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Confronting the Urban Housing Crisis in the Global South: Adequate, Secure, and Affordable Housing

Policy Papers & Briefs
Juin, 2017
  • There is an accute lack of well-located urban housing that is adequate, secure, and affordable. The global affordable housing gap is currently estimated at 330 million urban households and is forecast to grow by more than 30 percent to 440 million households, or 1.6. billion people, by 2025.

Consultative Meeting on Mechanization Strategy

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
Juin, 2017
Afrique sub-saharienne

Sustainable agricultural mechanization (SAM) is an essential input for the development of the smallholder farm sector in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). The benefits of SAM range from drudgery reduction to improved timeliness of agricultural operations, increased input use efficiency, facilitating sustainable production intensification, ensuring environmental protection, and contributing to make agriculture more ‘climate-smart’. SAM is also important at other levels of the food supply system, for example in post-harvest operations, processing, marketing and transportation.

Keeping an Eye on SDG 15

Training Resources & Tools
Institutional & promotional materials
Juin, 2017

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set out the international community’s commitment to rid the world of poverty and hunger and achieve sustainable development in its three dimensions – economic, social and environmental.

Innovative Approach to Land Conflict Transformation: Lessons learned from the HAGL/indigenous communities’ mediation process in Ratanakiri, Cambodia

Training Resources & Tools
Avril, 2017

In the Mekong region, conflicts between local communities and large scale land concessions are widespread. They are often difficult to solve. In Cambodia, an innovative approach to conflict resolution was tested in a case involving a private company, Hoang Anh Gia Lai (HAGL), and several indigenous communities who lost some of their customary lands and forests when the company obtained a concession to grow rubber in the Province of Ratanakiri. The approach was developed by CSOs Equitable Cambodia (EC) and Inclusive Development International (IDI) with the support of QDF funding from MRLG.

SDG Indicator 2.4.1: Percentage of Agricultural Area under Productive and Sustainable Agriculture

Conference Papers & Reports
Mars, 2017

There has been considerable discussion over the past thirty years on how to define “sustainable agriculture.” During most of this period, sustainability was exclusively considered an environmental issue and was therefore measured as such. The 2030 Agenda requires that all sectors, including agriculture, be considered from the point of view of the three dimensions of sustainability: economic, social and environmental.

A Collaborative Approach to Human Rights Impact Assessments

Reports & Research
Février, 2017

This paper provides guidance on how to conduct collaborative and participatory risk assessments, paying attention to the human rights of project-affected people. It was written for stakeholders who seek more effective strategies for investigating the human rights impacts of business projects or operations, and who wish to make their human rights impact assessments more inclusive and responsive, or who seek to encourage greater buy-in from other stakeholders.

Building Evidence on Rural Women Struggles for Land Rights in Tanzania

Conference Papers & Reports
Février, 2017

Land is one of the terrains of struggle for most rural women in Africa because of its importance in sustaining rural livelihoods, and social-cultural and geopolitical factors that hinder women from enjoying land rights. Even when there are progressive land laws, as it is for Tanzania, women have not really enjoyed their rights. However, this has not stopped women to keep fighting for their land rights.  They have sought their own approaches by leveraging opportunities within traditional, religious, and formal systems standing for their rights. 

District Multi-stakeholder Forums: An Unexhausted Opportunity for Securing Land Rights; the Tanzanian Experience

Conference Papers & Reports
Février, 2017

Administration of land in Tanzania is more decentralized from the president to the village level. The law gives power to village councils and village assemblies to administer village land. The District authorities are given advisory and supervisory mandates over villages and represent the commissioner who takes overall administrative powers.  Despite decentralization, institutions responsible for land administration, land have continued to be cause of many conflicts for years.  Conflicts have been escalating and lead loss of lives and property.


Journal Articles & Books
Février, 2017

This paper describes the development of a Land Information Management System (LIMS) for County Governments in Kenya. In the new Constitution 2010, devolution of some national government functions and formation of county governments was provided for. These invoked the development of new land laws to guide the devolution processes and procedures. According to the County Government Act 2012, all County Governments are supposed to develop digital Geographic Information System (GIS) based spatial plans and these calls for development of LIMS for and efficient breakthrough.

Securing Forest Tenure Rights for Rural Development: Lessons from Six Countries in Latin America

Journal Articles & Books
Février, 2017
Amérique latine et Caraïbes
El Salvador

Secure land tenure in rural landscapes is widely recognized as an essential foundation for achieving a range of economic development goals. However, forest areas in low and middle-income countries face particular challenges in strengthening the security of land and resource tenure. Forest peoples are often among the poorest and most politically marginalized communities in their national contexts, and their tenure systems are often based on customary, collective rights that have insufficient formal legal protection.

OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Meaningful Stakeholder Engagement in the Extractive Sector

Manuals & Guidelines
Janvier, 2017

This guide provides a practical framework for identifying and managing risks with regard to stakeholder engagement activities to ensure companies play a role in avoiding and addressing adverse impacts as defined in the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. The guidance also includes an assessment framework for industry to evaluate their stakeholder engagement performance and targeted guidance for specific stakeholder groups such as indigenous peoples, women, workers and artisanal and small scale miners.

Governing Tenure Rights to Commons

Journal Articles & Books
Janvier, 2017

This guide aims to support states, community-based organizations, civil society organizations, the private sector and other relevant actors, to take proactive measures to implement the standards and recommendations of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure (VGGT). The goal is to achieve legal recognition and protection of tenure rights to commons and community-based governance structures.