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Land Survey (Amendment) Regulations (S.I. No. 103 of 1998).

Afrique orientale

These Regulations amend the principal Regulations by revoking the Fourth Schedule and substituting therefor the Schedule attached to these Regulations. The Fourth Schedule concerns trial surveys as provided for by section 8 of the Land Survey Act and regulation 77a of the principal Regulations. A trail survey shall be carried out by aspirant land surveyors in accordance with directions set out in the Schedule.

Amends: Land Survey Regulations. (2006)

Decreto Nº 26.771/J - Reglamento del Registro Público.

Costa Rica
Amérique centrale

El presente Decreto aprueba el Reglamento del Registro Público, que tiene bajo su competencia la registración y la expedición de certificaciones acerca de la constitución, modificación y extinción de derechos sobre propiedad inmueble, hipotecas comunes y de cédulas, sociedades mercantiles y civiles, asociaciones civiles, poderes de personas físicas y concesiones de la zona marítima terrestre.

Enmendado por: Decreto Nº 35.509/J - Reglamento de organización del Registro Inmobiliario. (2009-09-30)

Décret présidentiel n° 96-405 du 19 novembre 1996 portant création du Conseil national de l'information géographique.

Afrique septentrionale

Le présent décret présidentiel porte création du Conseil national de l'information géographique.

Modifié par: Décret présidentiel n° 09-117 modifiant le décret présidentiel n° 96-405 du 19 novembre 1996 portant création du Conseil national de l'information géographique. (2009-04-14)

Ministerial Decree No. 568 regarding establishment of common state co-ordinate system.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

The Government decrees to establish the following common state co-ordinate systems: 1). Geodetic co-ordinate system of 1995 (SK-95) - for the use i n the process of carrying out geodetic and cartographic assignments beginning from the 1st of July 2002. 2). Geocentric co-ordinate system "Parameters of Earth of 1990" (PZ-90) for the use for the purpose of geodetic backing of orbital flights and carrying out navigation assignments.

Ministerial Decree No. 537 of 2000 regarding the sphere of competence of Federal Land Cadastre Service.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

The Government decrees to establish that Federal Land Cadastre Service is the Federal Executive Body in the field of state management of land resources that carries out special (executive, control, authorization and other) functions as regards keeping up of state land cadastre and state registration of immovable property situated the plots of land, land survey, state cadastre valuation of land, land monitoring and state control over the use and the protection of land. Federal Land Cadastre Service is entrusted with the functions of the abolished State Land Policy Committee.

Government Regulation on Land Registration (No. 24 of 1997).

Asia du sud-est

These Regulations are composed of 10 Chapters, i.e. General provisions (I); Principles and purposes (II); Fundamentals of land registration administration (III); First time land registration (IV); Maintenance of land registration data (V); Issuance of a replacement certificate (VI); Land registration fees (VII); Sanctions (VIII); Transitional provisions (IX); Concluding provisions (X)Article 1 provides a list of definitions and explanations of terms used within the Act including a definition of the term "land registration".

Ministerial Decree No. 1230 of 1995 regarding validation of the Regulation on licensing of designing and research activity related to the use of land.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

The Government, for the purpose of regulating the issues of licensing of designing and research activity related to the use of the stock of land and the application of common technology in the process of its realization, decrees to validate the Regulation. The document consists of 23 Articles. Regional executive bodies are entitled to issue licences as regards the following types of designing and research activity related to the use of land: 1).

Ministerial Decree No. 319 of 1997 regarding the determination of the normative value of land.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

The Government decrees that the normative value of land is applicable in accordance with the cases established by the Russian Legislation and is established on the yearly basis by the regional Executive Bodies for land of different destination in accordance with different valuation zones, administrative districts, settlements and their classification.

Ministerial Decree No. 918 of 2000 regarding validation of the Regulation on concession of information of state land cadastre.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

The Government decrees to validate the Regulation. In accordance with this Regulation the concession of information regards only state land cadastre data open for general use. This Regulation does not cover state land cadastre data of limited access. The Federal Land Cadastre and its territorial branches concede state land cadastre information. In order to obtain information as regards a single plot of land its cadastre number must be specified and in case of its absence its location (address orientation) must be specified.

Ministerial Decree No. 669 of 2000 regarding validation of the Regulation on Federal Cartographic and Geodetic Fund.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

The Government decrees to validate the Regulation. This Regulation determines the modalities of setting up and keeping up of the Federal Cartographic and Geodetic Fund. This Fund makes part of state cartographic and geodetic fund and represents the totality of geodetic, cartographic, topographic, hydrographic, aerospacial, and ground planning data of national and interdepartmental importance collected in the course of geodetic and cartographic activity and displayed in graphic, digital, photographic and other forms and subject to long-term storage.

Ministerial Decree No. 660 of 2000 regarding validation of the Regulation on cadastre subdivision of the national territory and the modalities of assignation of cadastre number to the plots of land.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

The Government decrees to validate the Regulation. This Regulation determines the modalities of cadastre subdivision of the national territory for the purpose of keeping up of state land cadastre and assignation of cadastre number to the plots of land. In accordance with this Regulation all the territory of the Russian Federation, including the territories of all regions, inland waters and territorial sea, is subdivided into cadastre districts.