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Issuesterre agricoleLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 313 - 324 of 3334

Regulation No. 34 of the Ministry of Finance regarding the modalities of calculation and payment of land tax.

Fédération de Russie
Asie central

The plots of public land can be: 1) sold or transferred free of charge into private ownership; 2) transferred on condition of permanent of temporary land tenure; 3) transferred on other conditions regulated by legislative acts or international agreements. Ownership of land is represented by private property of citizens and non-governmental legal persons. The owner has the right of possession, tenancy and disposal of land pertaining to his ownership. The Regulation consists of 14 Sections and contains 8 Annexes. Section 1 lays down the general provisions.

Ministerial Decree No. 611 regarding the validation of the Regulation on the modalities of concession of land share in the process of privatisation of the state agricultural enterprises.

Fédération de Russie
Asie central

The Government decrees to validate the Regulation and the form of the land share certificate. The General Meetings of the collective farmers are recommended to be guided by this Regulation in the process of reformation of their collective farms. In the process of privatisation of the state agricultural enterprises, their workers are authorized to sell or transfer property shares and to let other members of the work collective have the proper land share on bilateral contractual basis for the use of these shares in agricultural production.

Decree No. 1126A-XII of the Supreme Soviet regarding carrying out the Law on the particulars of the privatization of property of state agricultural enterprises.

Fédération de Russie
Asie central

The Supreme Soviet (Parliament) decrees to carry into force the Law on the particulars of the privatisation of the property of state agricultural enterprises from the 1 February 1992. The Supreme Soviet entitles the Government to examine the possibility of transfer free-of-charge of the property of some state agricultural enterprises to their work collectives.

Protection Measure of Xiamen City of PRC on Agricultural Environment.

Asie orientale

With a view to protect and improve the agricultural environment in Xiamen, to prevent pollution and protect ecosystem, the Measure is hereby formulated. The agricultural environment is defined as including land, water for agricultural purposes, air and other factors which have an impact on the survival and development of agricultural resources.

Implements: Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China. (1989-12-26)
Implements: Agriculture Law of the People's Republic of China (1993-07-02)

Resolución Nº 960/98 - Principios básicos para las fincas estatales.


La presente Resolución dispone que las entidades estatales del Ministerio de la Agricultura que cuenten en la actualidad con fincas estatales, deberán adecuarlas a los Principios básicos que la mencionada Resolución establece, disponiendo que la responsabilidad en cuanto a la creación, funcionamiento y desarrollo de la finca estatal como forma organizativa de producción agropecuaria corresponde a los directores de empresas.

Décret nº 94-265 portant création d'un périmètre public irrigué à Sidi-Shill - Sidi Ali J'Bini.

Afrique septentrionale

Ce décret porte création d'un périmètre public irrigué à Sidi-Shill - Sidi Ali J'Bini. Il fixe à 60 ha la limite de la superficie totale des parcelles appartenant à un même propriétaire. La contribution aux investissememnts publics effectués dans ce périmètre est fixée à 600 dinars par hectare irrigable. Le périmètre est classé dans les zones d'interdictions prévues par l'article 4 de la loi nº 83-87 relative à la protection des terres agricoles.

Loi nº 58/63.

Afrique septentrionale

Les dispositions de cette loi s'appliquent aux terres situées dans le périmètre d'irrigation de la mise en valeur de la basse vallée de la Medjerma. Tout propriétaire de terrain agricole ou irrigable, possédant plus de 2 hectares, est débiteur envers l'Etat d'une contribution aux investissements publics effectués pour permettre l'irrigation. La superficie de toute parcelle appartenant à un même propriétaire ne peut excéder 50 hectares de terres irrigables. Les propriétaires sont tenus de mettre en valeur les terrains par la pratique constante et régulière de cultures irriguées.

Law on pastures No. 4342.

Asie occidentale

This Law sets forth basic procedures and rules for the defining and allocation of pasture areas to various villages and municipalities. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs is authorized to determine the boundaries of pastures and their allocation to relevant entities. The procedure for this application is clearly defined in the Law. The finalized boundaries are then recorded to corresponding title deeds. Allocation process is renewed every five years.

Law No. 8406 amending Law No. 8318 on leasing the agricultural and forest lands.

Europe méridionale

This Law amends Law No. 8318 on leasing the agricultural and forest lands. It consists of 3 articles re-defining land leasing conditions of the aforementioned areas and establishing requirements to be satisfied in order to obtain a leasing contract for agricultural or forest exploitation.

Amends: Law No. 8318 on Leasing Agricultural and Forest Land, Pastures and Meadows which are covered in the State Property Law 1995. (1998-04-01)

Federal Law No. 22-FZ of 1994 on amendments and addenda to the Law of the RSFSR on land charges.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

The expression RSFSR in the title of the Law « On land charges », in paragraph 1 and in the article 22 is substituted with the words Russian Federation. Paragraph 2 of article 5 acquires a new wording that reads as follows: « Average land charges calculated per hectare of arable land for each region are applicable in accordance with Annex 1».