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Joint Stakeholders (NGOs) Submission to the Human Rights Council- Universal Periodic Review Mechanism

Reports & Research
Novembre, 2011

This report is a compilation of primary and secondary sources of information, evidences and facts collected through consultative meetings and interviews with CSOs and Community members. More information was obtained from different credible sources including the UN treaty bodies, UN special procedures, ACHPR, government reports, media as well as reports of fact finding missions of pastoralists’ CSOs members. Validation was done by pastoralist CSOs and National CSOs in two different meetings

Plano Estratégico para o Desenvolvimento do Sector Agrário (PEDSA 2011-2020)

Reports & Research
Avril, 2011

O Desenvolvimento Agrário tem sido desde sempre uma prioridade para Moçambique. Em 1998, o Governo em colaboração com os principais parceiros desenhou o Programa de Desenvolvimento da Agricultura (PROAGRI I) com o objectivo de melhorar a coordenação das intervenções públicas na agricultura e orientar os investimentos..

Functional response traits in relation to land use change in the Montado

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2010

The socio-economic changes of the last decades have resulted in changes in traditional land uses with consequent abandonment of large farmland areas in the Mediterranean region. We assessed the response of species richness and composition, and species functional traits to decreasing land use intensity in a Montado system, an agro-pastoral system characteristic of the Alentejo, Southern Portugal. Additionally, we investigated whether plant functional types can be established based on the response to decreasing land use intensity in these systems.

Manejo del suelo en la Altillanura de los Llanos Orientales de Colombia

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2010
Central America
South America

Soil management in the Altillanura of Colombia’s Eastern Plains The strategies used for adequate soil management for the Altillanura (high plains with flat topography) of Colombia’s Eastern Plains are reviewed to establish modern, efficient, and sustainable livestock systems in this region. Advances in technology development within the technical and scientific cooperation agreement signed between Colombia’s Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADR) and CIAT, as well as those of the Center’s Soils Project and several national institutions co-partners in the agreement.

Participatory Land Use Planning as a Tool for Community Empowerment in Northern Tanzania

Peer-reviewed publication
Novembre, 2010

This paper presents several case studies to show how the Ujamaa Community Resource Team (UCRT) has been working within Tanzania’s legal and policy framework to support a diverse range of pastoralists, agro-pastoralists and hunter-gatherers, all of whom face fundamental threats from external appropriation of, or encroachment on, lands and natural resources. The work also responds to local needs to rationalise resource use rights amongst competing local groups, such as farmers and livestock keepers.

Enabling the uptake of livestock-water productivity interventions in the crop-livestock systems of sub-Saharan Africa

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2009

Livestock-water productivity (LWP) refers to a set of innovations that could contribute towards reducing the amount of water needed per unit of output generated. But what does it take to get these ideas adopted by livestock keepers in crop-livestock systems? In this paper, we treat LWP as an innovation, and consider in what ways it may be introduced and/or developed among the crop-livestock agricultural systems by drawing on successful examples of change.

Soil macrofauna under integrated crop-livestock systems in a Brazilian Cerrado Ferralsol

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2009
Amérique du Sud

The objective of this work was to assess the effects of integrated crop-livestock systems, associated
with two tillage and two fertilization regimes, on the abundance and diversity of the soil macrofauna. Four
different management systems were studied: continuous pasture (mixed grass); continuous crop; two croplivestock
rotations (crop/pasture and pasture/crop); and native Cerrado as a control. Macrofauna was sampled
using a modified Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility method, and all individuals were counted and identified at

IWGIA Urgent Alert concerning Gross Human Rights abuses towards Pastoralists in Loliondo, Ngorongoro district in Tanzania

Policy Papers & Briefs
Juillet, 2009

This urgent alert is based on the forceful evictions of Maasai pastoralists from their homes and grazing lands in Loliondo Division, Ngorongoro District in Northern Tanzania and the gross human rights violations that are being committed. 

The eviction operation started on the 4th July 2009 and was conducted by the notorious riot police, the Field Force Unit, with assistance of private guards from the Otterlo Business Cooperation (OBC). They entered the villages by shooting in the air and using teargas before pouring petrol on the Maasai homes and setting them on fire.

IWGIA Urgent Alert

Policy Papers & Briefs
Janvier, 2009

IWGIA has recently been informed by local partners in Tanzania that a government operation aimed at forcefully removing pastoralists from the Kilosa district in the Morogoro Region in southern Tanzania started on the 29.1.2009. The Tanzanian government wants to remove all pastoralists from Kilosa district and, according to some sources, the whole of Morogoro Region, and force them to other areas of Tanzania. Such areas have though, according to IWGIA local partners as yet not been specified, and the affected families do not know where to go to.

[Agriculture, territory and multifunctionality: new directions in rural development policy]

Conference Papers & Reports
Décembre, 2008

En esta ponencia, se analizan las nuevas orientaciones de las políticas de desarrollo rural, mostrando sus diversas concepciones. De un lado, una concepción agraria, aplicada sectorialmente en la agricultura como eje del desarrollo de las zonas rurales; de otro lado, una concepción territorial, en la que la diversificación de actividades (agrarias y no agrarias) es su principal eje de actuación, y el territorio su ámbito de aplicación. Entre esas dos concepciones giran hoy los debates en torno al desarrollo rural, tanto a nivel de la UE como de los Estados miembros.