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Issuescouverture du solLandLibrary Resource
There are 2, 239 content items of different types and languages related to couverture du sol on the Land Portal.

couverture du sol


Displaying 1249 - 1260 of 1964

Spatial Analysis to Site Satellite Storage Locations for Herbaceous Biomass in the Piedmont of the Southeast

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2011

Herbaceous biomass, harvested and handled as hay, has potential for bioenergy production. In the Upper Southeast, fields that cannot be competitively managed to produce another crop can produce an acceptable yield of switchgrass. Using a delayed harvest (crop is allowed to dry standing in the field), switchgrass can be harvested from production fields over a 6-month period. This gives a significant advantage over a crop residue, like corn stover, which is collected over a 5-week harvest season in the Midwest. The Southeast has the potential to be a major bioenergy production region.

Mapping urban land uses in the United States by census zone using nationally available data

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2013
États-Unis d'Amérique

Accurate identification of urban land use is essential for many applications. However, as physical surfaces of land-cover types are not necessarily related to their use and economic function, differentiating among thematically detailed urban land uses (single-family residential, multi-family residential, commercial, industrial, etc.) using remotely sensed imagery is a challenging task, particularly over large areas.

Soil erosion assessment using USLE in the GIS environment: a case study in the Danjiangkou Reservoir Region, China

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2015

The purpose of this study was to investigate the spatial distribution of annual soil loss in the Danjiangkou Reservoir Region, China. Soil erosion was estimated by integrating the universal soil loss equation (USLE) model with GIS. The main factors affecting soil erosion including rainfall erosivity, soil erodibility, slope length and steepness, cover and management factor, and conservation supporting practice factor were determined from precipitation data, soil sample analysis, digital elevation model, land use and land cover, and empirical assessment, respectively.

Use of GIS to predict potential distribution areas for wild boar (Sus scrofa Linnaeus 1758) in Mediterranean regions (SE Spain)

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2012

The wild boar is the target species selected for developing a GIS model of potential habitat for big game species, mainly using many GIS layers and kilometric abundance indices (KAI). We identify and weight environmental factors that determine the suitability for wild boar populations in a Mediterranean region, highly influenced by urban and agro-forestry activities. Marina Baja region (Spain) is selected to make a regional analysis. In the GIS modelling process, a suitability value is assigned to each pixel, which represents the habitat preference of the species.

Implications of uncertainty and scale in carbon emission estimates on locally appropriate designs to reduce emissions from deforestation and degradation (REDD+)

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2014

This study combined uncertainty analysis of carbon emissions with local stakeholders' perspectives to develop an effective Reducing Emission from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) scheme at the district level. Uncertainty of carbon emission estimates depends on scale while local stakeholders' views on plausible REDD+ schemes influence and limit transaction costs. The uncertainty analysis formed the basis for determining an appropriate scale for monitoring carbon emission estimates as performance measures for REDD+ incentives.

Current European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis, injury levels in the northeastern United States and the value of Bt field corn

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2014
États-Unis d'Amérique

BACKGROUND: Recent evidence indicates that some populations of European corn borer (ECB), Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner), have declined to historic lows owing to widespread adoption of Bt corn hybrids. To understand current ECB populations in Pennsylvania field corn, the authors assessed larval damage in Bt and non‐Bt corn hybrids at 29 sites over 3 years. The influence of Bt adoption rates, land cover types and moth activity on levels of ECB damage was also considered.

Pre-survey suitability evaluation of the differential synthetic aperture radar interferometry method for landslide monitoring

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2012

The active remote-sensing technique differential radar interferometry (D-InSAR) is a powerful method for detection and deformation monitoring of landslides. But the radar-specific imaging geometry causes specific spatial distortions in radar images (as e.g. the layover and shadowing effect), which have a negative impact on the suitability of these images for D-InSAR applications. To address this issue, we present a geographical information system (GIS) procedure to accurately predict the areas in which layover and shadowing will occur, before the area of interest is recorded by radar.

Effects of classification approaches on CRHM model performance

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2012

The cold regions hydrological model (CRHM) platform, a physically based hydrological model using a modular and object-oriented structure, has been applied for simulating the redistribution of snow by wind, snowmelt, infiltration, evapo-transpiration, soil moisture balance, surface depression storage and run-off routing. Land use and land cover classification is a preprocessing procedure to provide the required parameters for CRHM. Per-pixel-based and object-oriented classifications are the two major classification approaches currently in practice.

Effects of climate extremes on the terrestrial carbon cycle: concepts, processes and potential future impacts

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2015

Extreme droughts, heat waves, frosts, precipitation, wind storms and other climate extremes may impact the structure, composition and functioning of terrestrial ecosystems, and thus carbon cycling and its feedbacks to the climate system. Yet, the interconnected avenues through which climate extremes drive ecological and physiological processes and alter the carbon balance are poorly understood. Here, we review the literature on carbon cycle relevant responses of ecosystems to extreme climatic events.

effect of input data transformations on object-based image analysis

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2012

The effect of using spectral transform images as input data on segmentation quality and its potential effect on products generated by object-based image analysis are explored in the context of land cover classification in Accra, Ghana. Five image data transformations are compared to untransformed spectral bands in terms of their effect on segmentation quality and final product accuracy. The relationship between segmentation quality and product accuracy is also briefly explored.