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Land institutions and land markets

In agrarian societies land serves as the main means not only for generating a livelihood but often also for accumulating wealth and transferring it between generations. How land rights are assigned therefore determines households' ability to generate subsistence and income, their social and economic status (and in many cases their collective identity), their incentive to exert nonobservable effort and make investments, and often their ability to access financial markets or to make arrangements for smoothing consumption and income.

Panama - Land Administration Project

The Land Administration Project aims to a) ensure equitable access to land and improve land tenure security by providing land administration services in selected rural, peri-urban, and urban areas; and b) enhance natural resources conservation through the consolidation of the National System of Projected Areas and indigenous peoples territories.

Land policy and administration as a basis for the sustainable development of the Brazilian Amazon

There is enough land in the Amazon region to satisfy Brazilian society's demands for economic development, environmental management of a resource base of global importance and the challenges of agrarian reform. Yet Brazil has been unable to create a fully coherent and manageable land policy and administration system for the region which permits sustainable development goals to be achieved while reconciling special interests and uses. Instead, resource waste, private appropriation of the public domain and social conflict characterize land relations in the region.

Incidence and impact of land conflict in Uganda

While there is a large, though inconclusive, literature on the impact of land titles in Africa, little attention has been devoted to the study of land conflict, despite evidence on increasing incidence of such conflicts. The authors use data from Uganda to explore who is affected by land conflicts, whether recent legal changes have helped to reduce their incidence, and to assess their impact on productivity.

Making negotiated land reform work : initial experience from Brazil, Colombia, and South Africa

The author describes a new type of negotiated land reform that relies on voluntary land transfers negotiated between buyers and sellers, with the government's role restricted to establishing the necessary framework for negotiation and making a land purchase grant available to eligible beneficiaries. This approach has emerged-following the end of the Cold War and broad macroeconomic adjustment--as many countries face a second generation of reforms to address deep-rooted structural problems and provide a basis for sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction.

Land reforms, poverty reduction, and economic growth : evidence from India

Recognition of the importance of institutions that provide security of property rights and relatively equal access to economic resources to a broad cross-section of society has renewed interest in the potential of asset redistribution, including land reforms. Empirical analysis of the impact of such policies is, however, scant and often contradictory. This paper uses panel household data from India, together with state-level variation in the implementation of land reform, to address some of the deficiencies of earlier studies.


Reports & Research

Palestinian women living in refugee camps and gatherings in Lebanon have little opportunity to realise their HLP rights. They face the double discrimination, challenged by both formal Lebanese law and familial Palestinian social systems.

In 2001, the Lebanese Government passed a law forbidding people who do not hold citizenship to a recognised state from getting property rights in the country. This has left many Palestinian refugees either losing property that they owned, or unable to inherit property from family members.

NOWHERE TO GO: Displaced and returnee women seeking housing, land and property rights in South Sudan

Reports & Research
South Sudan

Land is of tremendous importance in South Sudan. It represents community, belonging and place as well as provides a source of income, subsistence and survival. Control of land and resources was at the centre of the conflict that lasted five decades, leading to South Sudan’s independence in 2011.

Women’s Property Rights, HIV and AIDS & Domestic Violence. Research Findings from Two Districts in South Africa and Uganda

Reports & Research
Afrique du Sud

To better understand the role of tenure security in protecting against, and mitigating the effects of, HIV and violence, this book explores these linkages in Amajuba, South Africa and Iganga, Uganda. Results from the qualitative study revealed that property ownership, while not easily linked to women’s ability to prevent HIV infection, can nonetheless mitigate the impact of AIDS, and enhance a woman’s ability to leave a violent situation.

El derecho de propiedad : del más sagrado de los derechos a mera garantía institucional. Un recorrido desde el viejo contractualismo al nuevo constitucionalismo latinoamericano

Journal Articles & Books

El derecho de propiedad ha sido una categoría central en el pensamiento jurídico-político occidental: fue el más sagrado de los derechos en el liberalismo clásico y hoy, aunque ha perdido importancia en la doctrina constitucional, se presenta como un asunto de gran discusión.

Responsabilidad extracontractual del Estado en relación con el derecho de propiedad

Reports & Research

El principal deber del Estado, es el de respetar y hacer respetar los derechos de las personas consagrados en la constitución y en los tratados internacionales, en la realidad material la actuación de los gobiernos autónomos municipales ha sido irregular y ha incumplido con su deber de respeto del derecho de propiedad, siendo una práctica reiterativa el establecer afectaciones a las propiedades de los particulares, las que en muchas ocasiones han resultado arbitrarias e ilegitimas, escapando sutilmente del control de legalidad; y, en la ejecución de los diversos proyectos de los planes de o