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Le droit à l'alimentation et l'accès aux ressources naturelles

Reports & Research
Novembre, 2009
Afrique du Sud

Moyennant une analyse conceptuelle basée sur les traités et les instruments internationaux et deux études de pays, cette étude aborde la relation qui existe entre les droits humains, notamment le droit à une nourriture adéquate, et l’accès aux ressources naturelles, en accordant une attention particulière à la terre.

Does Land Abundance Explain African Institutions?

Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembre, 2009

I show how abundant land and scarce labor shaped African institutions before colonial rule. I present a model in which exogenous suitability of the land for agriculture and endogenously evolving population determine the existence of land rights, slavery, and polygyny. I then use cross-sectional data on pre-colonial African societies to demonstrate that, consistent with the model, the existence of land rights, slavery, and polygyny occurred in those parts of Africa that were the most suitable for agriculture, and in which population density was greatest.

Whose land is this? Land disputes and forced displacement in the western forest area of Côte d’Ivoire

Reports & Research
Octobre, 2009
Côte d'Ivoire

Armed conflict broke out in Côte d’Ivoire in 2002, which caused the country to be divided in two: the north under the control of the Forces Nouvelles rebels and the south in the hands of the government. It also caused the mass displacement of hundreds of thousands of people. In the west of the country, and in particular in the two regions of Moyen Cavally and Dix-Huit Montagnes, the crisis provoked a series of successive displacements involving population groups with competing claims over land.

Women’s Land Rights in Southern Africa: Consolidated baseline findings from Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe

Reports & Research
Octobre, 2009

Includes the legal and policy situation relating to women’s land rights in Southern Africa; women farmers speak out on which land rights are being enjoyed, or not; potential springboards to the realisation of women’s land rights; baseline trends and key conclusions; recommended action points.


Institutional & promotional materials
Septembre, 2009
Afrique du Sud

AFRA Newsletter No.65

Renewable Natural Resources

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
Septembre, 2009

This paper explores how a 'conflict and violence sensitive' framework in project assessment, design and implementation facilitates early identification and mitigation of negative consequences of competition and dispute, and promotes sustainable development over the longer term. It discusses the role of renewable resources in perpetuating conflict and violence, and distills lessons from selected development programming experiences in managing conflict risks associated with these dynamics.

Secure Land Rights for All

Reports & Research
Septembre, 2009

Covers the rush to acquire land in Africa by foreign governments and private investors, fuelled by fears for global food security in the face of climate change and volatile food prices on the international market. Warns that the political and economic risks of these land purchases are colossal and outweigh any gains, and argues that African governments must make food security and sufficiency for their own people paramount.

Women and land after conflict in Rwanda

Journal Articles & Books
Septembre, 2009

Female-headed households often experience inequalities in access to resources and income-generating opportunities. Conflicts may make women poorer. But it is important to realise that conflicts also offer an opportunity for change in which gender stereotypes shift and gender roles and identities can be renegotiated. Did genocide and civil war in Rwanda lead to new opportunities for rural women?

Foreign direct investments in land in developing countries

Journal Articles & Books
Juin, 2009

The world food crisis has spurred foreign direct investments (FDI) into arable land in developing countries. While significant financial inflows into agricultural sectors could be beneficial on a global scale, it could negatively affect local livelihoods. This article provides an overview of the different types of FDI in land. In addition, examples of investment flows are illustrated in an overview and a sustainable impact matrix outlines the occurring effects. Finally, requirements of avoiding negative effects are presented, to achieve a Pareto-efficient win-win situation.

Land, Business and Human Rights

Journal Articles & Books
Juin, 2009

This is the first of a series of consultations on the human rights challenges and dilemmas involved in the
acquisition and use of land – held individually or collectively - for private or state-owned business and
economic purposes. The aim of the series of consultations is to develop a framework that leads to an end of
human rights abuses at any stage of the process – before acquisition, during acquisition, and after operations
have commenced and, if necessary, relocation and rehabilitation arranged, and compensation paid.

Challenges in Asserting Women’s Land Rights in Southern Africa

Reports & Research
Mai, 2009

Includes the challenges at different levels; some historical trends which have not helped women; some suggested ways forward; all very worthy, but hard to achieve; conclusions from the literature; fighting on the correct battlefield; pragmatic lessons from a book on Eastern Africa; will women lose even more as a result of the biofuel revolution?; women’s land rights in Rwanda.