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Displaying 97 - 108 of 1874

Land Reform in the Era of Global Warming—Can Land Reforms Help Agriculture Be Climate-Smart?

Peer-reviewed publication
Décembre, 2020
United States of America

In an era of global warming, long-standing challenges for rural populations, including land inequality, poverty and food insecurity, risk being exacerbated by the effects of climate change. Innovative and effective approaches, such as Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA), are required to alleviate these environmental pressures without hampering efficiency.

Преобразование земельных отношений в Республике Молдова (1989-2019 гг.).

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre, 2020

Преобразование земельных отношений в 1989-2019 гг. в Республике Молдова не было случайным явлением. Настоятельная необходимость в социально-
экономических реформах явилась объективной необходимостью, вызванной
самим ходом истории развития общественных и экономических отношений.
Особенно остро отставание ощущалось в области сельского хозяйства, где
большинство стран всё с большим трудом обеспечивало своё население про-
довольствием, а промышленность сырьём на уровне современных требований.

Politique foncière rurale du Niger

Novembre, 2020

Le processus d’élaboration de la politique foncière rurale du Niger relève d’une certaine continuité de questionnements suscités par la mise en œuvre des POCR [Principes d’Orientation du Code Rural] . En effet, depuis l’an 2000, les principaux acteurs du processus « Code Rural » ont institué des Ateliers Nationaux des Cofo (ANACO) tous les deux ans, sous l’égide du SP/CNCR. Ces rencontres biennales ont animé et entretenu une réactualisation continue des questions/réponses pertinentes pour les différents acteurs de la gestion foncière rurale au Niger.

State-Customary Interactions and Agrarian Change in Ghana. The Case of Nkoranza Traditional Area

Peer-reviewed publication
Octobre, 2020

While agrarian change has been a recurrent theme in Ghana’s endeavor for economic development, questions on how land resources should be managed to ensure prompt attainment of economic growth remain unanswered. In Ghana, land is controlled by customary actors, while the state is the custodian of agricultural policies. The need for interaction between the two actors to ensure that the envisioned economic gains from agriculture are attained is paramount.

All That Glitters is Not Gold: Turmoil in Zimbabwe’s Mining Sector

Reports & Research
Octobre, 2020

Executive Summary

Violence has spiked in Zimbabwe’s gold mining sector, costing hundreds of people their lives and triggering a police operation that led to the arrest of thousands. Media and government blame artisanal miners, who dig using little mechanisation and often without licences but are the country’s main gold producers. Yet the bloodshed is better seen as a symptom of Zimbabwe’s flawed centralised gold buying scheme, patronage-based economy and obsolete legal and regulatory system.

Elusive Investors keep buying and selling – People remain and suffer

Octobre, 2020

Chapter in a book;“Rethinking land reform in Africa;opportunities and challenges” by the African Natural Resources Centre;edited by Cosmas Milton Obote Ochieng for the African Development Bank. A think piece reflecting on changing commercial pressures on land in low and middle-income countries; the role of law in shaping the ways those pressures manifest themselves; the limits of business standards in driving systemic change; and the case for comprehensive law reform to secure rural land rights.

Land Inequality at the Heart of Unequal Societies. Research Findings from the Land Inequality Initiative

Octobre, 2020

The author has now run this site as an absolute dictator for 20 years;first in Oxfam space (2000-12) and since 2012 in Mokoro space. The article covers the origins of the site;the various motivations and the important role of changing technologies. The site is essentially a place to disseminate arguments in favour of pro-poor land reform and against simple solutions to complex issues. After the 2008 global financial crisis it included work on the impact of the global land grab on Africa.

Dairy Joint Ventures in South Africa’s Land and Agrarian Reform Programme: Who Benefits?

Peer-reviewed publication
Septembre, 2020
French Southern and Antarctic Lands
Central African Republic
South Africa
Southern Africa

Joint Ventures (JVs) between ‘agribusiness’ investors and ‘small farmers’ or ‘customary landowners’ are being promoted in South Africa’s land and agrarian reform programme as a way to include land reform beneficiaries in the country’s competitive agricultural sector. This paper undertakes an in-depth comparative analysis of two JV dairy farms located on irrigation schemes in the former ‘homeland’ of the Ciskei, in South Africa’s Eastern Cape Province. The community, through government investment, brings the fixed assets to the business: land, irrigation infrastructure and milking parlours.

Establishment of Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS) in Zimbabwe: An exploration of stakeholders’ readiness in adopting the CORS technology

Peer-reviewed publication
Août, 2020

Advances in Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) have revolutionized the geospatial industry around the globe. Recently, the Government of Zimbabwe realized the need to adopt GNSS- Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS) for boundary mapping of farms to ensure security of tenure. In order to fully utilize the proposed CORS network there is need to ascertain the readiness of stakeholders involved in the land delivery value chain.

Zimbabwe’s land reform compensation deal agreed at last

Policy Papers & Briefs
Juillet, 2020

An agreement between the Zimbabwean Government and the Commercial Farmers Union on compensation for land taken from white farmers was finally agreed on 29 July 2020;20 years after the land reform programme began. There had been previous attempts;but the science of asset valuation is far from exact. The issue had blocked international recognition of the Zimbabwean Government. Looks at the detractors and sceptics and asks how the agreed sum of US$3.5 billion will be paid for. Believes this is an immensely important step in a long-running and frustrating saga.