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Ley Nº 6/2016 - Modifica la Ley Nº 7/2002, Ley de Ordenación Urbanística de Andalucía.

Juillet, 2016

La presente Ley modifica la que tiene por objeto la regulación de la actividad urbanística y el régimen de utilización del suelo en la Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía, en relación a parcelaciones urbanísticas en terrenos que tengan el régimen del suelo no urbanizable, disponiendo que el restablecimiento del orden jurídico perturbado se llevará a cabo mediante la reagrupación de las parcelas a través de una reparcelación forzosa, en la forma y en las condiciones que se determinen reglamentariamente.

Five-year Development Plan 2016 – 2020 for the Agricultural, Marine Fisheries and Natural Resources Sectors.

National Policies
Juillet, 2016

This sectoral document aims to illustrate and analyse the main factors of development policy concerning some sectors of fundamental importance for the Tunisian economy.Strategic objectives for the agricultural sector are (i) the natural resources sustainable development together with the reduction of the impacts of climate change through traditional water resources mobilization form groundwater and non-traditional water resources from desalinization and use of treated water; (ii) addressing real estate situations, resistance to ownership dispersion and exploitation of agricultural lands; (i

Cheaper, Faster, and More Than Good Enough

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
Juillet, 2016

In rural societies of low- and middle-income countries, land is a major measure of wealth, a critical input in agricultural production, and a key variable for assessing agricultural performance and productivity. In the absence of cadastral information to refer to, measures of land plots have historically been taken with one of two approaches: traversing (accurate, but cumbersome), and farmers' self-report (cheap, but marred by measurement error). Recently, the advent of cheap handheld GPS devices has held promise for balancing cost and precision.

Mainstreaming gender in Tanzania’s local land governance

Reports & Research
Juillet, 2016

Despite progressive provisions on gender equality in Tanzania’s land laws, women have little representation in land allocation decisions. Mainstreaming gender in local regulations can help address this problem. The Tanzania Women Lawyers Association, in partnership with the World Resources Institute and Lawyers’ Environmental Action Team, developed model by-laws to improve women’s participation in local-level decision-making on village land management. This took place in Kidugalo and Vilabwa villages in Kisarawe district.

Regulation on Combating Dust.

Juillet, 2016

This Regulation consisting of 19 articles aims to regulate provisions on short-term and long-term plans to combat the harmful effects of dust in the country. The Regulation establishes the Committee to Combat Dust under the supervision of the Department of Environment.

Solid Ground – a global advocacy campaign of Habitat for Humanity

Manuals & Guidelines
Juillet, 2016
Costa Rica
République dominicaine

Presentation by Anne Myers, Habitat for Humanity International, during the Experts Group Meeting on Responsible Land Governance and Security of Tenure in Latin America and Caribbean. Title of presentation: Solid Ground - a global advocacy campaign of Habitat for Humanity

Shelter Cluster y Derecho a la Vivienda, Tierra y Propiedad en la Provisión de Alojamiento

Reports & Research
Juillet, 2016
Costa Rica

Presentación de Anna Pont, Shelter Cluster Americas, durante la Reunión de Expertos en Gobernanza Responsable del Suelo y Seguridad de Tenencia en América Latina y Caribe, realizada en San José, Costa Rica, en Julio de 2016. Shelter Cluster y Derecho a la Vivienda, Tierra y Propiedad en la Provisión de Alojamiento Housing, Land and Property (HLP) Rights Within the Provision of Shelter Assistance