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The global land rush: what the evidence reveals about scale and geography

Reports & Research
Avril, 2012

A growing body of evidence points to the scale, geography, players and key characteristics of the global land rush phenomenon. Much of the data cannot be compared so improving the data and analysis is critical. All evidence indicates that land acquisitions are happening quickly and on a large scale, so we urgently need to det on with developing appropriate responses.

International Conference of Peasants and Farmers: Stop land grabbing!

Reports & Research
Avril, 2012

Includes presentation of the conference; land grabbing: what is it? – old phenomenon, new appearance, scale and speed, the ‘everyone wins’ myth; testimonies and analyses by peasants and family farmers from different continents- Africa, Latin America, Asia, Europe; conclusion – global land grabbing: some critical reflections by Jun Borras.

Transnational Land Deals for Agriculture in the Global South, Analytical Report based on the Land Matrix Database

Reports & Research
Avril, 2012

The Land Matrix, from which this report was produced, is an online public database of large-scale land deals. Report covers global overview – the rush for land for agriculture, where are investments targeted?, investors and investor countries, learning more about the drivers, processes and impacts: how land deals are implemented, bibliography.

Peace, Bread and Land. Agricultural Investments in Ethiopia and the Sudans

Reports & Research
Janvier, 2012

Includes current trends � levels of activity, crops and markets, sources of investment, contract transparency, geographical distribution; focus of existing discourse; land and security; weaving land into conflict narratives; risks; conclusion. Argues that access to accurate information about the extent and nature of large-scale foreign investment in Ethiopian and Sudanese land is extremely limited, so broader narratives of ‘land grabbing’ are a potentially misleading oversimplification.

Effects of Watershed Vegetation on Tributary Water Yields During the Wet Season in the Heishui Valley, China

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2011

The relationships between water yields of tributaries and coverage of different vegetation types in the corresponding sub-watersheds were investigated during the wet season in the Heishui River Valley, located in the upper portion of the Yangtze River in western China. Stable isotope analysis was used to calculate the relative contributions of the tributaries to water yield in the main stem of the Heishui River, while relative coverages of the different vegetation types were calculated from classified Landsat 7 TM satellite images of the study area.

Understanding Land Investment Deals in Africa. Country Report: South Sudan

Reports & Research
Décembre, 2011
Soudan du Sud

Includes country context, legal and institutional frameworks, 4 case studies. The new government of South Sudan has begun promoting large-scale private investments as a shortcut to rapid economic development. Recent major land deals threaten to undermine the land rights of local communities. Lack of a regulatory framework encourages opportunistic companies and is a potential source of future conflicts. Need to place limits on land-based investment until an appropriate regulatory framework is in place.

Understanding Land Investment Deals in Africa. Country Report: Zambia

Reports & Research
Décembre, 2011

Includes country context, characteristics of land investment, how land is acquired, impacts. Several large hedge and equity funds are involved in acquiring land, farm blocks are plagued by problems, there is lack of consultation, no transparency, little protection for small-scale farmers, and serious concerns about conversion of land from food to agrofuel production