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Decree No. 8.468 regulating Law No. 997 on environmental pollution control.

Amérique du Sud

This Decree approves the Regulation on environmental pollution control established by Law No. 997 of 31 May 1976. The Regulation consists of 7 Parts and 8 Annexes specifying in details all the requirements and conditions to be satisfied by industries, or any other activity which may contaminate the environment in order to prevent and control water, soil and air pollution. Part I establishes general provisions (including definition of prohibited activities and restrictions to be observed). Part II concerns water pollution, specifying water classification and standards to be satisfied.

Town and Country Planning Law (90/72).

Asie occidentale

This Law provides for town and country planning, for regulating the use, controlling and promoting the development of immovable property. The authority competent ("planning authority") for the purposes of this Law shall be, as the case may be, the Minister of Finance (as far as Part II is concerned) and the Minister of Interior elsewhere; however, the expression "the Minister" shall include any person, body or authority delegated by the Minister to exercise his functions under this Law.

Decreto Ley Nº 2.811 - Código nacional de recursos naturales renovables y de protección del medio ambiente.

Amérique du Sud

El Código nacional de recursos naturales renovables y de protección del medio ambiente, consta de 340 artículos organizados en dos libros: Del Ambiente (Libro Primero) y De la Propiedad, Uso e Influencia Ambiental de los Recursos Naturales Renovables (Libro Segundo).

Ley Nº 3.778 - Declara Parques Provinciales, Monumentos Naturales y Reservas Provinciales las superficies del territorio de la Provincia de Tucumán que resulten necesarias para la protección y conservación de los Recursos Naturales Renovables.

Amérique du Sud

La presente Ley declara Parques Provinciales, Monumentos Naturales y Reservas Provinciales las superficies del territorio de la Provincia de Tucumán, que resultaren necesarias para la protección y conservación de los recursos naturales renovables, sean del dominio del Estado o privados. La Ley especifica las actividades cuya realización queda prohibida en los parques provinciales y monumentos naturales. El artículo 19 crea la Comisión Asesora de Parques, Monumentos y Recursos Naturales Renovables y Reservas Provinciales.

Drainage (Northern Ireland) Order 1973 (No. 69 (NI 1)).

Europe septentrionale

This Order provides for drainage in Northern Ireland and defines functions of the Minister and the Drainage Council of Northern Ireland. The Minister may establish drainage schemes for the benefit of watercourses and sea defences. For the purpose of this Order, the Minister may acquire land, either by agreement or compulsorily. The Order also defines duties of occupiers in respect of drainage works and provides for, among other things, drainage schemes extending outside Northern Ireland, removal of noxious weeds, protection of watercourses and control of dams and sluices.

Colombia River Gorge National Scenic Area Act (P.L. 99-663).

États-Unis d'Amérique
Amérique septentrionale

A National Scenic Area is established and certain areas of the Area are designated as special management areas under section 4. A Columbia River Gorge Commission, which is a regional agency, shall be established by way of an interstate agreement between the States of Oregon and Washington. The Commission shall prepare a scenic area management plan under section 6. The Commission shall also develop land use designations within 2 years of its establishment. Sections 7 and 8 provide for the administration of the Scenic Area and the special management areas. (18 sections)

Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1131-1136, 78 Stat. 890).

États-Unis d'Amérique
Amérique septentrionale

This Act directs the Secretary of the Interior, to review every roadless area of 5,000 or more acres and every roadless island within National Wildlife Refuge and National Park Systems and to recommend to the President the suitability of each such area or island for inclusion in the National Wilderness Preservation System. The National Wilderness Preservation System is to be composed of federally owned areas designated by the Congress as "wilderness areas". The Secretary of Agriculture must recommend suitable areas in the National Forest System.

Wild and Scenic Rivers Act (16 USC 1271-1287).

États-Unis d'Amérique
Amérique septentrionale

This Act establishes a National Wild and Scenic Rivers System and prescribes the methods and standards through which additional rivers may be identified and added to the system. The Act authorizes the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture to study areas and submit proposals to the President and Congress for addition to the system. It describes procedures and limitations for control of lands in Federally administered components of the system and for dealing with disposition of lands and minerals under Federal ownership.

Land Husbandry Act, 1969 (No. 22 of 1969).

Afrique australe

The Act provides for soil conservation and livestock control. It harmonizes soil conservation activities in agriculture, livestock management and proper management of water resources. The Act contains provisions on range management and grazing control for communities to manage range resources in a sustainable manner, guaranteeing equal access.The Act applies to agricultural land, i.e. land utilised for the purpose of the growing of crops or the grazing of livestock.

Loi portant réglementation du camping.

Europe occidentale

La susdit loi porte la réglementation relative au camping. L’article 1er établit qu’il est considéré comme terrain de camping public toute propriété mise publiquement à la disposition des campeurs ou occupée en fait et d'une manière habituelle par des groupes de campeurs. En outre, l’ouverture ou le maintien d'un terrain de camping public est soumis à une autorisation écrite du Membre du Gouvernement ayant dans ses attributions le tourisme, le médecin-inspecteur compétent entendu en son avis. Le texte comprend 9 articles.