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Village Councils Ordinance.

Sri Lanka
Asie méridionale

The Ordinance provides for the institution of Village Councils for the purpose of town development and endorses them with the power to order surveys and dispose of the land, to redistribute it between adjacent villages and to issue land taxes or levyand to provide for all related matters, legal and administrative.

Town and Country Planning Ordinance.

Sri Lanka
Asie méridionale

The Ordinance provides for planning projects in order to improve the use of lands, their redistribution, the erection of infrastructures and further advance the development of urban areas.

Implemented by: Order declaring Ambalanthota Girihandu Raja Maha Vihara as Sacred Area. (2010-03-31)
Implemented by: Order declaring Ampara Deegavapi as Sacred Area . (2008-01-23)
Implemented by: Order declaring Hittetiya Rajamahaa Vihara as a Sacred Area. (2014-02-05)

Arrêté royal portant exécution de l'article 37, alinéa 2, de la loi du 29 mars 1962 organique de l'aménagement du territoire et de l'urbanisme.

Europe occidentale

Le susdit arrêté porte la réglementation relative à l’exécution de l'article 37, alinéa 2, de la loi du 29 mars 1962 organique de l'aménagement du territoire et de l'urbanisme. Ce dernier article a trait à l’indemnité à charge, suivant le cas, de l'Etat, de l'association intercommunale ou de la commune lorsque l'interdiction de bâtir ou de lotir résultant d'un plan revêtu de la force obligatoire met fin à l'usage auquel un bien est affecté ou normalement destiné. A ce propos l’article 1er de l’arrêté précité établit que les parties peuvent, chacune à ses frais, faire appel.

Council of Ministers Decree No. 117/CCM on the management and use of forests and forested land.

Asia du sud-est

Part I, Management of forests and forested lands: provisions are made on social and community forestry in order to preserve, manage, maintain, rehabilitate forests and forested lands by maen of strategic planning, appointing Directors of Forestry to organize, supervise and implement the plans, encouraging investments in forestry industrial production.

Regional Law No. 49-z on concession free-of-charge to the citizens of the plots of public or municipal land.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

Except for cases envisaged by the Land Code and federal laws, citizens actually having in use plots of land for personal housing construction and exploitation of individual housing facilities, pertaining to public or municipal property, and having used them till the adoption of the Land Code, have the right to a single acquisition of free-of-charge of the plots of land on condition of property.

Subdivision of Lands Act.


The provisions of this Act shall apply to any part or whole of any such area or areas as the Minister may, from time to time, by Order in the Gazette define and shall apply to all lands described therein except those listed in section 2. No land shall be subdivided without the approval of the Director of Town and Country Planning except in the circumstances listed in section 4. Application for approval by the Director must be made in accordance with section. Local authorities shall consider the application and make recommendations to the Director (sect. 7).

Ley Nº 37 - Código Agrario.

Amérique centrale

El Código Agrario tiene como objetivo fundamental la reforma agraria integral y la abolición del acaparamiento de tierra inculta u ociosa o con fines especulativos.

Enmendado por: Ley Nº 68 - Establece la titulación conjunta como forma de adquirir la tierra. (2001-12-19)
Enmendado por: Ley Nº 38 - Ley de Asociaciones Cooperativas. (1980-10-22)
Enmendado por: Ley Nº 55 - Código Agrario de la República de Panamá. (2011-05-23)

Decree No. 129/2003/ND-CP detailing the implementation of the National Assembly's Resolution No. 15/2003/QH11 on agricultural land-use tax exemption and reduction.

Viet Nam
Asia du sud-est

This Decree provides for the exemption from the agricultural land use tax in case of land assigned by the State to households and individuals for agricultural development, or belonging to farmer cooperatives whose land has been assigned for agricultural production, or for agricultural and forestry farmers which have been assigned lands for farming, in poor and less favoured areas.

Regional Law No.191-35 of 1998 on investments in immovable property of St.Petersburg.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

This Law establishes the conditions and the modalities of realization on investment activity aimed at building of the plots of land, for completion of unfinished constructions, reconstruction of edifices, their parts belonging to St.Petersburg for the purpose of profiting when the result is creation of immovable property. Article 7 establishes that investment prospect must contain the obligation of a potential investor to pay the services of the preparation of urban construction and land surveying documentation.