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Caffeine and conservation

Décembre, 2002
Asie orientale

Overproduction of coffee and low coffee prices have resulted in a global crisis affecting the people and biodiversity of many tropical countries. The authors, from the Wildlife Conservation Society in Indonesia, describe expanding production of low-quality robusta coffee, which contributes to low prices and lowland deforestation, but is not improving the livelihood of local farmers.

State of the forest: Indonesia

Décembre, 2001
Asie orientale

Joint report from Forest Watch Indonesia, World Resources Institute and Global Forest Watch. It provides a detailed analysis of the scale and pace of change affecting Indonesia’s forests. The report concludes that the doubling of deforestation rates in Indonesia is largely the result of a corrupt political and economic system that regards natural resources as a source of revenue to be exploited for political ends and personal gain.

Forests and climate change: role of forest lands as carbon sinks

Décembre, 1996

Forests potentially contribute to global climate change through their influence on the global carbon (C) cycle. They store large quantities of C in vegetation and soil, exchange C with the atmosphere through photosynthesis and respiration, are sources of atmospheric C when they are disturbed, become atmospheric C sinks during abandonment and regrowth after disturbance, and can be managed to alter their role in the C cycle. The world's forest contain about 830 Pg C (1015 g) in their vegetation and soil, with about 1.5 times as much in soil as in vegetation.

The IMF funding deforestation: how International Monetary Fund loans and policies are responsible for global forest loss

Décembre, 2000
République centrafricaine
Fédération de Russie
Afrique sub-saharienne
Amérique latine et Caraïbes
Asie orientale

Report which alleges that International Monetary Fund (IMF) loans and policies have caused extensive deforestation in each of the 15 countries of Africa, Latin America, and Asia studied.This forest loss, the author claims, has occurred both directly and indirectly through:the IMF's promotion of foreign investment in natural resource sectorsausterity measures that cut spending on environmental programsprograms that have unwittingly worsened the conditions of povertythe IMF.s insistence upon export-oriented economic growth.The report finds that:IMF induced cuts have impeded:Promotion of resp

Can payments for avoided deforestation to tackle climate change also benefit the poor?

Décembre, 2005

Avoided deforestation (AD) has become a global concern with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). This paper discusses financial incentive schemes to reduce rates of deforestation and forest degradation in tropical countries may be established and considers some of the issues from the perspective of host countries and the forest-dependent poor.

Forests and floods: drowning in fiction or thriving on facts?

Décembre, 2004

This new report from FAO and CIFOR challenges the conventional wisdom linking large-scale flooding to deforestation. The report acknowledges that forests can play a role in minimising runoff that causes localised flooding. But it concludes that there is no evidence that a loss of trees significantly contributes to severe widespread flooding. Even at the local level, the report notes, the flood-reducing effects of forests are heavily dependent on soil depth and structure, and saturation levels, not exclusively on the presence of the trees.

From Dutch disease to deforestation - a macroeconomic link? A case study from Ecuador

Décembre, 1996
Amérique latine et Caraïbes

In the literature about macroeconomics and deforestation, it is often supposed that strong foreign exchange outflows (e.g. debt service) increase deforestation, as higher poverty augments frontier migration and natural resources are squeezed to generate export revenues. This paper analyses the opposite phenomenon, i.e. the deforestation impact of substantial foreign exchange inflows, which is analysed in the "Dutch Disease" macroeconomics literature.

Curtains for sandflies? Controlling skin leishmaniasis in Venezuela.

Décembre, 2001
Amérique latine et Caraïbes

The incidence of skin diseases, including leishmaniasis, spread by different varieties of sandflies in tropical areas has increased dramatically in humans. Because of deforestation, sandflies have encroached further into human settlements. Here they have begun to infect domestic animals and humans. What can be done to control this trend? Researchers studied the impact that insecticide impregnated curtains have had on skin leishmaniasis.

What drives deforestation and what stops it? A meta-analysis of spatially explicit econometric studies

Janvier, 2014

This paper presents a meta-analysis of what drives deforestation and what stops it. The researchers find that forests are more likely to be cleared where economic returns to agriculture and pasture are higher, either due to more favorable climatological and topographic conditions, or due to lower costs of clearing forest and transporting products to market. It is argued that timber activity, land tenure security, and community demographics do not show a consistent association with either higher or lower deforestation.


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Après la COP28, favoriser l’innovation pour mieux mesurer l’adaptation

11 Mars 2024
Mardi 12 mars 2024 16:30 - 18:00 OÙ ? Uniquement en ligne

À mesure que les impacts du changement climatique s’intensifient, il est essentiel de comprendre si l’humanité est sur la bonne voie pour s’adapter ou sur la voie d’une augmentation des niveaux de risque. Cela soulève de nombreux défis, notamment méthodologiques. Dans le sillage de la COP28, cette conférence vise à explorer les outils qualitatifs innovants pour mesurer les progrès d’adaptation, offrant des perspectives complémentaires aux méthodes quantitatives traditionnelles.

logo adapt'action

Alors que le changement climatique continue de s'accentuer, et que les risques associés deviennent plus intenses et complexes que prévu, le dernier rapport du GIEC a montré que les politiques et les projets d’adaptation au climat sont souvent mal suivis.

Les méthodes d’évaluation basées sur des indicateurs quantitatifs ont été jusqu’à présent prédominantes, mais elles montrent des limites, notamment en ce qui concerne la difficulté d’identifier les données statistiques qui saisissent la nature complexe de l’adaptation (par exemple, au-delà des mesures quantitatives du PIB ou du revenu).

Cet événement vise à présenter des outils qualitatifs innovants pour mesurer l’adaptation basés sur des jugements d’experts structurés : Gap Track (IDDRI), le Système d’évaluation de la résilience (Banque mondiale) et le Diagnostic de la capacité d’adaptation et de résilience des pays (Banque mondiale), sont des contributions majeures pour mieux évaluer les progrès de l’adaptation à différentes échelles.

De tels outils d’évaluation peuvent donc s'avérer essentiels, à la fois pour alimenter l’Objectif mondial d’adaptation (GGA) de la CCNUCC, en particulier le programme de travail biennal sur les indicateurs décidés à la COP28, ainsi que pour les ministères de l’Environnement et tous les partenaires de développement international, dans la perspective du deuxième bilan mondial en 2028.

Le webinaire se tiendra en ligne uniquement, en anglais avec traduction française simultanée.

En savoir plus sur le programme AdaptAction :

Agence Française de Développement
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
World Bank Group


Conservation LettersConservation Letters