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Tierra, violencia y desplazamiento

Policy Papers & Briefs
Décembre, 2016
Amérique du Sud

Tierra, violencia y desplazamiento 
 Malkya Tudela
Periodista, trabajó en el periódico La Prensa y el periódico digital del PIEB, cuenta con Maestría en Estudios Críticos del Desarrollo en CIDES- UMSA. Actualmente trabaja en la Unidad de Investigación del IPDRS.

The role of traditional institution in managing Ife-Modakeke conflict

Peer-reviewed publication
Novembre, 2016

The conflict between the Ife and Modakeke appears to be a protracted and seemingly intractable intra-ethnic conflict that has continued to pit two groups of the same ethnic background against one another. This study, therefore examined the role of traditional institution in managing Ife-Modakeke conflict. The study found that the major causes of the conflict between Ife and Modakeke group include land issues, Ife-East Local Government, debate over Modakeke’s sovereignty, boundary disagreement etc.

Ribeirinhos do São Francisco e a resistência frente à construção da Usina Hidrelétrica de Riacho Seco: o caso do município de Santa Maria da Boa Vista/PE

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre, 2016
Este trabalho tem como objetivo, entender o processo de resistência no campo e na cidade na região do Submédio São Francisco, em especial a atuação do processo de resistência dos povos ribeirinhos do município de Santa Maria da Boa Vista – PE. Em função da eminente construção da Usina Hidrelétrica de Riacho Seco, a mesma não tendo prosseguimento no licenciamento e leilão, ficando no Estudo de Impacto Ambiental – (EIA) sem concluir o Relatório de Impacto Ambiental – (RIMA) assim a

Land Policy Brief: Key findings from survey on access to land, tenure security & land conflicts in Timor-Leste

Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembre, 2016

Continued stability and future development in Timor-Leste are dependent on establishing the necessary legal and administrative mechanisms for providing access to land, land tenure security, as well as preventing and addressing land-related conflict. The survey interviewed representatives of 1,152 households between 3 and 8 of September 2016 in Ainaro, Ermera, and the urban area of Dili and was conducted by The Asia Foundation and the Van Vollenhoven Institute.

Land Ownership and the Journey to Self-Determination

Reports & Research
Novembre, 2016
Sri Lanka

This paper is an abridged version of an earlier scoping study entitled Sri Lanka Country Report: Land Watch Asia Study prepared in 2010 by the Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement through the support of the International Land Coalition (ILC). It is also written as a contribution to the Land Watch Asia (LWA) campaign to ensure that access to land, agrarian reform and sustainable development for the rural poor are addressed in development.

Hoja Informativa N.º 4: Conflictos Territoriales en San Martín

Institutional & promotional materials
Novembre, 2016
South America

Esta hoja informative es el resultado del proyecto "Promoviendo la prevención y gestión de conflictos en el proceso de titulación de tierras de las comunidades nativas de la Amazonía andina de San Martín - Perú", ejecutado por la ONG Paz y Esperanza (Moyobamba), con el apoyo de la cooperación alemana para el desarrollo, implementada por la Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, a través del proyecto Pro Tierras Comunales.

Hoja Informativa N.º 4 (mapas)

Institutional & promotional materials
Novembre, 2016
South America

Los conflictos territoriales incluyen superposiciones de diferentes categorías territoriales otorgadas por el Estado en sus diferentes niveles y las tensiones entre vecinos (conflictos sociales), todos estos  representan "obstáculos para la titulación" o pueden limitar la futura gestión territorial de las comunidades nativas.

El equipo de la ONG Paz y Esperanza trabajó en estrecha colaboración con CODEPISAM, sus ocho federaciones y los presidentes de los miembros de las comunidades nativas, se hicieron visitas de campo en base a ella se actualizaron los datos y mapas.

Tierras y conflictos rurales

Reports & Research
Novembre, 2016

Este informe documenta y analiza los cambios en la estructura de la propiedad agraria en Colombia durante la segunda mitad del siglo XX y la primera década del siglo XXI. Se examina primero la legislación agraria y el reparto de tierras baldías en la primera mitad del siglo XX, para ver en perspectiva histórica la configuración de la estructura de la propiedad rural y establecer el peso que en esta han tenido las políticas de tierras del Estado colombiano.

Property Rights and Resource Governance Guatemala

Reports & Research
Novembre, 2016
Latin America and the Caribbean

In Guatemala, a history of discrimination and inequality of opportunity led to a 36-year conflict that finally subsided with a Peace Agreement in 1996. Improvements since then have prevented a return to conflict and begun to create the conditions for sustained stability. However, the persistence of substantial inequality constitutes a risk factor for future stability and constrains Guatemala’s growth potential. Land distribution is highly unequal. The largest 2.5% of farms occupy nearly two-thirds of agricultural land while 90% of the farms are on only one-sixth of the agricultural land.