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couverture du sol


Displaying 1345 - 1356 of 1964

Conservation-priority grassland bird response to urban landcover and habitat fragmentation

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2016

As urbanization in the landscape increases, some urban centers are setting aside habitat for wildlife. This habitat may be particularly valuable to declining or conservation-priority species. One group in particular need of conservation actions that may benefit from habitat located in urban areas is grassland birds. Declines of grassland bird species have been particularly severe in the Midwestern U.S., where most grassland cover has been lost, fragmented, and surrounded by unsuitable habitat.

Woody vegetation dynamics in the rangelands of lower Omo region, southwestern Ethiopia

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2013

Woody encroachment is one of the several factors aggravating rangeland degradation in arid and semiarid areas. The goal of this study is to improve our understanding about the relationship between woody encroachment and its potential drivers by analyzing the temporal and spatial pattern of land-cover changes in the lower Omo region of southern Ethiopia. We used a combination of multi-temporal images, as well as climatic and demographic data for the analysis.

Current Distribution, Relative Abundance, and Landscape-Level Habitat Associations of the Cerulean Warbler (Setophaga cerulea) Along the Lower Roanoke River in North Carolina

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2013

Setophaga cerulea (Cerulean Warbler) has been inadequately monitored along the Roanoke River in North Carolina since a breeding population was discovered there in 1972. Our objectives were to estimate the Cerulean Warbler's current population size and distribution along the river, and evaluate landscape habitat characteristics in the Roanoke River Basin among areas used and unused by the same species.

Analyzing the contributing factors of timber demand in Bangladesh

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2012

This study investigates timber demand in Bangladesh. In evaluating timber demand, the significant contributing factors like forest land cover, frequency of furniture manufacturing, price of timber substitute, population growth and railway density have been examined. Panel data over a longer period for a developing country like Bangladesh were not easily available. The data sources were very sporadic for the study — there was no common data pool. A panel dataset over a 17-year period was simulated and analyzed for the study.

Evaluating common drivers for color, iron and organic carbon in Swedish watercourses

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2014

The recent browning (increase in color) of surface waters across much of the northern hemisphere has important implications for light climate, ecosystem functioning, and drinking water treatability. Using log-linear regressions and long-term (6–21 years) data from 112 Swedish watercourses, we identified temporal and spatial patterns in browning-related parameters [iron, absorbance, and total organic carbon (TOC)]. Flow variability and lakes in the catchment were major influences on all parameters.

Fish Influences on Amphibian Presence and Abundance in Prairie and Parkland Landscapes of Minnesota, USA

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2013
États-Unis d'Amérique

Many amphibian populations are declining, and increased understanding of the drivers of amphibian presence and abundance will help in their conservation. In 2005 and 2006 we estimated relative abundance of larvae of two common amphibian taxa, Tiger Salamanders (Ambystoma tigrinum) and ranid tadpoles (Northern Leopard Frog Lithobates pipiens and Wood Frog Lithobates sylvaticus), in 75 shallow lakes in prairie and parkland areas in Minnesota.

Environmental risk factors for equine West Nile virus disease cases in Texas

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2009

West Nile Virus (WNV) was first detected in the Texas equine population during June 2002. Infection has since spread rapidly across the state and become endemic in the equine population. Environmental risk factors associated with equine WNV attack rates in Texas counties during the period 2002 to 2004 were investigated. Equine WNV attack rates were smoothed using an empirical Bayesian model, because of the variability among county equine populations (range 46-9,517).

Landslide susceptibility mapping using rough sets and back-propagation neural networks in the Three Gorges, China

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2013

In the Three Gorges of China, there are frequent landslides, and the potential risk of landslides is tremendous. An efficient and accurate method of generating landslide susceptibility maps is very important to mitigate the loss of lives and properties caused by these landslides. This paper presents landslide susceptibility mapping on the Zigui-Badong of the Three Gorges, using rough sets and back-propagation neural networks (BPNNs). Landslide locations were obtained from a landslide inventory map, supported by field surveys.

Soil Parameters Drive the Structure, Diversity and Metabolic Potentials of the Bacterial Communities Across Temperate Beech Forest Soil Sequences

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2016

Soil and climatic conditions as well as land cover and land management have been shown to strongly impact the structure and diversity of the soil bacterial communities. Here, we addressed under a same land cover the potential effect of the edaphic parameters on the soil bacterial communities, excluding potential confounding factors as climate. To do this, we characterized two natural soil sequences occurring in the Montiers experimental site.

Forest proportion as indicator of ecological integrity in streams using Plecoptera as a proxy

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2011

An assessment system suitable to support implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive's local water management plans should build on quantitative knowledge about a suite of well-documented indicator and umbrella species’ requirements for different stream orders. Assuring high communication value for improving local public awareness and participation for restoring ecological integrity in impaired headwater streams is critical. Loss and fragmentation of forests are major threats to ecological integrity.

Regime shift on the roof of the world: Alpine meadows converting to shrublands in the southern Himalayas

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2013

Worldwide, changing climates and land use practices are escalating woody-plants encroachment into grasslands, reducing biodiversity and altering ecosystem functions. The loss of alpine grasslands is a major conservation concern as they harbor many rare and endemic species. Alpine meadows in Northwest Yunnan, China, represent a global biodiversity hotspot with high species richness, beta diversity, and endemism. Shrubs have expanded greatly in the region and threaten alpine meadow biodiversity.

Multi-scale ecology of woodland bat the role of species pool, landscape complexity and stand structure

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2015

Fragmentation of forest landscapes and structural degradation of woodlands have a holistic negative effect on biodiversity. Bats are considered as indicators of woodland’s structural quality. However, as bats commute long distances on a nightly basis, their diversity should also be limited by large-scale drivers such as landscape and species availability in the region. Therefore we examined roles of the local species pool, landscape structure and habitat properties on species richness of bats through three spatial scales with emphasis on top–down relationships.