Land Tenure for Social and Economic Inclusion in Yemen : Issues and Opportunities
The report, Land Tenure for Social and
Economic Inclusion in Yemen: Issues and Opportunities was
completed in December 2009. The report addresses the
problems of land ownership in Yemen and the various social
and economic problems associated with the system of land
ownership. Property rights under Yemeni Law are expressed
both in custom and statute, but both are informed by shari a
(Islamic law), which provides the basic property categories
Untying the Land Knot : Making Equitable, Efficient, and Sustainable Use of Industrial and Commercial Land
A decade ago in Mozambique, a stakeholder workshop where the need to improve access to industrial and commercial land as a means to encourage investment was a topic of discussion, a government official came up to. In order to create new jobs, generate more income, and modernize the economy, many countries see an urgent need to encourage industrial and commercial investment, both domestic and foreign. However, investment in many sectors cannot take place unless land, along with other basic factors of production, is available.
This guide is written for people who work in land administration and all those with an interest in land, land tenure and their governance. Although much has been written about the importance of good governance in achieving development goals, there is comparatively little material on good governance in land tenure and administration. Failings in governance have adverse consequences for society as a whole. By contrast, good governance can help achieve economic development and the reduction of poverty. Good governance matters.
Natural Resources and Environment Newsletter
In this last issue of the newsletter for 2011, we introduce a new study on corruption in the land sector. The study was carried out by FAO and the Berlinbased Transparency International and it illustrates that the land sector is one of the main public sector areas where corruption exists. In climate change news, the world’s attention is focused on Durban, South Africa where the parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change – including FAO - are meeting this month.
Non-thematic issue
This issue of Unasylva contains, as promised in the previous edition, additional articles on sustainable mountain development. These articles help to complete the focus on the topic and should also help to promote interest in the recently declared International Year of the Mountain (2000) for which FAO has been designated lead agency status within the United Nations system.
Recursos naturales y medio ambiente boletín informativo
Este mes nos es grato invitarles a participar en una consulta electrónica sobre las Directrices Voluntarias sobre la Gobernanza Responsable en la Tenencia de la Tierra y Otros Recursos Naturales. Tras un prolongado proceso de consultas regionales, y antes de acometer la redacción del borrador cero, se están solicitando ahora materiales adicionales para la elaboración de estas directrices.
Evaluation de la réunion de consultation de l'Afrique francophone
Dans le cadre de l'initiative de la FAO sur les Directives Volontaires sur la gouvernance responsable de la tenure des terres et des autres ressources naturelles, une réunion de consultation régionale était organisée à Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso les 23-25 juin 2010. La réunion était une occasion d'échanger des expériences et de discuter des questions et des actions de gouvernance foncière à être intégrées dans les Directives Volontaires. Cette évaluation régionale synthétise les résultats de la réunion de consultation.
Boletín de recursos naturales y medio ambiente
Bienvenidos al primer número de 2011 del Boletín de recursos naturales y medio ambiente. En este número presentaremos la nueva Revista sobre Tenencia de la tierra, una publicación en formato electrónico cuyo primer número acaba de ser lanzado. La revista está dedicada a los asuntos agrarios, incluida la tenencia de la tierra.
Numero non thématique
En conclusion, des informations actuelles, fiables et transparentes sur le secteur forestier sont un ingrdient vital du processus d'amnagement durable. Toutes les organisations et institutions engages dans la gestion durable des forts devraient exploiter les moyens offerts par Internet pour coordonner et relier les serveurs et optimiser ainsi la valeur des informations disponibles. Comme promis dans la prcdente dition, ce numro d'Unasylva contient de nouveaux articles sur le dveloppement durable des montagnes, qui viennent ainsi complter le tour d'horizon de la question.
Natural Resources and Environment Newsletter
In this issue, we will be looking at work underway on the Voluntary Guidelines on responsible governance of tenure of land and other natural resources. We will also look at work done in Thailand and lessons learned by the German-financed Bioenergy and Food Security project.
Natural Resources and Environment newsletter
In this issue of the NR Newsletter, we welcome 2012 as the UN-declared International Year of Energy for All, an opportunity to concentrate global attention on the challenges facing both developed and developing countries when addressing access to and efficient use of sustainable energy sources. We also take a look at an interesting land tenure project that aims to bring advanced technology land registration systems to developing countries, through low-cost open-source software.