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Sécuriser les producteurs des périmètres irrigués de Sélingué et Maninkoura

Reports & Research
Mars, 2016

Cette étude présente les résultats des enquêtes auprès des acteurs paysans, gestionnaires et acteurs privés des périmètres de Sélingué et Maninkoura (Mali) concernant les modalités d’application et la pertinence du cahier des charges actuel. Les entretiens portaient sur le système de gestion foncière et le développement des périmètres tels que les acteurs pouvaient le percevoir. Il s’agissait, avec l’ensemble des acteurs, de discuter des formes de sécurisation foncière, nécessaires et envisageables, qui pourraient permettre un meilleur développement des exploitations familiales.

Securing land tenure for farmers in the Sélingué and Maninkoura irrigation schemes

Reports & Research
Mars, 2016

This study presents the results of field interviews with farmers, managers and the private sector from the Sélingué and Maninkoura (Mali) irrigation schemes to discuss how the current terms and conditions of the farming contract are implemented. These interviews focused on the functioning of the land management system as perceived by the stakeholders. The aim was to discuss the necessary and possible reforms of land tenure security which might allow a better development of smallholder farms.

Land Tenure Considerations in Sri Lanka’s Proposed National REDD+ Strategy

Conference Papers & Reports
Mars, 2016
Sri Lanka

At the request of the Sri Lankan Government an assessment was designed and conducted as part of the development of the country’s national strategy on REDD+.  The assessment involved applying criteria from the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries, and Forests (VGGT) to analyze the tenure implications for a wide array of proposed policies and measures (PAMs) to address deforestation and forest degradation.  The assessment will help Sri Lanka to prioritize and make investment decisions among the PAMs.


Reports & Research
Mars, 2016
Asia du sud-est

... In December 2015, representatives of governments, civil society organizations, Indigenous Peoples’ groups, and the private sector met in Paris for the 21st
Conference of Parties (COP 21) of the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The aim of this meeting was to determine a global path forward that would limit the rise in global temperature to no more than 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and allow countries to reach peak greenhouse gas emissions as soon
as possible.

'Silent' agricultural revolution in rural west germany (1945-1973)A review of recent studies on German agricultural history

Journal Articles & Books
Mars, 2016

Recent studies have focused on the 'silent' agricultural revolution that occurred in rural West German society during the postwar period. The purpose of this paper is to provide a new framework by reviewing these recent studies in three research fields: (1) German rural social history, (2) the history of German agricultural policy, and (3) the ecological aspects of the land consolidation program ('Flurbereinigung').

Un nuevo método para la evaluación de la sustentabilidad agropecuaria en la provincia de Salta, Argentina

Journal Articles & Books
Mars, 2016

En este trabajo se describe una experiencia de diseño, desarrollo y cálculo de un índice de evaluación de la sustentabilidad agropecuaria. Este índice, que se denominó ISAP (Índice de Sustentabilidad Agropecuaria), se estimó en siete establecimientos agropecuarios del departamento de Anta de la provincia de Salta, en el noroeste de Argentina. El ISAP se construyó mediante la estimación de indicadores previamente seleccionados de manera conjunta con los productores agropecuarios locales durante tres series de encuestas estructuradas y semiestructuradas realizadas entre los años 2012 y 2014.

Ley Orgánica de Tierras Rurales y Territorios Ancestrales.

Mars, 2016

La presente Ley Orgánica de Tierras Rurales y Territorios Ancestrales, tiene por objeto normar el uso y acceso a la propiedad de la tierra rural, el derecho a la propiedad de la misma que deberá cumplir la función social y la función ambiental. Regula la posesión, la propiedad, la administración y redistribución de la tierra rural como factor de producción para garantizar la soberanía alimentaria, mejorar la productividad, propiciar un ambiente sustentable y equilibrado, y otorgar seguridad jurídica a los titulares de derechos.

A Portfolio Review of World Bank Rice Projects

Mars, 2016

Rice is the world’s most heavily
consumed staple crop. Its production requires enormous
volumes of water and emits large quantities of atmospheric
methane, a greenhouse gas some many times more powerful than
carbon dioxide - particularly during a medium term period of
about seven years. In a global context of growing
population, increasingly scarce water resources, and climate
change, more productive, sustainable, and efficient rice

Trade Facilitation for Global and Regional Value Chains in SACU

Mars, 2016

In this context, this note summarizes
the findings of a recent World Bank, SACU Secretariat
assessment of regional trade facilitation based on the Trade
and Transport Facilitation Assessment (TTFA) methodology.
The assessment looks at regional trade facilitation through
the lens of value chains, with the objective to understand
how the region’s trade and transport environment could be
improved to facilitate more extensive and deeply integrated