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Establishment of site index curves and taper tables for sugi (Cryptomeria japonica) plantations in Nagasaki Prefecture

Journal Articles & Books
Mai, 2015

In order to develop the original long-term cutting age management standard of Sugi (Cryptomeria japonica) plantaions in Nagasaki prefecture, site index curves and taper tables of Sugi plantations were created. 1) Site idex curves were revised up after 40-50 years on stand age, and rate of height growth was not decreased remarkably. 2) On the average relative stem curve, the determination coefficient of polynomial expression was 0.9799. 3) The new taper tables could be applied to trees whose height from 15 to 31 m and DBH from 15 to 50 cm.

Land Suitability Assessment For Effective Crop Production, a Case Study of Taita Hills, Kenya

Journal Articles & Books
Mars, 2015

Agriculture is the backbone of Kenya’s economy. Agriculture in Kenya is characterized by low productivity due to low external inputs, lack of good farming practices, soil erosion, and other losses. In most farming regions of the country, agriculture depends entirely on rainfall which sometimes is scarce. The problem of selecting the correct land for the cultivation of certain crops is a long-standing and mainly empirical issue. The objective of this study is to extrapolate and generate a crop suitability map showing areas suitable for agricultural activities in Taita Hills in Kenya.

High-Precision Land-Cover-Land-Use GIS Mapping and Land Availability and Suitability Analysis for Grass Biomass Production in the Aroostook River Valley, Maine, USA

Peer-reviewed publication
Mars, 2015

High-precision land-cover-land-use GIS mapping was performed in four major townships in Maine’s Aroostook River Valley, using on-screen digitization and direct interpretation of very high spatial resolution satellite multispectral imagery (15–60 cm) and high spatial resolution LiDAR data (2 m) and the field mapping method. The project not only provides the first-ever high-precision land-use maps for northern Maine, but it also yields accurate hectarage estimates of different land-use types, in particular grassland, defined as fallow land, pasture, and hay field.

Experience in elaborating the national system for estimating the land suitability

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2014
États-Unis d'Amérique

Under discussion is the FAO algorithm modified to estimate the suita-bility of lands and soils for agricultural purposes using the definite LUI index (land unit index). The latter is calculated by rating of soil indices taken into complete account and accepted by FAO, USDA (USA) and the Ministry of Agriculture in the Russian Federation. The algorithm and proposed computer programs of interactive expert systems ((ADAPTER, LAND, PLANT) are universal and make it possible to use the indices for solving a number of intricate tasks in off-line regime.

Modeling land suitability/capability using fuzzy evaluation

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2014
États-Unis d'Amérique

Modeling the suitability of land to support specific land uses is an important and common GIS application. Three classic models, specifically pass/fail screening, graduated screening and weighted linear combination, are examined within a more general framework defined by fuzzy logic theory. The rationale underlying each model is explained using the concepts of fuzzy intersections, fuzzy unions and fuzzy averaging operations. These fuzzy implementations of the three classic models are then operationalized and used to analyze the distribution of kudzu in the conterminous United States.

Digital mapping of a soil drainage index for irrigated enterprise suitability in Tasmania, Australia

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2014

An operational Digital Soil Assessment was developed to inform land suitability modelling in newly commissioned irrigation schemes in Tasmania, Australia. The Land Suitability model uses various soil parameters, along with other climate and terrain surfaces, to identify suitable areas for various agricultural enterprises for a combined 70000-ha pilot project area in the Meander and Midlands Regions of Tasmania. An integral consideration for irrigable suitability is soil drainage.

Oil Palm and Deforestation in Papua New Guinea

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2014

An unprecedented increase in oil palm developments may be underway in Papua New Guinea (PNG) through controversial “special agricultural and business leases” (SABLs) covering over two million hectares. Oil palm development can create societal benefits, but doubt has been raised about whether the SABL developers intend establishing plantations. Here, we examine the development objectives of these proposals through an assessment of their land suitability, developer experience and capacity, and sociolegal constraints.

Characteristics, suitability and recommendations for management of land in acid sulfate soil-affected brackishwater ponds for tiger prawn (Penaeus monodon) culture in Luwu Regency, Indonesia

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2014

Luwu is one of the regencies located on the east coast of South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia which has large brackishwater ponds area, but it has a low productivity of shrimp and fish. Therefore, a study was carried out to know the land characteristics for determining suitability and management of land for tiger prawn (Penaeus monodon) culture in brackishwater ponds to increase the productivity and sustainability. Factors considered in land characteristics are: topography and tidal range, soil quality, water quality and climate.

Land suitability assessment for wind power plant site selection using ANP-DEMATEL in a GIS environment: case study of Ardabil province, Iran

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2014

Wind energy is a renewable energy resource that has increased in usage in most countries. Site selection for the establishment of large wind turbines, called wind farms, like any other engineering project, requires basic information and careful planning. This study assessed the possibility of establishing wind farms in Ardabil province in northwestern Iran by using a combination of analytic network process (ANP) and decision making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) methods in a geographical information system (GIS) environment.

Bayesian Network Application to Land Suitability Classification in the Sewage Sludge Amendment of Agricultural Soils

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2014

Sewage sludge (SS) amendment of agricultural soils has recently become an issue of great interest because improvements in wastewater treatment systems have increased production of this type of waste. This practice is known to benefit soil and crops. However, the potential contamination of the environmental matrices has been rarely assessed because suitable models and data regarding the diffuse contamination of SS in agricultural fields are limited.

Using combined AHP–genetic algorithm in artificial groundwater recharge site selection of Gareh Bygone Plain, Iran

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2014

Flood spreading is one of the suitable strategies to control and benefit from floods which in turn improve the groundwater recharge, makes soil more fertile, and increases nutrients in soil. It is also a method for reusing sediment, which is usually wasted. Thus, selection of suitable areas for flood spreading and directing the flood water into permeable formations are amongst the most effective strategies in flood spreading projects.