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Des cordons pierreux contre la désertification

Journal Articles & Books
Mai, 2011
Burkina Faso

Au Burkina Faso, le potentiel en terres arables à vocation agricole est épuisé. À l’avenir, la population en rapide expansion ne pourra être nourrie que s’il est possible d’accroître les rendements sur les terres cultivées existantes. Grâce à la construction de cordons pierreux le long des courbes de niveau, il est possible de mieux exploiter l’eau de pluie et de stopper l’érosion.

Changement climatique et famine: les «points chauds» sont identifiés

Journal Articles & Books
Mai, 2011

Une équipe de scientifiques de l’International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) a identifié toutes les zones à haut risque du monde dans lesquelles la famine et les conséquences négatives du changement climatique s’exacerberont particulièrement violemment. Ces régions sont principalement situées en Afrique et en Asie du Sud, mais la Chine et l’Amérique latine pourraient également être concernées. Dans moins de 40 ans, la saison agricole de ces régions sera plus courte, plus chaude et plus sèche, mettant en danger des centaines de millions de personnes déjà très démunies.

Rebellion and Agrarian Tensions in Sierra Leone

Journal Articles & Books
Mai, 2011
Sierra Leone

This paper assesses the extent to which customary governance in Sierra Leone can be held responsible for an increasingly unstable two‐class agrarian society. A case is made for regarding the civil war (1991–2002) as being an eruption of long‐term, entrenched agrarian tensions exacerbated by chiefly rule. Evidence is presented to suggest that the main rebel movement embodied in its plans to reorganize agricultural production some grasp of these longer‐term agrarian problems. Postwar attempts to implement co‐operative farming and mining are then described.

Plano Estratégico para o Desenvolvimento do Sector Agrário (PEDSA 2011-2020)

Reports & Research
Avril, 2011

O Desenvolvimento Agrário tem sido desde sempre uma prioridade para Moçambique. Em 1998, o Governo em colaboração com os principais parceiros desenhou o Programa de Desenvolvimento da Agricultura (PROAGRI I) com o objectivo de melhorar a coordenação das intervenções públicas na agricultura e orientar os investimentos..

Rwanda Economic Update, April 2011

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
Avril, 2011

The current edition of the Rwanda economic update is titled seeds for higher growth and specially features the agriculture sector. The importance of agriculture's contribution to growth in Rwanda remains considerable, despite the emergence of other significant growth drivers, such as services. Rwanda's agriculture sector will play an essential role in attaining the country's development vision of sustainable growth and increased poverty reduction, due to its employment weight.

Does MENA's Governance Lead to Spatial Agglomeration and Disparities?

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
Avril, 2011
Asie occidentale
Afrique septentrionale

In this paper the author analyze the link between spatial agglomeration, spatial disparities and political governance with an emphasis on the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. The agglomeration index and the urban-rural consumption ratio are used respectively as a measurement of spatial agglomeration and spatial disparities. The author distinguishes two aspects of political governance: political rights and political stability.