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Integrity management in community-based water tenure in Kajiado County, Kenya

Décembre, 2022

Smallholder production systems in low-income countries suffer the most from the impacts of climate change but receive the least benefit from climate adaptation programs. This is due to governance structures that make it difficult for governments and organizations to effectively reach marginalized communities. Technical, financial, and institutional support is provided in vertical siloes, limiting coordination between national government departments and hindering integrated climate interventions.

Agroecological transitions in value chains: Main findings, challenges, and opportunities for the agroecological transition of the value chains in the agroecological living landscapes

Décembre, 2022

This report summarizes the main findings and insights obtained from the various agroecological value chain analyses conducted in the different Agroecological Living Landscapes (ALL) that take part of the CGIAR Agroecology Initiative (AE-I).
The document includes a synthesis of 10 value chains analyses in specific subregions from 6 countries, which represent a wide range of political, agroecological, socioeconomic and cultural conditions: a dairy value chain in Burkina Faso;

Quantifying wheat blast disease induced yield and production losses of wheat: A quasi-natural experiment

Décembre, 2022

Applying the difference-in-difference (DID) estimation procedure, this study quantifies the wheat blast (Magnaporthe oryzae pathotype Triticum) induced losses in wheat yield, quantity of wheat sold, consumed, or stored, as well as wheat grain value in Bangladesh in 2016 following a disease outbreak that affected over 15,000 ha. Estimates show that the blast-induced yield loss was 540 kg ha−1 on average for households in blast-affected districts. Estimated total wheat production loss was approximately 8,205 tons worth USD 2.1 million in during the 2016 outbreak.

Vision to Action for agroecological transitions in the living landscapes: A cross-country progress report on methodological approaches, 2023 results, and way forward

Décembre, 2022

The Agroecology Initiative (AEI) aims to contribute to achieving Agroecological Transitions (AET) through developing and scaling a range of innovations (technical, social, economic, and political) in 8 countries across three continents. It proposes to do so by using a participatory action-research approach involving the key stakeholders of the Agroecological Living Landscapes (ALLs), multi-stakeholder territorial spaces in each country on which the Initiative targets its transformation and innovation efforts.

Day 2 IFPRI Presentations for 2023 CGIAR GENDER-ICAR Conference

Décembre, 2022

IFPRI is participating in the 2023 annual CGIAR Gender Research Conference. This conference is co-hosted by the CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform and the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) and will take place in New Delhi, India, on October 9-12, 2023.
Presentation and poster titles:
Cultural and economic barriers and opportunities for the participation of women in agricultural production systems: A case study in Guatemala
Armed conflict and gendered participation in agrifood systems: Survey evidence from 29 African countries

Climate change, mobility and violent conflict: a typology of interlinked pathways

Décembre, 2022

Despite increased attention toward the links between climate, human mobility and conflict, the pathways
through which resulting human insecurity may lead to violence are poorly understood. Although there
is no inherent link between climate-related mobility and conflict, a coherent understanding of the triple
nexus is needed to address the impact of intersecting crises on millions of lives and livelihoods. To
achieve this, an in-depth literature review is employed to identify and explore four pathways that connect

The IGAD Climate Adaptation Strategy (2023-2030)

Décembre, 2022

The IGAD region is currently facing enormous adaptation challenges and stands to bear the brunt of the most severe near-term climate change impacts. In response to these challenges, the IGAD Climate Adaptation Strategy (2023-2030) was developed to provide a framework for coordinated action to address climate risks and enhance the resilience and adaptive capacities of IGAD Member States.

Bioversity International Financial Statements 2022: for the year ended 31 December: Including independent auditor's report

Décembre, 2022

Bioversity International’s financial mandate includes maintaining accountability and transparency in its finances, and to evaluate and communicate direct impact from our work to our donors, partners and the wider research and development community.

Status of urban ecology in Africa: a systematic review

Décembre, 2022

Urbanization is an extreme human activity and is expanding worldwide, consequently increasing the attention of scientists across research areas of urban ecology. Recent studies have warned of the lack of information from certain regions, particularly Africa, which is rapidly urbanizing. Thus, we did a detailed literature search to determine the state of knowledge in African urban ecology in the last century.

Evaluation of training on good agronomic practices for seed yam production in Nigeria

Décembre, 2022

The second phase of the Yam Improvement for Income and Food Security in West Africa (YIIFSWA II) project was implemented through a strong collaboration between research and private sector. Private seed companies were provided with a wide variety of training and development activities on good agronomic practices (GAPs). However, the effects of the training activities were yet to be evaluated.

Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA) Mid-year report 2023

Décembre, 2022

The Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA) project is administered by the Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT). AICCRA is a project that helps deliver a climate-smart African future driven by science and innovation in agriculture. AICCRA builds on 50 years of CGIAR innovation, AICCRA works to scale climate-smart agriculture (CSA) and climate information services (CIS) that reach millions of smallholder farmers in Africa.