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IssuesdéboisementLandLibrary Resource
There are 3, 056 content items of different types and languages related to déboisement on the Land Portal.



Displaying 577 - 588 of 1181

Effects of conservation policies on forest cover change in giant panda habitat regions, China

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2013

After long periods of deforestation, forest transition has occurred globally, but the causes of forest transition in different countries are highly variable. Conservation policies may play important roles in facilitating forest transition around the world, including China. To restore forests and protect the remaining natural forests, the Chinese government initiated two nationwide conservation policies in the late 1990s – the Natural Forest Conservation Program (NFCP) and the Grain-To-Green Program (GTGP).

Quantification of aboveground rangeland productivity and anthropogenic degradation on the Arabian Peninsula using Landsat imagery and field inventory data

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2011

The productivity of semi-arid rangelands on the Arabian Peninsula is spatially and temporally highly variable, and increasing grazing pressure as well as the likely effects of climatic change further threatens vegetation resources. Using the Al Jabal al Akhdar mountains in northern Oman as an example, our objectives were to analyse the availability and spatial distribution of aboveground net primary production (ANPP) and the extent and causes of vegetation changes during the last decades with a remote sensing approach.

Beyond REDD+ readiness: land-use governance to reduce deforestation in Peru

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2014

Peru contains the fourth largest area of tropical forest in the world, yet faces a worsening net deforestation rate. In 2008, to address this threat, the national government announced its ambition to reduce deforestation to zero by 2021. Via literature review and key informant interviews, this study assess two years of REDD+ readiness preparations according to six readiness functions. A mixed pattern of outcomes emerge. Although significant advances were made by various local-level initiatives, national-level efforts continue to struggle.

Reducing reservoir impacts and improving outcomes for dam‐forced resettlement: experiences in central Vietnam

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2014
Viet Nam

The present study focuses on the growing problem of the impacts of human displacement resulting from hydropower dam construction, within the context of the integrated lake basin management of dam reservoirs. Dam‐forced displacement and resettlement can pose severe challenges to the environmental, economic and social sustainability of a reservoir basin.

Comprehensive evaluation of the climate-change implications of shifting land use between forest and grassland: New Zealand as a case study

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2012

The transition of land between forest and grassland has important implications for greenhouse gas emissions and removals. In this paper, we use New Zealand as a case study to comprehensively assess, compare and quantify the net climate change impact of shifting land use between temperate forest and grassland. Forests store large amounts of carbon in their biomass, whereas grasslands contain relatively little biomass carbon. These biomass changes tend to dominate the carbon balance under land-use change.

importance of land cover change across urban–rural typologies for climate modeling

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2013

Land cover changes affect local surface energy balances by changing the amount of solar energy reflected, the magnitude and duration over which absorbed energy is released as heat, and the amount of energy that is diverted to non-heating fluxes through evaporation. However, such local influences often are only crudely included in climate modeling exercises, if at all. A better understanding of local land conversion dynamics can serve to inform inputs for climate models and increase the role for land use planning in climate management policy.

Habitat loss and human–elephant conflict in Assam, India: does a critical threshold exist?

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2011

Human–elephant conflict in India, driven by habitat loss and an expanding human population, is a complex challenge for biodiversity conservation. Determining if, how and why this conflict has changed over time will be an important step towards managing landscapes where people and elephants Elephas maximus coexist. This study combines social surveys and remote sensing data to analyse patterns in human–elephant conflict and land-use change over time.

Agroforestry and the search for alternatives to slash-and-burn cultivation: From technological optimism to a political economy of deforestation

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2009

Launched in 1994, the Alternatives to Slash-and-Burn Programme is a multidisciplinary collaborative research effort aimed at addressing the issue of deforestation. This article analyzes the genesis and the history of this research effort and the causes of its successes and failures. I will show that despite the genuine commitment of the ASB Programme to achieve comprehensive analysis linking the social and the biophysical realms, its conclusions and recommendations were biased in favor of biophysical models whose adoption by farmers remained low.

Can REDD+ Save the Forest? The Role of Payments and Tenure

Journal Articles & Books
Septembre, 2012

A recent policy response to halting global forest deforestation and degradation, and any resulting greenhouse gas emissions is REDD+, which also includes the role of conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks. Although still in its infancy, the success of REDD+ will depend significantly on whether it can be economically viable and if any resulting payments are sufficient to cover the opportunity cost plus any transaction cost.

Land use and land cover change in the Colombian Andes: dynamics and future scenarios

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2013

Land use and land cover changes (LUCC) are recognized as one of the most relevant drivers of biodiversity loss in ecosystems. Through the analysis of satellite images, this article quantifies the LUCC that occurred between 1985 and 2008 in the Colombian Andes. Four submodels of changes were analyzed: deforestation, crop intensification, conversion to pastures, and abandonment.

Vegetation change in Brazil’s dryland ecoregions and the relationship to crop production and environmental factors: Cerrado, Caatinga, and Mato Grosso, 2001–2009

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2013

South America’s drylands remain some of the most threatened ecosystems on the planet. Yet, we know very little about the dynamics of land-use and land-cover change (LUCC) in these understudied regions. Our objective is to map vegetation change in Brazil’s three largest dryland ecoregions – the Cerrado, Caatinga, and Mato Grosso seasonal forests – using MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) data from 2001 to 2009 at the scale of the municipality.

Soil-vegetation patterns in secondary slash and burn successions in Central Menabe, Madagascar

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2010

Slash and burn agriculture is a traditional and predominant land use practice in Madagascar and its relevance in the context of forest preservation is significant. At the end of a cycle of culture, the fields become mostly weed covered and the soil fertility starts to drop. As a consequence, these fields are abandoned (they are called “monka”) and the farmers, in the best case, re-use old surfaces where the vegetation has recovered to some extent. Nevertheless, some of the farmers continue to extend part of their cultures into the natural forest.


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Après la COP28, favoriser l’innovation pour mieux mesurer l’adaptation

11 Mars 2024
Mardi 12 mars 2024 16:30 - 18:00 OÙ ? Uniquement en ligne

À mesure que les impacts du changement climatique s’intensifient, il est essentiel de comprendre si l’humanité est sur la bonne voie pour s’adapter ou sur la voie d’une augmentation des niveaux de risque. Cela soulève de nombreux défis, notamment méthodologiques. Dans le sillage de la COP28, cette conférence vise à explorer les outils qualitatifs innovants pour mesurer les progrès d’adaptation, offrant des perspectives complémentaires aux méthodes quantitatives traditionnelles.

logo adapt'action

Alors que le changement climatique continue de s'accentuer, et que les risques associés deviennent plus intenses et complexes que prévu, le dernier rapport du GIEC a montré que les politiques et les projets d’adaptation au climat sont souvent mal suivis.

Les méthodes d’évaluation basées sur des indicateurs quantitatifs ont été jusqu’à présent prédominantes, mais elles montrent des limites, notamment en ce qui concerne la difficulté d’identifier les données statistiques qui saisissent la nature complexe de l’adaptation (par exemple, au-delà des mesures quantitatives du PIB ou du revenu).

Cet événement vise à présenter des outils qualitatifs innovants pour mesurer l’adaptation basés sur des jugements d’experts structurés : Gap Track (IDDRI), le Système d’évaluation de la résilience (Banque mondiale) et le Diagnostic de la capacité d’adaptation et de résilience des pays (Banque mondiale), sont des contributions majeures pour mieux évaluer les progrès de l’adaptation à différentes échelles.

De tels outils d’évaluation peuvent donc s'avérer essentiels, à la fois pour alimenter l’Objectif mondial d’adaptation (GGA) de la CCNUCC, en particulier le programme de travail biennal sur les indicateurs décidés à la COP28, ainsi que pour les ministères de l’Environnement et tous les partenaires de développement international, dans la perspective du deuxième bilan mondial en 2028.

Le webinaire se tiendra en ligne uniquement, en anglais avec traduction française simultanée.

En savoir plus sur le programme AdaptAction :

Agence Française de Développement
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
World Bank Group


Conservation LettersConservation Letters