Quatrième congrès forestier mondial
Revue internationale des forts et des industries forestires
Revue internationale des forts et des industries forestires
Revista internacional de silvicultura e industrias forestales
An international journal of forestry and forest industries
La información contenida en este documento corresponde a la situación para octubre de 2014. Para una visión de conjunto reciente de las propuestas deNREF/NRF al CMNUCC, por favor consulte http://redd.unfccc.int/fact-sheets/forest-reference-emission-levels.html">enlace
Revue internationale des forts et des industries forestires
A discussion of the concerns of the environmental movement in the Asia-Pacific region with reference to biological diversity, forest loss, indigenous and forest-dependant people and climate change. The environmental perspective of different aspects of forestry development in the region is elucidated. Three possible scenarios for the future are presented depending on the level of achievement of environmental goals.
The Fourth International Technical Conference on Plant Genetic Resources, organized in Leipzig, Germany 17-23 June 1996 (see this number of the Forest Genetic Resources bulletin [FGR]), adopted a Global Plan of Action for the Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture.This plan excluded consideration of forest genetic resources, "..
En el articulo principal sobre la silvicultura y la seguridad alimentaria se resalta la importancia que tiene la silvicultura en el mantenimiento, mejora o rehabilitacin de la capacidad productiva de la agricultura, el rendimiento directo de alimentos vegetales y animales, y su contribucin a la satisfaccin de las necesidades de energa de los hogares para la preparacin de los alimentos. Le sigue un articulo relativo a la contaminacin del aire como amenaza para los bosques de Europa.
This medium-size report identifies the overall situation of data related to fuelwood in Mali. The first part is a very brief introduction to the situation in the country. The second part is a summary of the agro-ecological situation in Mali followed by a third part that identifies the principal production and consumption figures of wood energy. The fourth part is a comparison between the data made available by FAO and that collected in the field while the last part analyses the past, present and future trends of fuelwood use at the national and private level.
An international journal of forestry and forest industries
Meeting Name: Committee on Forestry
Meeting symbol/code: COFO/2014/7.2
An international journal of forestry and forest industries