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Order No. 895/94 establishing discharge limits into waters and soil, in order to eliminate polluting agents.

Europe méridionale

This Order establishes discharge limits into waters and soil in order to eliminate polluting agents. It consists of 9 articles specifying such substances and controls to be carried out. Three annexes list water quality standards.

Implements: Decree-Law No. 46/94 establishing a licence regime for water use managed by the Institute of Waters. (1994-02-22)
Implements: Decree-Law No. 74/90 regulating water quality standards. (1990-03-07)

Protection Measure of Xiamen City of PRC on Agricultural Environment.

Asie orientale

With a view to protect and improve the agricultural environment in Xiamen, to prevent pollution and protect ecosystem, the Measure is hereby formulated. The agricultural environment is defined as including land, water for agricultural purposes, air and other factors which have an impact on the survival and development of agricultural resources.

Implements: Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China. (1989-12-26)
Implements: Agriculture Law of the People's Republic of China (1993-07-02)

Décret nº 2000-909 relatif aux pays et portant application de l'article 22 de la loi nº 95-115 du 4 février 1995 modifiée d'orientation pour l'aménagement et le développement du territoire.

Europe occidentale

Ce décret établit la procédure à suivre par les communes ou les groupements de communes qui prennent l'initiative de faire reconnaître un pays adressent au préfet de région.

Met en oeuvre: Loi nº 95-115 pour l'aménagement et le développement du territoire. (1995-02-04)

Décret nº 95-1168 portant création des conférences régionales de l'aménagement et du développement du territoire.

Europe occidentale

Ce décret porte création et composition des conférences régionales de l'aménagement et du développement du territoire, prévue à l'article 6 de la loi nº 95-115 du 4 février 1995 d'orientation pour l'aménagement et le développement du territoire.

Met en oeuvre: Loi nº 95-115 pour l'aménagement et le développement du territoire. (1995-02-04)
Modifié par: Décret nº 2000-906 modifiant le décret nº 95-1168 du 2 novembre 1995 portant création des conférences régionales de l'aménagement et du développement du territoire. (2000-09-19)

Decreto Supremo Nº 24.124 - Plan de uso del suelo para el Departamento de Santa Cruz.

Amérique du Sud

El Decreto, que consta de 9 artículos, aprueba el Plan de uso del suelo para el Departamento de Santa Cruz. El plan establece las siguientes categorías generales de uso: a) tierras de uso agropecuario intensivo; b) tierras de uso agropecuario extensivo; c) tierras de uso agrosilvopastoral; d) tierras de uso forestal; e) tierras de uso restringido; e) áreas naturales protegidas (art. 2º).

Rates for pollution charges for the discharge of pollutants into water bodies and into the soil.

Europe septentrionale

This Annex to Regulation No. 45 of 1994 specifies maximum concentrations of allowed pollution. If such values are exceeded a pollution charge must be paid according to the volume of pollutants (crowns/tonnes). Substances include phosphorus, nitrogen, suspended solids, oil products, sulphates and phenols. If pollution exceeds the maximum amount allowed by permit the charges shall be multiplied by the factor five. If pollutants are discharged in places other than indicated in the permit the charges shall be multiplied by the factor ten.

Regulation confirming criteria for discharge of waste water into water bodies and the ground (No. 464 of 1994).

Europe septentrionale

This Regulation contains maximum allowed amounts of specified polluting substances in waste water discharged in water bodies and into the soil. Section 1 species rates of discharge for towns and other settlements and objects the average amount of which is more than 2000 cubic metres a day. Section 2 contains requirements regarding pollution for towns and other settlements and objects which discharge water in a rate between 200 and 2000 cubic metres a day. Also standards are given for smaller units.

Order No. 112 of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection validating the Provisional Regulation on calculation of economic damage caused by soil pollution, land degradation and land disturbance.

Europe orientale

This Provisional Regulation establishes the modalities of calculation of calculation of economic damage caused by soil pollution, land degradation and land disturbance and also the modalities of collection and use of compensation fees. It consists of five Sections dealing with: (1) sphere of application; (2) terms and definitions; (3) general provisions; (4) calculation formula; and (5) collection and use of compensation fees. Economic damage shall be considered the expenditure for soil rehabilitation and recultivation of land.

Resolution of the Cabinet of Minisers concerning the establishment of a committee to combat desertification emergencies.

Asie occidentale
Asie méridionale

This Resolution is divided into two Chapters: (a) Formalities, administration and membership; (b) Responsibilities and objectives.The main objective of this Resolution is the consideration and determination of areas and various aspects of the desertification emergency in the country: evaluation and study of different methods for combating desertification, anticipation and approval of the required financial resources for implementation of approved projects, supervision of the execution of approved projects, presentation of monthly reports to the Cabinet of Ministers, making necessary coordin

Tir Gofal and Organic Farming (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 1999 (S.I. No. 3337; W.45 of 1999).

Europe septentrionale

These Regulations amend the Tir Gofal Regulations to: a) permit a Tir Gofal agreement to include any provision that may be agreed between the Countryside Council for Wales and a Tir Gofal applicant (reg. 2(2)); b) impose an obligation on a Tir Gofal agreement holder to maintain records (reg. 2(4)); and c) make compliance with the record keeping requirement (reg. 9A of the Tir Gofal Regulations inserted by these Regulations) and the obligation to permit entry and inspection (reg. 10 of the Tir Gofal Regulations) conditions for the payment of aid (reg.

Decreto Nº 879 - Reglamenta las disposiciones referentes al ordenamiento del territorio municipal y distrital y a los planes de ordenamiento territorial.

Amérique du Sud

El presente Decreto establece la obligatoriedad de los planes de ordenamiento territorial, disponiendo que corresponde a todas las administraciones municipales y distritales formular y adoptar su plan de ordenamiento territorial.

Decreto Nº 151 - Compensación en tratamiento de conservación mediante la transferencia de derechos de construcción y desarrollo.

Amérique du Sud

El presente Decreto dicta las reglas relativas a los mecanismos que hacen viable la compensación en tratamiento de conservación mediante la transferencia de derechos de construcción y desarrollo, que son aquellos que en casos particulares y concretos regulan el aprovechamiento del suelo, el subsuelo y el espacio aéreo de un predio de conformidad con la licencia que concede la autoridad competente, con sujeción a las normas urbanísticas contenidas en los planes de ordenamiento territorial establecidos en la Ley Nº 388 de 1997.