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Displaying 661 - 672 of 1732

Market Accessibility and Regional Maps : Kyrgyz Republic

Janvier, 2014

Access to markets is argued to have a
significant role in development. In order to quantify the
access of places to markets, policy makers are showing
increasing interest in accessibility indicators (Yoshida and
Deichmann 2009). This paper seeks to examine the spatial
relationship of access to market in the Kyrgyz Republic
using a recent census and household survey in order to
identify possible linkages with rates of poverty and other

Microfinance and Poverty : Evidence using Panel Data from Bangladesh

Janvier, 2014

Microfinance supports mainly informal
activities that often have a low return and low market
demand. It may therefore be hypothesized that the aggregate
poverty impact of microfinance is modest or even
nonexistent. If true, the poverty impact of microfinance
observed at the participant level represents either income
redistribution or short run income generation from the
microfinance intervention. This article examines the effects

Weathering the Storm : The Impact of the East Asian Crisis on Farm Households in Indonesia and Thailand

Janvier, 2014

This article assesses the impact of the
East Asian financial crisis on farm households in two of the
region's most affected countries, Indonesia and
Thailand, using detailed household level survey data
collected before and after the crisis began. Although the
natures of the shocks in the two countries were similar, the
impact on farmers' income (particularly on
distribution) was quite different. In Thailand, poor farmers

The policy landscape for climate change adaptation: A cross-country comparison of stakeholder networks

Décembre, 2013
Eastern Africa

An increasing body of research is focusing on the question of how poor agricultural households will both perceive and be affected by climate change. In view of its predicted effects, the need to identify effective adaptation strategies is urgent.

Droughts, distress, and policies for drought proofing agriculture in Bihar, India

Reports & Research
Décembre, 2013

This study was undertaken to assess if various drought-proofing and drought-relief programs are effective in mitigating the impact of droughts on crop production and household consumption in rural Bihar, India. This study is relevant as Bihar has experienced four drought years since 2009. The drought in 2009 led to an increase in the number of poor people in the state from 2004-2005 to 2009-2010, in spite of rapid growth of gross domestic product in this period.

Agricultural policy processes and the youth in Malawi

Reports & Research
Décembre, 2013

Evidence exists which shows growing disillusionment with and disinterest in agricultural-based livelihoods among the youth in Africa south of the Sahara. This disillusionment raises concerns for the future of agriculture for the developing world as it can lead to higher rural urban migration, unemployment and lowered agricultural productivity. The engagement of youth in agricultural policy formulation processes is seen as one avenue for motivating youth engagement in agriculture.

Aid effectiveness in Ghana: How’s the L’Aquila food security initiative doing?

Reports & Research
Décembre, 2013

This paper assesses the degree to which the L’Aquila Food Security Initiative (AFSI) has been implemented in Ghana within the framework of managing for development results (MfDR), and to evaluate progress in various outcomes, including economic governance, agricultural growth, poverty, and food and nutrition security. The MfDR approach, which has gained widespread support globally for obtaining results, is endorsed by the government of Ghana and reflected in the Ghana Aid Policy and Strategy.

Exploring local perceptions of climate change impact and adaptation in rural Bangladesh

Reports & Research
Décembre, 2013

This paper reports on findings from 30 focus group discussions and 30 key informant interviews conducted in 12 districts of Bangladesh in May 2012. The discussions and interviews draw attention to perceptions of climate change and how climate-related trends influence people’s lives, both directly and indirectly. The findings also identify how people adapt to and cope with these changes. This paper aims to improve our understanding of local people’s perceptions of these changes, explore the ways they are affected by them, and how well they are adapting to them.

Gender-specific approaches, rural institutions and technological innovations

Décembre, 2013

This paper reviews and integrates findings from existing empirical studies and case studies received from 35 organizations in various countries to identify demand- and supply-side constraints and opportunities in access, adoption and impact of agricultural technological innovations. The most common technologies studied are improved seeds, fertilizers, farm mechanization, improved management practices, transporting technologies, and information and communication technologies.

The impact of shocks on gender-differentiated asset dynamics: Evidence from Bangladesh

Décembre, 2013

This policy note summarizes research that builds on existing studies on the gender-differentiated impacts of shocks on household asset holdings in Bangladesh, which is among the countries most vulnerable to climate change because of its densely populated coastal area and large population living below the poverty line.