resilience. In addition, the increase in soil organic carbon through sustainable agricultural land management (SALM) practices, such as the use of cover crops, residue management and agroforestry, will also reduce the need for synthetic nitrogen fertiliser at a given level of crop production.
Questões sobre o desenvolvimento produtivo de Moçambique
Nas últimas duas décadas, a economia de Moçambique tem crescido a taxas relativamente elevadas, a uma média anual superior a 7%, quase duas vezes mais depressa do que a média para a África Sub-Sahariana, e continuou a crescer rapidamente mesmo com a crise económica internacional prolongada que tem afectado as economias mais desenvolvidas na última década. Além disso, tornou-se numa das três economias africanas que mais investimento directo estrangeiro (IDE) e empréstimos comerciais do sistema financeiro internacional recebe.
Gobernanza en tenencia de la tierra en America Central
Documento de trabajo sobre la tenencia de la tierra 18. Presenta los principales temas para caracterizar la gobernanza en la tenencia de la tierra y analiza los aspectos relacionados con la evolución de las problemáticas de política agraria en los diferentes países de América Central. Además, ofrece algunos ejemplos y lecciones aprendidas derivadas de los nuevos modelos de administración y mecanismos de acceso a la tierra que los gobiernos centroamericanos y la cooperación internacional han promovido en los últimos quince años en la Región.
Buena gobernanza y tenencia de los recursos naturales en la subregión del caribe
Documento de trabajo sobre la tenencia de la tierra 17. Este artículo identifica y analiza los aspectos relacionados con la gobernanza de la tierra y proporciona ejemplos de buena gobernanza en la subregión del Caribe. Este documento de trabajo se realizó en vista de las Directrices Voluntarias de la FAO sobre la gobernanza responsable en la tenencia de la tierra y otros recursos naturales. Disponible en inglés
Gouvernance des régimes fonciers en Amérique Centrale
Document de travail sur les régimes fonciers 18. Présente les principaux thèmes qui caractérisent la gouvernance des régimes fonciers et analyse les questions liées à l’évolution des problématiques de politique agricole dans les différents pays d’Amérique Centrale. Il propose également quelques exemples ainsi que des leçons apprises des nouveaux modèles de gestion des terres et des mécanismes d’accès à la terre que les gouvernements d’Amérique Centrale et la Coopération Internationale ont appuyé au cours des quinze dernières années dans la Région. Disponible en espagnol
Soils of the arid zones of Chile
Arid and semi-arid soils cover more than half of the total landscape of Chile. They occur in two distincts sectors of the country and can be conveniently referred to as 1) the Pacific Arid zone and 2) the Patagonian Arid Zone.
Land Cover Atlases of Pakistan - The Punjab Province
The Government of Pakistan, with support from its cooperating partners, has initiated a comprehensive program to address the improvement in agricultural statistical reporting utilizing auxiliary data from Earth Observation satellites.
Land Cover Classification System: Classification Concepts
Classification Concepts The FAO Land Cover Classification System software is due to be released in its third version, and with it come four supporting volumes. The first of these is Classification Concepts, which lays the foundation for an understanding of the Land Cover Metalanguage (LCML) that is used to create classes for legends.
Soil survey investigations for irrigation
The pressing need for increased agricultural production in the years ahead can only be met by more efficient use of our land and water resources including more widespread and better irrigation in those regions where rainfall is inadequate. Production gains will be shortlived unless the attendant hazards of salinization, water logging and lowered fertility are kept in check by effective planning and management based on a thorough understanding of the soil conditions. Soil survey and land classification are generally accepted essential preliminaries to investment in irrigation development.
Land Cover Classification System - User Manual. Software version 3
Classification Concepts The FAO Land Cover Classification System software is due to be released in its third version, and with it come four supporting volumes. The second volume is the User Manual which is a practical guide to all the features of the software version 3, with examples of how to make various types of classes e.g. for distinguishing managed and non-managed forest.
Good Governance and Natural Resource Tenure in the Caribbean Subregion
Land Tenure Working Paper 17. This publication identifies and assesses issues related to land governance and provides examples of good governance in the Caribbean subregion. This working paper was done in light of FAO’s Voluntary Guidelines on Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land and other Natural Resources.