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IssueseauLandLibrary Resource
There are 709 content items of different types and languages related to eau on the Land Portal.



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Journal Articles & Books
Septembre, 2005

Az árvízvédelmi töltések védelmében, az árvizek levonulásában, ezáltal ma-gában az árvízvédelemben a gyepesítésnek jelentős szerepe van. Gazdaságossá-gát nem lehet egzakt módon bizonyítani, hiszen míg a létesítési és fenntartási költségeket egyértelműen meghatározhatjuk, a bevételi oldal összetett és nehezen számszerűsíthető. Az árvízvédelmi földgátak gyepesítésének társadalmi hasznossága és gazda-sági előnye mégis vitathatatlan:-közvetlen gazdasági haszon: pl.

La gestion communautaire des ressources en eau douce: Un guide du practicien pour appliquer la théorie TNC de la Voix, du Choix et de l’Action

Manuals & Guidelines
Février, 2020

Bien qu’étant une des ressources les plus essentielles pour toute vie sur Terre, l’eau douce ne représente que 3% des ressources d’eau de la planète, et seulement 0,5% de cette eau douce est facilement accessible aux humains. De plus, les ressources d’eau douce (RED) disponibles sont inégalement distribuées à travers le globe, de nombreuses régions et populations faisant face à des problèmes de pénurie et de qualité d’eau.

Water Erosion Reduction Using Different Soil Tillage Approaches for Maize (Zea mays L.) in the Czech Republic

Peer-reviewed publication
Septembre, 2020
République centrafricaine
États-Unis d'Amérique
Europe orientale
République tchèque

In today’s agriculture, maize is considered to be one of the major feed, food and industrial crops. Cultivation of maize by inappropriate agricultural practices and on unsuitable sites is connected with specific risks of soil degradation, mainly due to water erosion of the soil.

Where Do Ecosystem Services Come From? Assessing and Mapping Stakeholder Perceptions on Water Ecosystem Services in the Muga River Basin (Catalonia, Spain)

Peer-reviewed publication
Septembre, 2020
États-Unis d'Amérique

Reductions in water availability and increasing rainfall variability are generating a narrative of growing competition for water in the Mediterranean basin. In this article, we explore the distribution and importance of water resources in the Muga River Basin (Catalonia, Spain) based on key stakeholders’ perceptions. We performed a sociocultural evaluation of the main water ecosystem services in the region through stakeholder interviews and participatory mapping.

Proportional Variation of Potential Groundwater Recharge as a Result of Climate Change and Land-Use: A Study Case in Mexico

Peer-reviewed publication
Septembre, 2020
États-Unis d'Amérique

This work proposes a methodology whereby the selection of hydrologic and land-use cover change (LUCC) models allows an assessment of the proportional variation in potential groundwater recharge (PGR) due to both land-use cover change (LUCC) and some climate change scenarios for 2050. The simulation of PGR was made through a distributed model, based on empirical methods and the forecasting of LUCC stemming from a supervised classification with remote sensing techniques, both inside a Geographic Information System.

Climate change, conflict and crisis in Lake Chad

Août, 2018
Afrique sub-saharienne

This year's 2nd edition of the European Security and Defence Union journal is looking into climate change as global security and humanitarian challenge. Janani Vivekananda, Senior Adviser for Climate Change and Peacebuilding at adelphi, has contributed to the journal with a piece on the climate security crisis currently plaguing the Lake Chad basin. Lake Chad is a geophysical and ecological miracle.

Climate Change and International Security: Resource Guide 2017 - Consolidated Edition

Avril, 2018

The Climate Change and International Security Resource Guide is produced for the Brussels Dialogue on Climate Diplomacy (BDCD) which consists of a series of informal meetings to exchange information and promote cooperation among European institutions and international organisations active in the nexus between climate change and international, national, human and environmental security.

NATO Report on Food and Water Security in the MENA Region

Mai, 2017
Afrique septentrionale
Asie occidentale

The NATO Parliamentary Assemblies’ Science and Technology Committee drafted a new report on Food and Water Security in the Middle East and North Africa. The report underlines that pressures on natural resources and connected impacts on food production are factors that contribute to the (in-) security of the MENA region. The document summarizes causes as well as possible technical and governance approaches to improve food and water security in the region. The initiative shows that the role of environmental resources is increasingly taken seriously in the sphere of security policy.

Groundswell: Preparing for Internal Climate Migration

Journal Articles & Books
Mars, 2018
Amérique du Sud
Amérique centrale
Afrique sub-saharienne

Internal climate migrants are rapidly becoming the human face of climate change. According to this new World Bank report, without urgent global and national climate action, Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia and Latin America could see more than 140 million people move within their countries’ borders by 2050.

The geography of future water challenges

Mai, 2018

This new report by the PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency in collaboration with the Clingendael Institute and other Dutch research institutes points to pressure on security and migration arising from too little, too much or polluted water. Many integrated solutions are possible to divert this trend towards a sustainable and climate-resilient world.