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Land Tenure for Social and Economic Inclusion in Yemen : Issues and Opportunities

Février, 2013

The report, Land Tenure for Social and
Economic Inclusion in Yemen: Issues and Opportunities was
completed in December 2009. The report addresses the
problems of land ownership in Yemen and the various social
and economic problems associated with the system of land
ownership. Property rights under Yemeni Law are expressed
both in custom and statute, but both are informed by shari a
(Islamic law), which provides the basic property categories

A Conflict’s Impact on Project Goals and Reputation Risk : Lessons from Kosovo Privatization Program

Août, 2012

When designing and implementing a
project in a conflict-affected country, some of the
conflict's more obvious impacts-damage to
infrastructure and energy supplies, are apt to immediately
come to mind. However, based on the experiences with the
Kosovo privatization program, there are additional problems
related to a conflict's aftermath that may be
overlooked during a project's design but which should

Managing Urban Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa

Août, 2012
Sub-Saharan Africa

This article addresses the problems of
governance in municipalities in Africa. The concern has been
to adapt traditional systems of governance to the needs of
modern urban management. This article investigates the need
for a new analysis of the twin problems of urban land and
urban management in sub-Saharan Africa. This need is based
on the apparent paradox between the dynamic, city-creating
activities of civil societies in all of these countries, and

Securing Property Rights in Transition : Lessons from Implementation of China's Rural Land Contracting Law

Juin, 2012

This paper is motivated by the emphasis
on secure property rights as a determinant of economic
development in recent literature. The authors use village
and household level information from about 800 villages
throughout China to explore whether legal reform increased
protection of land rights against unauthorized reallocation
or expropriation with below-average compensation by the
state. The analysis provides nation-wide evidence on a

Environmental and Gender Impacts of Land Tenure Regularization in Africa : Pilot evidence from Rwanda

Mars, 2012

Although increased global demand for
land has led to renewed interest in African land tenure, few
models to address these issues quickly and at the required
scale have been identified or evaluated. The case of
Rwanda's nation-wide and relatively low-cost land
tenure regularization program is thus of great interest.
This paper evaluates the short-term impact (some 2.5 years
after completion) of the pilots undertaken to fine-tune the

The Land Factor in Mining Gold Reserves in Tanzania

Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembre, 2011

After three decades (following independence) of being overwhelmed by command-economy policies, in the 1980s the Tanzania’s gold mining industry benefited from policy reforms that started with the economic recovery programmes (ERP). These reforms freed in part the major means of production from state ownership. The accompanying paradigm shift allowed artisanal and small-scale miners (ASM) to register claims and retain much-needed foreign currency for rural development long before mining companies started operations.

Conservation and Citizenship: Democratizing Natural Resource Governance in Africa

Peer-reviewed publication
Novembre, 2010

Rights-based conservation depends on institutions that give citizens clear and enforceable rights to manage lands and natural resources. Such rights hinge on citizens’ abilities to strengthen and defend their rights and on the operation of the rule of law and impersonal forms of government for legal reforms to take place and have meaning.

FEMACT Loliondo Findings

Reports & Research
Juillet, 2009

Over the Last three months, acts of unconceivable evil were perpetrated through an eviction operation against indigenous pastoralists in Loliondo. Loliondo is one of the three Divisions of the Ngorongoro District situated in the Arusha Region in Northern Tanzania. The Ngorongoro District Covers an area of about 14037 square Kilometres. Stretching across some 8,300 sq km, is the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, established in 1959 and governed by the Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority, and the rest is the Loliondo Game Control Area consisting of the Sale and Loliondo Divisions.

The State of the then NAFCO, NARCO and Absentee Landlords' Farms/Ranches in Tanzania

Reports & Research
Janvier, 2009

The study sought to determine the state of farms that belonged to the then National Agricultural Corporation (NAFCO), ranches that belong to the National Ranching Company (NAFCO) and land belonging to absentee landlords. Since any state is dynamic, this research report, then, is a socio-historical account of what has been happening within/out more than 543,604 hectares of ranch/farmland in the wake of the fall of nationalization and rise of privatization.

The Agrofuel Industry in Tanzania: A Critical Inquiry into Challenges and Opportunities

Reports & Research
Février, 2008

Biofuel development in Tanzania places at stake 4 highly strategic national resources: land, water, forests and labour, and for generations to come. This alone is sufficient reason for the Tanzanian general public and rural communities in particular, to wrestle back the initiative and seek direct engagement in determining the best way forward for the nation.

Assessing the Functioning of Land Rental Markets in Ethiopia

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
Décembre, 2007

Although a large theoretical literature discusses the possible inefficiency of sharecropping contracts, the empirical evidence on this phenomenon has been ambiguous at best. Household-level fixed-effect estimates from about 8,500 plots operated by households that own and sharecrop land in the Ethiopian highlands provide support for the hypothesis of Marshallian inefficiency. At the same time, a factor adjustment model suggests that the extent to which rental markets allow households to attain their desired operational holding size is extremely limited.