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Economics of Irrigation Water Management : A Literature Survey with Focus on Partial and General Equilibrium Models

Mai, 2012

Water policy is an important topic on
the agenda of the international community, and efficiency
and equity in the allocation of water have emerged as
important factors to be considered. Water pricing can be
used to mitigate both the quantity and quality dimensions of
water scarcity. This paper reviews partial equilibrium
models and general equilibrium models that are relevant to
irrigation water management issues. The most widely

A Ricardian Analysis of the Distribution of Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture across Agro-Ecological Zones in Africa

Mai, 2012

This paper examines the distribution of
climate change impacts across the 16 agro-ecological zones
in Africa using data from the Food and Agriculture
Organization combined with economic survey data from a
Global Environment Facility/World Bank project. Net revenue
per hectare of cropland is regressed on a set of climate,
soil, and socio-economic variables using different
econometric specifications "with" and

Differential Adaptation Strategies to Climate Change in African Cropland by Agro-Ecological Zones

Mai, 2012

This paper quantifies how African
farmers have adapted their crop and irrigation decisions to
their farm's current agro-ecological zone. The results
indicate that farmers carefully consider the climate and
other conditions of their farm when making these choices.
These results are then used to forecast how farmers might
change their irrigation and crop choice decisions if climate
changes. The model predicts African farmers would adopt

Biodiversity, Climate Change, and Adaptation : Nature-based Solutions from the World Bank Portfolio

Mai, 2012

Climate change is a serious
environmental challenge that could undermine the drive for
sustainable development. Since the industrial revolution,
the mean surface temperature of earth has increased an
average of 1degree celsius per century due to the
accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
Furthermore, most of this change has occurred in the past 30
to 40 years, and the rate of increase is accelerating, with

A Decade of Action in Transport : An Evaluation of World Bank Assistance to the Transport Sector, 1995-2005

Mai, 2012

The World Bank committed $30.6 billion
in transport-related projects during the past decade, making
it one of the largest sectors. The evaluation looks into the
Bank's experience in the sector, and assesses the
institution's interventions, the impact of rapid
transport sector expansion, and its readiness to meet the
challenges ahead.

The Effects of Local Environmental Institutions on Perceptions of Smoke and Fire Problems in Brazil

Mai, 2012

Environmental concern in developing
countries has risen rapidly over the past decade. At the
same time, decentralization and civic participation in
environmental policy-making have also burgeoned. This paper
uses data from the Brazilian Municipal Environmental Survey
2001 to examine the causal effect of municipio (county)
level environmental institutions on perceptions about
environmental problems in Brazil. Consistent with models of

Weather and Climate Services in Europe and Central Asia : A Regional Review

Mai, 2012
Central Asia

This paper reviews the status of weather
and climate services in Europe and Central Asia
(ECA).Worldwide, the accuracy and value of weather and
climate services are rising, bringing great economic
benefits. However, many National Meteorological and
Hydrological Services (NMHSs) in Europe and Central Asia are
in decline. As a result, these potential gains are often
missed. Much more could be done to mitigate weather

Differential Adaptation Strategies by Agro-Ecological Zones in African Livestock Management

Mai, 2012

This paper examines how farmers have
adapted their livestock operation to the current climate in
each agro-ecological zone in Africa. The authors examine how
climate has affected the farmer's choice to raise
livestock or not and the choice of animal species. To
measure adaptation, the analysis regresses the farmer's
choice on climate, soil, water flow, and socio-economic
variables. The findings show that climate does in fact

Putting Tanzania's Hidden Economy to Work : Reform, Management, and Protection of its Natural Resource Sector

Mai, 2012

This paper tells a story about
conditions in Tanzania's hidden economy, the parts of
the natural resource sector often ignored in conventional
economic analyses and studies, and makes recommendations for
future policy actions. The paper draws primarily from
extensive background studies undertaken of the forestry,
fishery, wildlife, mining, and tourism sub sectors (COWI
2005) as well as a wide range of complementary studies

Zero Net Land Degradation: A Sustainable Development Goal for Rio+20 (Summary)

Policy Papers & Briefs
Avril, 2012

“The great opportunity of the Anthropocene is that we can choose to learn the lessons of the past and steer a new course to a safer future.” Soils are the most significant nonrenewable geo-resource that we have for ensuring water, energy, and food security for present and future generations while adapting and building resilience to climatic change and shocks. But soil’s caring capacity is often forgotten as the missing link in our pursuit of sustainable development.

Options for Support to Grassland Restoration in the context of Climate Change Mitigation

Reports & Research
Avril, 2012

This report reviews the options for support to grassland restoration in the context of demand growth for livestock products and climate change mitigation. Key messages are: Grasslands provide crucial economic, social and environmental outputs Gasslands cover a total of 52.5 million km2 , or about 40% of the world’s ice-free terrestrial surface area. Extensive grasslands contribute about 7% of global beef production, 12% of sheep and goat meat production and 5% of global milk supply.

Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure - 7

Avril, 2012

Governance of Tenure Voluntary Guidelines video The Voluntary Guidelines on the Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the context of National Food Security Directives volontaires sur la gouvernance foncière Les Directives volontaires pour une gouvernance responsable des régimes fonciers applicables aux terres, aux pêches et aux forêts dans le contexte de la sécurité alimentaire mondiale Directrices voluntarias sobre gobernanza de la tenencia Las Directrices voluntarias sobre la gobernanza responsable de la tenencia de la tierra, la pesca y los bosques en el contexto de la s