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The Rainforests of Cameroon :
Experience and Evidence from a Decade of Reform

Mars, 2012

In 1994, the Government of Cameroon
introduced an array of forest policy reforms, both
regulatory and market-based, to support a more organized,
transparent, and sustainable system for accessing and using
forest resources. This report describes how these reforms
played out in the rainforests of Cameroon. The intention is
to provide a brief account of a complex process and identify
what worked, what did not, and what can be improved. The

China Forest Policy : Deepening the Transition, Broadening the Relationship

Reports & Research
Mars, 2012

A pattern of forest area loss followed
by a period of reforestation is representative of the forest
transition process. Forest transition has been observed in
many countries and is a feature of the development process.
China reached its inflection point earlier and faster than
most other countries that have gone through the transition.
The report describes the success of reforms to forest
resource tenure in collective forest areas. These reforms,

A Legal and Institutional Framework for Sustainable Management of Forest Resources in Southern Sudan : Policy note

Mars, 2012

This policy note was prepared in
response to a request from the Government of Southern Sudan
(GoSS) for World Bank assistance in developing legislative
and institutional policies and strategies that will take
advantage of the potential of the region's forest
resources to contribute to poverty alleviation, food
security, sustainable agriculture, economic growth, and to
protection of forest-related environmental services such as

Environment Matters at the World Bank, 2009 Annual Review : Banking on Biodiversity

Reports & Research
Mars, 2012

This issue of environment matters
celebrates the 2010 international year of biodiversity and
describes some of the challenges and opportunities in
protecting biodiversity for the benefit of humankind. From
the world's highest mountain ranges to the lowland
plains, and from the great oceans and coastal wetlands to
agricultural landscapes, nations and communities rely on the
bounty and services of natural ecosystems. Biological

Vietnam - Aligning Public Spending with Strategic Priorities in the Forestry Sector

Mars, 2012

Vietnam's forests remain dependent
on public resources, including international development
assistance, for the delivery of public and private services
that include timber production, state forest management,
forest protection and biodiversity conservation, and
extension and research. Public subsidies are also provided
to smallholder forest owners to stimulate investments into
the sector. For the Government it is important to

Africa - Making Development Climate
Resilient : A World Bank Strategy for Sub-Saharan Africa

Mars, 2012

This strategy for making development
Climate-Resilient in Sub-Saharan Africa is the World
Bank's operational response to climate variability and
change on the continent. Grounded in a climate risk review
of the Africa Region's sustainable development
portfolio, it adds the climate change dimension to the
Region's development strategy and business plan, the
Africa Action Plan (AAP, 2009-2012), and will be an integral

Investing in a More Sustainable Indonesia : Country Environmental Analysis 2009 - Summary

Mars, 2012

The objective of this Country
Environmental Analysis (CEA) is to highlight the underlying
challenges and opportunities for Indonesia's
environment and management of its natural resources in order
to guide the World Bank support to Indonesian institutions
for more sustainable development. Rather, the CEA sets the
broader context (chapter one) and economic costs of
environmental degradation (chapter two) in order to identify

Roots for Good Forest Outcomes : An Analytical Framework for Governance Reforms

Mars, 2012

Poor governance is a major impediment to
achieving development outcomes of the forest sector. It
results in losses of income, employment, government
revenues, and local and global environmental services.
However, at present, no comprehensive guide to reforming
forest governance has been developed. Although usually it is
relatively easy to recognize that the forest sector in a
country is failing to deliver all its potential benefits,

Aleurites moluccana (L.) Willd.: ekologi, silvikultur dan produktivitas

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2011

Panduan ini mengelaborasikan berbagai informasi terkait ekologi dan silvikultur Aleurites moluccana (L.) Willd., dengan fokus wilayah di Indonesia. Panduan ini juga mencakup informasi pertumbuhan dan hasil dari beragam sumber pustaka maupun berdasarkan pengukuran tegakan petani di lokasi penelitian kami di Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan. Panduan ini merupakan salah satu dari lima panduan yang dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan referensi dalam usaha penanaman pohon rakyat untuk lima jenis pilihan di Indonesia.

Anthocephalus cadamba Miq.: Ecology, silviculture and productivity

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2011

This manual gathers information on the ecology and silviculture of Anthocephalus cadamba Miq., with a focus on Indonesia. It also includes growth and yield data from published sources, collected from smallholders’ farms in the research sites in South Kalimantan province, and collected previously by the Forestry Research and Development Agency of Indonesia. The manual is one of the five manuals produced to guide smallholder tree planting of five selected tree species in Indonesia.

Anthocephalus cadamba Miq.: ekologi, silvikultur dan produktivitas

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2011

Panduan ini mengelaborasikan berbagai informasi terkait ekologi dan silvikultur Anthocephalus cadamba Miq., dengan fokus wilayah di Indonesia. Panduan ini juga mencakup informasi pertumbuhan dan hasil dari beragam sumber pustaka maupun berdasarkan pengukuran tegakan petani di lokasi penelitian kami di Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan, dan juga berdasarkan data pertumbuhan tegakan yang telah dikumpulkan sebelumnya oleh Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kehutanan.