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There are 973 content items of different types and languages related to Politique forestière on the Land Portal.
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Centre pour l'Environnement et le Développement Cameroun


Mission et Objectifs

Le CED s’est donné pour mission de contribuer à la protection des droits, des intérêts, de la culture et les aspirations des communautés locales et autochtones des forêts d’Afrique Centrale, par la promotion de la justice environnementale et de la gestion durable des ressources naturelles dans la région.

Nos objectifs sont les suivants:

  • Réduire les impacts écologiques et sociaux des industries extractives;

Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Ethnic Kazakhs, a mix of Turkic and Mongol nomadic tribes who migrated to the region by the 13th century, were rarely united as a single nation. The area was conquered by Russia in the 18th century, and Kazakhstan became a Soviet Republic in 1936. Soviet policies reduced the number of ethnic Kazakhs in the 1930s and enabled non-ethnic Kazakhs to outnumber natives. During the 1950s and 1960s agricultural "Virgin Lands" program, Soviet citizens were encouraged to help cultivate Kazakhstan's northern pastures.

Forest Products Society


The Forest Products Society is an international not-for-profit technical association founded in 1947 to provide an information network for all segments of the forest products industry. Learn more about the Society's history. Membership is open to all interested individuals and organizations.

Canadian Institute of Resources Law - University of Calgary


The Canadian Institute of Resources Law (CIRL), a registered charitable organization, is a leading national centre of expertise on energy and environmental policy and law issues relating to Alberta's energy and natural resources. Since its establishment in 1979, the Institute has developed an international reputation for excellence in resources, energy and environmental law, and pursues a three-fold mandate to undertake research, education and publication activities on energy and the environment. 


 Fern (also Stichting Fern) is a Dutch foundation created in 1995. It is an international Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) set up to keep track of the European Union's involvement in forests and to coordinate NGO activities at the European level. Through its work, Fern aims to increase the political and economic opportunities for people to create a more balanced society in which human rights are fully respected and environmental and social values are fully integrated.



The European Timber Trade Federation


The European Timber Trade Federation (ETTF) represents sixteen key importing trade federations from thirteen countries: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, and UK (as of 2016). ETTF promotes the interests of timber trade in Europe, and more specifically its main objectives are to: Make timber the sustainable choice; Support international efforts to address deforestation, governance and climate change; Implement Codes of Conducts. 

Oxford Policy Management


Oxford Policy Management (OPM) is an international development consulting firm which aims to help low- and middle-income countries achieve growth and reduce poverty and disadvantage through public policy reform.

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