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An assessment of the accuracy of volunteered road map production in Western Kenya

Journal Articles & Books
Février, 2011
Afrique orientale

The introduction of web based mapping facilities that use satellite imagery, offers local people the possibility to map their environment. However, maps need to be accurate, which is the reason why map making is assigned to professionals. In this paper, we investigated the classification accuracy of road infrastructure from high resolution satellite imagery of an urban area in western Kenya achieved by surveyors and non-surveyors alike, with and without local knowledge. Those with local knowledge classified roads with over 92% accuracy on average, irrespective of surveying background.

Establishment of an African university consortium for land information systems

Conference Papers & Reports
Janvier, 2011

The land in a continent as Africa is an economic resource, a basis of wealth promoting growth and human development, and a tool of empowering and governing. Most of native Africans are peasants and have their main living and fundamental infrastructures based on land and land resources. Then, land administrating and management which are largely tied to the diversity of the local cultural and traditional practicies should be enhanced in a good and scientific manner.

Irregular and illegal land acquisition by Kenya’s elites: Trends, processes, and impacts of Kenya’s land-grabbing phenomenon

Journal Articles & Books
Reports & Research
Janvier, 2011

The International Land Coalition (ILC) has commissioned this present report to analyse the illegal/irregular acquisition of land by Kenya’s elites to ascertain the types of land affected, the processes used to acquire land, and the profiles of the perpetrators, as well as to identify the victims and the impacts of land grabbing.


Journal Articles & Books
Janvier, 2011

La nueva "Ley de prenda sin desplazamiento", contenida en el artículo 14 de la Ley Nº 20.190, autoriza la pignoración de "valores emitidos sin impresión física del título que los evidencie", que en otro lenguaje se llaman "valores desmaterializados".


Reports & Research
Décembre, 2010

Post-conflict northern Uganda has witnessed an increase in disputes over land. This has, to a great extent, been as a result of the armed conflict and its aftermath. Beyond that, other chaotic factors embedded in various social, legal, economic, and political aspects of this society have influenced the nature, gravity, and dynamics of these disputes and the way in which Traditional Institutions and the Local Council Courts have attempted to resolve them.

Quick Guide to Land and Conflict Prevention

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2010

This Quick Guide to Land and Conflict Prevention presents approaches and alternatives for addressing tensions over land, resources and property which left unaddressed may lead to violent conflict. Historical grievances and competing claims to access rights, tenure insecurity and unequal distribution of land are common causes of such tension. Current trends in population growth, climate change, environmental degradation, resettlement, and land use patterns, including large scale acquisitions, create a very real and rapidly growing potential for conflict.

Perspective directions for performing the cadastral function of land resource management

Policy Papers & Briefs
Décembre, 2010

The cadastre structure in the system of land and real estate management is determined by existing and technologically dependent kinds of works and procedures on registration, recording and valuation of real estate. A general approach to land evaluation of all categories is a differential rent income taking into account natural characteristics and location of pieces of land.

Proportional real estate tax application problems in Latvia

Policy Papers & Briefs
Décembre, 2010

Writing topics actuality is based on the government proposed property tax increase of 2011 residential tax. Author of the article concludes that till now disproportionately spacious cadastral value range and its inadequacy towards resident income has restricted to establish a fair personal income and property tax proportionate to the objective of appropriate tax. Just now Latvia is experiencing huge increase in amounts of real estate tax debt and number of debtors.

Theoretical issues of complex organization of use of lands contaminated by radioactive elements

Policy Papers & Briefs
Décembre, 2010

In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was presents an organization of agricultural use of lands contaminated by radioactive elements. There were shown theoretical bases of the main problems forming the components of a complex project of intra-farm land usage.


Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2010

Az üzemszabályozás magyarországi bevezetése olyan modellváltást eredményezne, amely a termőföld-tulajdonlás helyett a használatra helyezné a szabályozás hangsúlyait. Ezzel párhuzamosan olyan hatósági ellenőrzési rendszer kiépítésére is lehetőség nyílna, melyen keresztül hazánk a Római Szerződésben rögzített alapelvek (állampolgárságon alapuló diszkrimináció tilalma, tőkeáramlás és letelepedés szabadsága) megsértése nélkül is képes lehet megoldani a birtokpolitika nemzeti karakterét.

Substantiation of methods for determination of agricultural crops productivity on reclaimed areas

Policy Papers & Briefs
Décembre, 2010

To determine the agricultural crops productivity on reclaimed areas with the adjusted water regime it is offered to use the point estimation of ground fertility and standard report data on different areas actual productivity (ploughed field, hayfield, pasture). The dependence of crop yield level on the cadastral valuation of soils is analyzed in different districts of the Republic of Belarus. The production output from the one ball-hectare is measured. The mathematical formulas of the crop yield evaluation depending on the type of the soil are shown.

Study on Gender Impacts of Land Titling in Post-Tsunami Aceh, Indonesia

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
Décembre, 2010
Asie orientale

The tsunami that originated from the Indian Ocean in 2004 wreaked massive destruction, killing more than 130,000 people and displacing half a million individuals in Aceh, Indonesia. More than 800 kilometers of coastline was affected, and close to 53,795 land parcels were destroyed. The land administration system sustained significant damage because documentation of land ownership was washed away along with people's houses and other possessions in the affected communities. Physical boundary markers, including trees and fences, also disappeared.