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Contextualizing customary land registration in Uganda

Décembre, 2021

The land crises and large-scale land grabs affecting many African countries today stem from historical and colonial mistakes whose problems remain. The systems;policies and laws that are being pushed to “register” and “formalise” land ownership do not put into consideration the cultural and historical aspects that govern land in many countries on the continent. Professor Sam Lwanga Lunyiigo asks pertinent questions about this push and about implications of customary land registration in Uganda.

Revisiting Land Distribution Policies Among Land-Based Sectors In Tanzania

Décembre, 2021

context and backgroundDespite the robustness of various land instruments and legal and institutional regulations on various sectors, Tanzania’s land distribution-related policy implementation and practice is facing numerous challenges. Tanzania is not only experiencing poor land conditions, but also poor land management and ineffective policy implementation. Areas of concern includes public policy actions on land conflicts; settlements and housing problems; and conflicting demand for land for mining, large scale agriculture, conservation, tourism, ranching and pastoral nomadism.

Women’S Land Rights As A Pathway To Food Security In Uganda

Décembre, 2021

Context and backgroundIn common with other African countries, colonization had an important impact on land relations in Uganda. Land is an important asset for people’s livelihoods and for economic development in Uganda, where the majority of people live in rural areas. Uganda’s land reform was introduced with the 1998 Land Act, which aims at enhancing tenure security by recognising existing rights to land. Furthermore, the evidence of any links between the formalisation of land rights, investment and productivity under different tenure systems is inconclusive.

National Land Coalitions And The Preservation Of Communities’ Ancestral Land Heritage In Africa

Décembre, 2021
Sierra Leone

National Land Coalitions (NLCs) work towards the recognition, defence, protection and redistribution of land rights at national level. They build upon frameworks on land tenure developed and agreed by different regional and intergovernmental institutions. Platforms are at the heart of protecting and preserving community and customary lands which constitute the major category of landholding in Africa.

Réformes Pour Réguler L'Accaparement Des Terres Au Profit Des Jeunes En Afrique De L’Ouest Francophone : Cas Du Bénin Et Du Sénégal.

Décembre, 2021
United States of America

Context and background Land grabbing has been in the news in Africa in recent years. Fertile land is increasingly falling into the hands of national or international private investors. Farmers with rudimentary means, youth, women, indigenous people, and pastoralists are the actors most affected by large-scale land grabs. Fertile land is becoming increasingly scarce and the public authorities do not seem to be determined to put in place safeguards to regulate this situation.

How to enhance the sustainability and inclusiveness of smallholder aquaculture production systems in Zambia?

Décembre, 2021

Fish is a key source of income, food, and nutrition in Zambia, although unlike in the past, capture fisheries no longer meet the national demand for fish. Supply shortfalls created an opportunity to develop the aquaculture sector in Zambia, which is now one of the largest producers of farmed fish (Tilapia spp.) on the continent. In its present form, the aquaculture sector exhibits a dichotomy.

Linking small-scale fisheries co-management to U.N. Sustainable Development Goals

Décembre, 2021

Small-scale fisheries account for 90% of global fishers and 40% of the global catch. Effectively managing small-scale fisheries is, therefore, crucial to progressing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Co-management and community-based fisheries management are widely considered the most appropriate forms of governance for many small-scale fisheries. We outlined relationships between small-scale fisheries co-management and attainment of the SDGs, including evidence for impacts and gaps in dominant logic.