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Village Endline Survey: Site Analysis Report for Nyando - Katuk Odeyo, Kenya (KE0101)

Décembre, 2020

This study used community-level focus group discussions in the seven villages of the Nyando climate-smart villages (CSVs) in Kenya. The discussions were complemented with satellite images from mixed sources and GIS-based analytics to monitor the changes in land use and land cover over the past 10 years (2011-2021).

Property rights and wrongs: Land reforms for sustainable food production in rural Mali

Décembre, 2020

Agricultural land reforms are crucial to promote investments in sustainable land management and food production amidst accelerating urbanization and increasing population growth. However, notable gaps remain in the literature regarding how land reforms designed at the national level are implemented in localized contexts, especially as they interplay with customary tenure regimes. Adopting an institutional bricolage perspective, we explore interactions between local tenure arrangements and government land reforms and the resulting implications for food production in rural Mali.

VegeT: An Easy Tool to Classify and Facilitate the Management of Seminatural Grasslands and Dynamically Connected Vegetation of the Alps

Peer-reviewed publication
Décembre, 2020
États-Unis d'Amérique

Alpine pastures and meadows are agroecosystems of biological, cultural-historical, and economic importance that are undergoing profound imbalances and which are in a rapid decline due to changes in management and/or abandonment. The European Union is making efforts to protect this heritage and resource. However, the dialog among the different professionals in charge of studying and managing these agroecosystems needs to be as easy and comprehensible as possible for grasslands conservation/restoration actions to be successful.

Performance Evaluation of the Urban Cadastral System in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Peer-reviewed publication
Décembre, 2020

The cadastral system is a land management and land administration tool to provide a safe and reliable real property registration system. In Ethiopia, however, the attempts to implement a reliable urban cadastral system have not been successful, which translates into a deficient land administration system. This paper is an evaluation of the performance of the urban cadastral system of Addis Ababa, based on the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) excellence model. The nine criteria of the model were used as independent and dependent variables.

Assessing multifunctionality of agricultural soils : Reducing the biodiversity trade-off

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2020

Soils are indispensable for the provision of several functions. Agricultural intensification and its focus on increasing primary productivity (PP) poses a threat to soil quality, due to increases in nutrient loads, greenhouse gas emissions and declining biodiversity. The EU Horizon 2020 Landmark project has developed multi-criteria decision models to assess five soil functions: PP, nutrient cycling (NC), soil biodiversity and habitat provision (B-HP), climate mitigation and water regulation, simultaneously in agricultural fields.

Assessment of the growth in social groups for sustainable agriculture and land management

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2020

Non-technical summaryUntil the past half-century, all agriculture and land management was framed by local institutions strong in social capital. But neoliberal forms of development came to undermine existing structures, thus reducing sustainability and equity. The past 20 years, though, have seen the deliberate establishment of more than 8 million new social groups across the world.

Gendered climate change adaptation practices in fragmented farm fields of Gamo Highlands, Ethiopia

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2020

The objective of this study is to assess the existence of gendered climate change adaptation practices of smallholder farmers in the Gamo Highlands of Ethiopia. We hypothesized that smallholders’ adaptation practices are gendered because of land fragmentation and gendered division of labour. To explore this, we considered sustainable land management practices as a tool for sustainable adaptation and assessed the effect of land management practices deployed and land fragmentation on intra-household time allocation.

Multi-Functional Land Use Is Not Self-Evident for European Farmers: A Critical Review

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2020

Soils perform more functions than primary productivity. Examples of these functions are the recycling of nutrients, the regulation and purification of water, the regulation of the climate, and supporting biodiversity. These abilities are generally referred to as the soil quality. Soil management that favors primary productivity may have positive and negative impacts on the other functions, and vice versa, depending on soil and climatic conditions. All these functions are under pressure, particularly in intensive agriculture.

Impacts des actions des ONG sur la gestion durable des aires protegées en République Démocratique du Congo Cas de la Reserve de Biosphère de Luki au Kongo Central

Peer-reviewed publication
Novembre, 2020

L’étude relative aux impacts des actions des ONG sur la gestion durable des aires protégées dans la reserve de Biosphere de Luki(RBL), dans la Province du Kongo central situées à l’Ouest de la RDC, montre que cette réserve regorge une diversité biologique particulière qui est soumise à une pression importante due aux activités anthropiques. Plusieurs ONG s’y implantent. Les enquêtes sur les activités de ces ONG ont été effectuées en vue d’en décéler les impacts sur la réserve et sur le développement de la population locale.

Determining Indicators Related to Land Management Interventions to Measure Spatial Inequalities in an Urban (Re)Development Process

Peer-reviewed publication
Octobre, 2020

Nowadays, urban sprawl, urban densification, housing shortages, and land scarcity are some problems that intervene in the practice of urban planning. Those specific problems are currently more than ever emergent because they imply the notion of spatial justice and socio-spatial inequalities. Hence, it seems necessary to promptly research and describe these from a new and different perspective. Thus, we consider the Institutional Analysis and Development to define a conceptual framework to assess spatial justice.

Tip Sheet for Journalists Covering the Impacts of the Coronavirus Pandemic on the Extractive Sector

Manuals & Guidelines
Octobre, 2020

This compilation of resources aims to help journalists cover the medium- to long-term impacts of the global pandemic on the governance of the oil, gas and mining industries in resource-rich countries. It includes blog posts with media-relevant resources such as good examples of existing coverage, suggested story angles and data sources.