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There are 1, 021 content items of different types and languages related to résolution des conflits fonciers on the Land Portal.
Displaying 61 - 72 of 841

Loi n°44-2000 portant Code pastoral en Mauritanie.

Afrique occidentale

Les dispositions de la présente loi ont pour objet de définir les concepts et les principes d’une gestion rationnelle de l’espace pastoral et de déterminer les règles précises devant régir l’ensemble des aspects de l’activité pastorale de manière à assurer la préservation et la promotion du pastoralisme dans le cadre d’une évolution harmonieuse du développement rural. Le droit d’accès aux ressources pastorales est entendu comme la garantie pour le pasteur de la liberté de passage vers la ressource naturelle.

Land Adjudication Act, 2000 (Act No. 14 of 2000).


The Minister may by Order in such form as may be prescribed, declare any area to be an adjudication area, from such date as may be specified in the Order (sect. 3). There shall be an Adjudication Officer who shall be an attorney-at-law of at least ten years The President shall appoint such Assistant Adjudication Officers, Demarcation Officers, Recording Officers and Survey Officers as may be necessary for the purposes of this Act.

Decree No.2418-XII of the Supreme Soviet regarding validation of the law regarding the right to land property.

Europe orientale

The Supreme Soviet decrees as follows: 1). to put into effect the law regarding the right to land property from the 1st of September 1993; 2). till the conformation of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus to the law regarding the right to land property the effective legislative acts must be used to the extent that they do not contradict the aforesaid law; 3).

Law No.2417-XII of 1993 regarding the right to land property.

Europe orientale

The present Law establishes the form of land ownership, the base of origin, changes and cessation of land ownership, regulates the order of realization of the rights and the duties of landowners. The land relationship connected with privatisation of buildings, structures, and constructions belonging to state property are regulated by special acts related to land legislation. Land ownership in the Republic of Belarus is present in the forms of state and private ownership.

Protocole dans le cadre de la convention sur la protection des Alpes (convention alpine) sur le règlement des différends, signé à Lucerne le 31 octobre 2000.

International Conventions or Treaties
Europe occidentale
Europe orientale
Europe méridionale
Europe septentrionale

Ce protocole a été convenu par les Parties contractantes de la Convention sur la protection des Alpes (Convention alpine) soucieuses d'élaborer une procédure efficace de consultation et de règlement des différends dans le cadre de la Convention alpine et de ses protocoles. En cas de différend relatif à l'interprétation ou à l'application de la Convention alpine ou de l'un de ses protocoles, les Parties contractantes s'efforcent en priorité de trouver un règlement par voie de consultation ou par une procédure d'arbitrage.

Lands Referee Act (Cap. 148).


A Land Referee shall be appointed by the President on the advice of the Judicial Service Commission. The Referee shall have jurisdiction to determine the following matters: (a) the amount of rent payable for a lease of land whether originally or on periodic reassessment; (b) the value of improvements on or to land; (c) any matter referred to him by any party to a lease of land relating to the interpretation of a provision in a lease; (d) any matter which is by any Act or Order directed to be determined by him. A decision of the Referee shall be final.

Alienated Lands Act (Cap. 145).


This Act makes provision for the registration of alienators having the right to negotiate negotiation of alienation of land of custom owners and the registration of mortgages on alienated land. Furthermore the Act provides for various matters relative to negotiation of land and consequences of alienation. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Land Reform Act, Cap. 123, the Minister shall cause a register of alienators to be kept (sect. 2) and if the Minister is satisfied that an applicant under section 3 is an alienator he shall register him as such in the Register.

Lands Referee (Amendment) Act (No. 16 of 1989).


The principal Act is further amended by deleting section 4 and substituting the following new-section therefor: A decision of the Referee shall be final: provided that any person aggrieved by the decision as being erroneous in point of law may appeal to the Supreme Court within 30 days of the notification by the Referee of his decision to him.

Amends: Lands Referee Act (Cap. 148). (1984)

Act No. 17 of 1999 relating to tenancy agreements (Tenancy Act).

Europe septentrionale

This Act defines rights and duties of parties involved in agreements relating to the right to the use of property in return for remuneration and provides for arbitration between parties.The Act is divided into 13 Chapters: General provisions(1); Availability for occupation by the tenant and requirements regarding the property (2); Rent and other payment (3); Rent protection (4); The parties’ obligations during the tenancy period (5); Resident representation in certain tenancies of dwellings (6); Inclusion as member of household and sub-letting (7); Change of tenant by transfer or succession

Environment Protection Enactment 2002

Asia du sud-est

This Act constitutes the legislative framework in matter of environmental protection within the State of Sabah. Part II of the Act is devoted to the setting up of the Environment Protection Council whose functions shall be to advise the State Government on matters relevant to the implementation of these provisions. On the other side, Part IV of the Act provides for the establishment of the Environment Protection Fund. Further provisions as regards public servants and administration competent in the environmental field are laid down in Part V.

Order No.160 of 1994 of the Ministry of Natural Resources regarding validation of the Instructions on the organization and carrying out state control over the use and protection of land by the bodies of the Ministry.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

The Minister orders to validate the Instructions. Structural bodies of the central office of the Ministry and its territorial agencies must adopt for guidance and application the aforesaid Regulation. The present Instructions regulate the activity of the bodies of the Ministry of Natural Resources as regards the organization and carrying out state control over the use and protection of land.

Republican Resolution on Law No. 39 of 1991 on the Land Register.

Asie occidentale

This Resolution is composed of 37 articles. Terms and definitions are given in article 1. Lands shall be divided into 3 parts: public lands, private lands and endowment lands (art. 2). There shall be two systems for land registration: individual and corporate body (art. 3). The inheritance right shall be written if it includes a land (art. 10). Rent contracts which exceed 5 years shall be registered in the appropriate newspaper (art. 13). Articles 20-26 deals with dispute settlements. The Prime Minister shall issue the Regulation for registration fees (art. 33).