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Buena gobernanza en la tenencia y la administración de tierras

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre, 2007

Los Estudios de la FAO sobre tenencia de la tierra son publicaciones concisas sobre el tema, a menudo complejo y polémico, de la tenencia de la tierra especialmente en relación con la seguridad alimentaria, la mitigación de la pobreza y el desarrollo rural. Los Estudios no pretenden ser exhaustivos sino reflejar las «buenas prácticas» identificadas por la FAO y muchos de sus colaboradores internacionales en relación con determinados aspectos particulares de la tenencia de la tierra y de su administración.

Le droit à l’alimentation et l’accès aux ressources naturelles

Reports & Research
Novembre, 2007

Aujourd’hui, on invoque les droits humains et les principes qui les sous-tendent pour appuyer les revendications concernant l’accès aux ressources, car les approches fondées sur les droits donnent aux individus ou aux groupes les moyens d’obtenir ou de conserver un accès aux ressources naturelles. Ce document aborde le droit à l’alimentation et l’accès aux ressources naturelles en ce qui concerne les dispositions des Directives sur le droit à l’alimentation, les violations et les obligations de l’État.

Housing and Property Restitution for Refugees and Displaced Persons

Reports & Research
Novembre, 2007
Sri Lanka
République démocratique du Congo
Afrique du Sud
Viet Nam

The Pinheiro Principles provide restitution practitioners, as well as States and UN and others agencies, with a consolidated text relating to the legal, policy, procedural, institutional and technical implementation mechanisms for housing and property restitution. As such, the Principles provide specific policy guidance regarding how to ensure the right to housing and property restitution in practice and for the implementation of restitution laws, programmes and policies, based on existing international human rights, humanitarian, refugee and national standards.

Bonne gouvernance des régimes fonciers et de l’administration des terres

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre, 2007

Les Etudes sur les régimes fonciers réalisées par la FAO sont des exposés concis explorant le domaine, souvent complexe et sujet à controverse, du régime foncier, en particulier dans ses interactions avec la sécurité alimentaire, la réduction de la pauvreté et le développement rural. Ces études ne prétendent pas à l’exhaustivité, mais reflètent plutôt les «bonnes pratiques» identifiées par la FAO et ses nombreux collaborateurs internationaux dans le contexte spécifique d’un aspect donné des régimes fonciers et de leur administration.


Institutional & promotional materials
Novembre, 2007
Afrique du Sud

AFRA Newsletter No.62

BRIDGE Bibliography 19: Putting gender back in the picture: rethinking women's economic empowerment - overview and annotated bibliography

Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembre, 2007

Current momentum around women's economic empowerment offers huge scope for bringing about real changes in women's lives. But earning an income or having access to credit cannot be assumed to bring automatic benefits for women. We need to ask critical questions about how increased access to resources can be translated into changes in the strategic choices that women are able to make - at the level of the household and community, as well as at work. What of the terms on which women gain access to resources - are these empowering or exploitative?

An Introduction to Housing and Land Laws in Sri Lanka

Reports & Research
Novembre, 2007
Sri Lanka


In pursuing its aim to develop housing rights jurisprudence in Sri Lanka and in building the capacity of practising lawyers in the field of housing rights, COHRE Sri Lanka initiated a research project on housing and land laws in Sri Lanka. This publication is based on the findings of this project and is intended to provide an introduction to Sri Lanka’s housing and land laws. Its detailed analysis is confined to the main laws relating to land and housing.

Réformes foncières et gestion des ressources naturelles en Guinée : enjeux de patrimonialité et de propriété dans le Timbi au Fouta Djalon

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre, 2007

La question foncière est actuellement en Afrique le point d'ancrage d'enjeux multiples. Elle touche particulièrement l'accès aux ressources naturelles et au pouvoir politique.

So Who Owns the Forest? An Investigation into Forest Ownership and Customary Land Rights in Liberia

Reports & Research
Novembre, 2007

State/people forest relations are at a turning point in Liberia. The crux of the issue is property relations and how the rights of rural Liberians to forests are treated in law and in practice. Central to the problem and the solution is the status of customary land rights. The paper tracks what happened to the natural rights indigenous Liberians have to their lands and the valuable forests that grow on them. It looks back at the treatment of customary land tenure over the century-long process of forming the modern Liberian state.

Geography vs. Institutions at the Village Level

Policy Papers & Briefs
Octobre, 2007

textabstractThere is a well-known debate about the respective roles of geography versus institutions in explaining the long-term development of countries. These debates have usually been based on cross-country regressions where questions about parameter heterogeneity, unobserved heterogeneity, and endogeneity cannot easily be controlled for. The innovation of Acemoglu, Johnson and Robinson (2001) was to address this last point by using settler mortality as an instrument for endogenous institutions and found that this supported their line of reasoning.

Tenure Arrangements and Support for Land Rights in South Africa’s Land Reform

Reports & Research
Octobre, 2007
Afrique du Sud

Contains introduction – the challenge of tenure reform in South Africa; tenure issues in resettlement: redistribution and restitution; tenure security of farm dwellers – securing long-term tenure under ESTA, labour tenants, ways forward; conclusion and recommendations on resettlement and farm dwellers.