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Diverse pathways for climate resilience in marine fishery systems

Décembre, 2023

Both the ecological and social dimensions of fisheries are being affected by climate change. As a result, policymakers, managers, scientists and fishing communities are seeking guidance on how to holistically build resilience to climate change. Numerous studies have highlighted key attributes of resilience in fisheries, yet concrete examples that explicitly link these attributes to social-ecological outcomes are lacking. To better understand climate resilience, we assembled 18 case studies spanning ecological, socio-economic, governance and geographic contexts.

Identifying leverage points to promote women’s economic resilience to climate change challenges in Tanzania – Fish value chain

Décembre, 2023

The goal of HER+ is to build the economic resilience of women to climate change challenges in agri-food systems (AFS) through gender equality and social inclusion. In February 2023, the HER+ team studied how gender norms constrain women’s economic resilience to climate change challenges among fisherfolk in Muleba district of Kagera region in Tanzania.

Secure land rights incentivize community-led rangeland restoration, Kiteto District, Tanzania

Décembre, 2023

Spanning four villages- Amei, Lolera, Lembapuli and Lesoit- and covering an expansive 81,237 hectares, the ALLOLE shared grazing land cluster stands as the largest in Kiteto District, Tanzania. This cluster serves as one of four sites in Tanzania for the CGIAR Research Initiative on Livestock and Climate participatory rangeland management (PRM) innovation, aiming to enhance the capacities of communities in managing, governing, securing and restoring their lands.

Voice and Leadership for Women in Fisheries to Actively Participate in Governance and Leadership Roles

Décembre, 2023

This report presents the outcome of the workshop with women on December 14th 2023 at Sanard Hotel. The main objective of the workshop was to empower women in the fisheries sector with the knowledge and skills required to actively participate in governance and leadership roles, thereby enabling them to raise their voices and contribute to decision-making processes in their communities. A total of 37 participants

Local Fabrication and installation of Improved Fish Drying Racks to Promote Women’s Participation

Décembre, 2023

This detailed activity report outlines the comprehensive approach taken to construct drying racks. This technology can promote women’s fish processors’ participation in the fisheries value chain and their economic resilience to the economic impacts of climate change in the sector. The technology was selected based on a study on women’s fisherfolk’s resilience

Análise regional dos níveis de mercúrio de mercurio em peixes consumidos pela população da Amazônia brasileira

Reports & Research
Avril, 2023
América do Sul

A ciência tem mostrado nas últimas décadas que a conta- minação por mercúrio (Hg) é um problema ambiental e de saúde pública. Uma importante fonte poluidora é o garim- po ilegal de ouro, que vem crescendo vertiginosamente, deixando um rastro de destruição. Outras atividades rea- lizadas por seres humanos, incluindo o desmatamento, a queimada de florestas e a construção de hidrelétricas, au- mentam os níveis de contaminação por mercúrio em cor- pos d’agua e no ambiente.

Genre Et Foncier Au Sénégal : Étude De Cas Dans La Commune De Ross Béthio.

Décembre, 2022
United States of America

In Africa, particularly in Senegal, the issue of gender in land governance remains an equation when it comes to access to land. In a number of West African countries, the issue of gender and land tenure is an ongoing one, insofar as the same obstacles have been identified for vulnerable groups, women in particular. In reality, access to land resources remains very limited for women for several reasons. As far as legislation is concerned, equal access is enshrined both at national level in constitutional and legislative provisions and at international level in conventions and charters.

Climate Risk & Vulnerability (CR&V) assessment for climate services: Inland fisheries production and value chain - Lower Mekong Basin, Cambodia

Décembre, 2022

As part of the CGIAR Initiative on Asian Mega Deltas, a scoping study was recently completed to prioritize key delta-oriented production systems and value chains for the Lower Mekong Basin (LMB) in Cambodia (Gonsalves et al, 2022). Rice, vegetables, and inland fisheries were selected based on a set of criteria including production, economic and nutritional value, climate change impact, and potential benefit of climate services with specific attention for the role of women and smallholders.

Protocol for participatory on-farm experiment for rice field fisheries/rice field pond

Décembre, 2022

Cambodia’s rain-fed and flooded rice fields are important and productive sources of inland fish and other aquatic animals, including frogs and snails. These aquatic resources are important to millions
of Cambodians, particularly those in rural areas. They make important contributions to rural
livelihoods, to food security, climate change, nutrition and income generation. Through their roles
in protecting wild fish during dry periods and providing good habitats for fish to breed, spawn and

Conservation for sustaining livelihoods: Adaptive co-management of fish no-take zones in the Mekong River

Décembre, 2022

A major challenge in natural resource management in developing countries is to pursue conservation objectives while avoiding negative impacts on local livelihoods. Inland capture fisheries provide opportunities to demonstrate an integration of conservation and livelihood objectives when managed as a social-ecological system. While numerous marine no-take reserves have been found effective for the recovery of fisheries, few well-documented examples exist in the freshwater realm.