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Displaying 937 - 948 of 1509

A vision for attaining food security

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2012

Food is fundamental to human wellbeing and development. Increased food production remains a cornerstone strategy in the effort to alleviate global food insecurity. But despite the fact that global food production over the past half century has kept ahead of demand, today around one billion people do not have enough to eat, and a further billion lack adequate nutrition.

Urbanising India and river health.

Conference Papers & Reports
Décembre, 2012
Asie méridionale

The presentation looks at the current status of river systems of India from a basin perspective, and review how indicators of urbanization, such as demographics and migration, infrastructure development, growth of cities and towns, development of urban agglomerations, provision of utility services and land-use changes, have impacted the life of rivers.

Detecting threatened biodiversity by urbanization at regional and local scales using an urban sprawl simulation approach: application on the French Mediterranean region

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2012

Urbanization is a major threat on biodiversity due to the direct destruction of natural and semi-natural habitats and to the indirect impacts caused by urban areas beyond their limits. In this study, we proposed a methodological framework to assess the potential impacts of current and future urbanization on high diversity sites and their associated species across the entire French Mediterranean region. Using a 100 m grid cell, we adapted a land-use change (LUC) model to project future urbanization over a 20 years period.

Detecting threatened biodiversity by urbanization at regional and local scales using an urban sprawl simulation approach: application on the French Mediterranean region

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2012

Urbanization is a major threat on biodiversity due to the direct destruction of natural and semi-natural habitats and to the indirect impacts caused by urban areas beyond their limits. In this study, we proposed a methodological framework to assess the potential impacts of current and future urbanization on high diversity sites and their associated species across the entire French Mediterranean region. Using a 100 m grid cell, we adapted a land-use change (LUC) model to project future urbanization over a 20 years period.

Modes de régulation de l'usage des terres en Méditerranée et protection des terres agricoles

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2012

L’ampleur du phénomène d’artificialisation des terres agricoles dans les pays méditerranéensoblige à s’interroger sur les modes de régulation publique susceptibles de protéger plus efficacement cesterres contre l'étalement urbain et résidentiel. C’est avec cet objectif et dans la perspective d’apporter desconnaissances utiles aux décideurs publics qu’un réseau méditerranéen (FONCIMED) d'échanges et decomparaisons d'expériences sur la question foncière s’est constitué en 2007.

Colombia Urbanization Review : Amplifying the Gains from the Urban Transition

Décembre, 2012

The efficiency and productivity of
Colombia's urban system will be a key determinant in
the ability of the country to transition from a middle
income to a higher-income economy. Colombia, as with most
Latin American countries, has experienced positive growth
rates in the past few years, mitigating the potential
adverse impacts of the global financial crisis. High
commodity prices as well as improvements in macroeconomic

Arab Republic of Egypt - Reshaping Egypt's Economic Geography : Domestic Integration as a Development Platform, Volume 1

Décembre, 2012

This report investigates Egypt's
regional economic growth, explores the causes for
geographically unbalanced development, and proposes policy
options to make unbalanced growth compatible with inclusive
development. In Egypt, despite rapid progress in most
welfare indicators in lagging regions, there are still
substantial gaps in consumption and opportunities between
growth poles and the rest of the country. This report's

Shelter from the Storm--but Disconnected from Jobs : Lessons from Urban South Africa on the Importance of Coordinating Housing and Transport Policies

Décembre, 2012

Informal settlements are a permanent
feature of South Africa's cities. Estimates from the
General Household Survey by Statistics South Africa show
that more than 26 percent of all households in the
country's six metropolitan areas live in informal
dwellings. The government's policy efforts have focused
on provision of subsidized housing, first introduced as part
of the Reconstruction and Development Program. Through the

Addressing Vulnerability in East Asia : A Regional Study

Décembre, 2012

The East Asian and Pacific region has
achieved tremendous progress in poverty reduction in recent
years. However, further progress in poverty reduction may be
undermined by the high levels of vulnerability in many
countries across the region. The term vulnerability is
viewed from an economic context, where it is conceived as
the likelihood of suffering from future deteriorations in
standard of living which may result in a state of poverty,

Reshaping Egypt's Economic Geography : Domestic Integration as a
Development Platform

Décembre, 2012

This report investigates Egypt's
regional economic growth, explores the causes for
geographically unbalanced development, and proposes policy
options to make unbalanced growth compatible with inclusive
development. Regional disparities in income and consumption
may be attributed to differences in natural endowments and
geographical location, but unbalanced growth is mostly due
to economies of scale, spillover effects, and the lower

Turning Sri Lanka's Urban Vision into Policy and Action

Décembre, 2012

Sri Lanka's country vision is to
become a global hub between the East and the West and an
upper middle-income country by 2016. Sri Lanka's urban
vision, as defined in the government's development
policy framework is to develop a system of competitive,
environmentally sustainable, well-linked cities clustered in
five metro regions and nine metro cities and to provide
every family with affordable and adequate urban shelter by

Managing urban land: a guide for municipal practitioners

Training Resources & Tools
Novembre, 2012

Urban land markets have a profound effect on how well poor households are able to access the jobs, amenities and services offered in the city. But often the way in which this market works frustrate attempts to open up better located living and business opportunities for poorer urban households and communities, despite government policies and programmes intended to address these challenges. The challenge in South Africa is even larger because of worsening poverty and inequality, and the continuing growth of cities through urbanisation.