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Scenarios of land system change in the Lao PDR: Transitions in response to alternative demands on goods and services provided by the land

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2016

Sudden and gradual land use changes can result in different socio-ecological systems, sometimes referred to as regime shifts. The Lao PDR (Laos) has been reported to show early signs of such regime shifts in land systems with potentially major socio-ecological implications. However, given the complex mosaic of different land systems, including shifting cultivation, such changes are not easily assessed using traditional land cover data. Moreover, regime shifts in land systems are difficult to simulate with traditional land cover modelling approaches.

Colaborarea Republicii Moldova cu Organizaţia Naţiunilor Unite pentru Alimentaţie și Agricultură (F.A.O.)

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2016

In this article the author has aimed a study on F.A.O. regarding historical aspects of formation F.A.O. as a specialized agency of the UN, analysis directions of its activity, its main functions etc. The author also aims to examine specific issues related to cooperation between F.A.O. and Moldova, directions and areas of cooperation, the development of these relations, the legislation which materializes the legal relations of collaboration and the benefits they had the Republic of Moldova as a result of collaboration with F.A.O.

Effect Ca- en Mg-meststoffen op bodemkwaliteit en grasproductie op veengrond

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2016

Uit onderzoek in 2010 blijkt dat het gemeten stikstofleverend vermogen van veengraslanden varieert tussen 170 en 340 kg N per ha, en dat de verhouding tussen calcium (Ca) en magnesium (Mg) in de bodem hier een belangrijke voorspeller voor is. In het kader van het project ‘Bodemindicatoren voor duurzaam bodemgebruik in de veenweiden’ hebben het Louis Bolk Instituut, het Veenweiden Innovatiecentrum en WUR-Alterra onderzocht of er ook een oorzakelijk verband is tussen de Ca/Mg-verhouding en het stikstofleverend vermogen.