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Report on the implementation of the comprehensive Africa agriculture development programme (CAADP) : input to the Ministers of Finance Meeting

Conference Papers & Reports
Février, 2012

This progress, however, has exposed the critical constraints and experiences in CAADP implementation. Implementation of country plans for results and impact has now put CAADP on the spot to demonstrate that the good policy environment provided can be translated into clear results, impact with clear growth, food security and increased incomes.

Instituciones agrarias contemporáneas en Venezuela

Policy Papers & Briefs
Février, 2012

 * Carina Salazar-Guerrero
Venezuela fue un país de tradición agraria agroexportadora hispanocolonial hasta el siglo XIX. Desde hace ya cien años fue un país petrolero, con la actividad explotadora de un recurso no renovable clave en la acumulación de capital durante todo el siglo XX, lo cual, indudablemente, marcó su historia agraria y su expresión institucional. En el presente artículo la investigadora realiza una descripción puntual de los principales aspectos económicos y estructurales que marcaron la historia agraria venezolana.
La clave de los primeros treinta años

Infographic on Women and Agriculture Highlights Land as a Development Constraint

Janvier, 2012

A recent USAID publication titled, The Global State of Agriculture, cites access to land as one reason why women farmers are less productive than men. Structures within the statutory and customary land tenure systems compounded by societal norms in many locations limit a woman's ability to secure land. Click the links below to see the infographic and a report outlining land tenure and property rights challenges for women.
To view the infographic, click here.
To read the full report linking Land Tenure, Property Rights and Gender Challenges, click here.

Conocimientos tradicionales Ticuna en la agricultura de chagra y los mecanismos innovadores para su protección

Journal Articles & Books
Janvier, 2012

La vinculación de los pueblos indígenas al mercado global es una realidad y en ella se configuran estrategias de apropiación del conocimiento tradicional, sin que medie norma alguna que permita restituir los derechos que ostentan los poseedores de dichos conocimientos, en tanto que las poblaciones indígenas vienen solicitando un sistema sui generis para su protección y vinculación equitativa en dichos mercados.

Carbon sequestration in agricultural soils

Janvier, 2012
Asie orientale
Afrique sub-saharienne
Asie méridionale
Amérique latine et Caraïbes

This report aims to improve the knowledge base for scaling-up investments in land management technologies that sequester soil carbon for increased productivity under changing climate conditions. The report presents the following key messages.

Regional approaches to food and water security in the face of climate challenges

Janvier, 2012
Afrique sub-saharienne

A workshop held in Midrand, South Africa, in May 2011 brought together policy and decision-makers, researchers and practitioners to discuss water security issues in eastern and southern Africa. This proceedings document summarises the workshop's outcomes with the aim of:

improving the understanding of water security
identifying opportunities to better address challenges faced by individual countries and sectors
highlighting areas for further research
identifying immediate opportunities for development projects.

Forced Displacement: Legal Versus Illegal Crops

Journal Articles & Books
Janvier, 2012

Anecdotal evidence suggests that, in stateless regions in Colombia, the establishment of oil palm 1 plantations generates more forced migration than the introduction of coca crops. We provide a theoretical model to study this phenomenon where an agent, allied with the illegal armed group that controls a region, chooses between buying an agricultural good from peasants or producing it himself by evicting farmers from their lands. We compare two crops that differ in their labor intensity.

Peace, bread and land.

Reports & Research
Janvier, 2012

Investment in land is not conflict-neutral, and given the history of violent conflict and mutual destabilization in the Horn of Africa there is potential for localized political grievances to turn into wider regional conflict. There is significant foreign investment in land in Ethiopia by parties from Africa and further afield. This is primarily geared towards producing for the export market, and is often concentrated in regions with limited political influence.

Peace, bread and land.

Reports & Research
Janvier, 2012

Investment in land is not conflict-neutral, and given the history of violent conflict and mutual destabilization in the Horn of Africa there is potential for localized political grievances to turn into wider regional conflict. There is significant foreign investment in land in Ethiopia by parties from Africa and further afield. This is primarily geared towards producing for the export market, and is often concentrated in regions with limited political influence.

Contract Farming in Developing Countries - A Review

Reports & Research
Janvier, 2012

The structure of this review is as follows: the first section discusses how contract farming is defined for the purposes of this review and  briefly describes the history and extent of contract farming globally. The second section details the main factors contributing to the increased incidence of contract farming in developing countries, and describes the most common models utilised. Section 3 covers the main conceptual and theoretical perspectives on contract farming.