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VGGT Cambodia

Février, 2018

The VGGT are very necessary for Cambodia because of the role these guidelines play in protecting human rights, and especially land rights. Let's watch the video together in order to get more information on VGGT.




Implementing free, prior, and informed consent (FPIC): A Forest Stewardship Council Discussion Paper

Conference Papers & Reports
Février, 2018

This guide provides information on how to engage in consultation following the FPIC principles with Indigenous Peoples and local communities before undertaking forestry management activities on the lands they legally or customarily own and/or use. It

• encourages and supports discussion among stakeholders, Indigenous Peoples, and FSC on the recognition of the right to FPIC, and

• provides a framework for the development of generally acceptable guidelines for companies seeking FPIC.

16 - Healthy and safe working environment - Responsible Agricultural Investment (RAI): Knowledge into Action Notes series

Manuals & Guidelines
Février, 2018

This note is part of an Action Notes series and provides guidance for governments and companies on good practice in occupational health and safety policies, programs, procedures and processes, a matter of critical importance given that half the world’s working population is in agriculture

6 - Screening Prospective Investors - Responsible Agricultural Investment (RAI): Knowledge into Action Notes series

Manuals & Guidelines
Février, 2018

This note is part of an Action Notes series and provides guidance to governments on how to screen and select prospective investment projects to ensure they maximize the social, economic, and environmental benefits while minimizing the risks. It provides investors information on what can be expected in cases of good screening practice.

7 - Tools for Screening Prospective Investors - Responsible Agricultural Investment (RAI): Knowledge into Action Notes series

Manuals & Guidelines
Février, 2018

This note is part of an Action Notes series and provides examples of tools that government agencies can adapt to their national context and use to develop the technical capacity to screen and select investors.

A lei de terras em Moçambique e a necessidade de oportunidades iguais entre homens e mulheres no acesso, uso e aproveitamento da terra e de recursos naturais

Reports & Research
Février, 2018
África subsariana
A presente dissertação está inserida na Linha de pesquisa Direito Ambiental, Transnacionalidade e Sustentabilidade e, tem como tema: “Lei de Terras em Moçambique e a necessidade de oportunidades iguais entre homens e mulheres no acesso, uso e aproveitamento de Terra e de recursos naturais”. O objetivo científico é o de compreender os motivos que propiciam as desigualdades de direitos e oportunidades entre homens e mulheres no acesso, uso e aproveitamento da terra e de recursos naturais em Moçambique.

Augmenter l’utilisation des Directives volontaires pour la gouvernance responsable des régimes fonciers (DVGF) parmi les organisations de la société civile et de base

Reports & Research
Février, 2018

Augmenter l'utilisation des Directives volontaires pour la gouvernance responsable des régimes fonciers (DVGF) parmi les organisations de la société civile et de base – Mali est une fiche d'information sur le pays qui fournit des informations sur le projet «Augmenter l'utilisation des DVGF parmi les OSC et les organisations de base», un aperçu général de la gouvernance des ressources naturelles dans le pays et des informations sur les activités entreprises dans le pays en collaboration avec les OSC locales et les organisations de base.

Digging deep: The impact of Uganda’s land rush on women’s rights

Reports & Research
Février, 2018

Includes methodology and research sites; land, the law and women’s rights in Uganda; women’s rights – lost in the land rush; economic policy and land as a commodity; women’s rights activists – promoting women’s land rights; recommendations. Uganda’s eco-feminist movement is one of several working at the interface of environmental degradation, corporate human rights abuses and patriarchy, urgently building women’s campaigning and resistance skills.

Informe continental - El acceso a la tierra en América Latina

Journal Articles & Books
Février, 2018
El Salvador
Costa Rica

Este documento ofrece una visión sintética de las evoluciones del acceso a la tierra y a los recursos naturales en América latina durante las últimas décadas. Intenta subrayar los principales caracteres originales de estas evoluciones frente a las de otros continentes.

Gender and Land Statistics

Institutional & promotional materials
Février, 2018
Burkina Faso

Secure tenure rights and control over land for women and men farmers are key to boosting smallholder productivity, rural development and food security. However, in many parts of the world, men and women have inadequate access to secure property rights over land. Women are particularly disadvantaged: even though they constitute on average 43 percent of the agricultural labour force in developing countries, women’s ownership of agricultural land remains significantly lower than that of men.

Asentamiento San Isidro Labrador, resultado de esfuerzos y unidad

Reports & Research
Février, 2018

La lucha de la “Comisión Vecinal Sin Tierra comenzó en 1995 solicitando las tierras que anteriormente formaban parte de un aserradero y que fueron donadas al Ministerio de Defensa. La Comisión Vecinal planteó una propuesta de Ley de desafectación de las tierras que debido se promulgó recién en marzo de 1999. En 2000 la comisión ocupó sus tierras por la lentitud de la distribución a los campesinos