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Ahmedabad: Town Planning Schemes for Equitable Development — Glass Half Full or Half Empty?

Reports & Research
Juillet, 2018

This case study in the World Resources Report, “Towards a More Equal City,” examines transformative urban change in Ahmedabad, India, by analyzing the land pooling and readjustment mechanism called Town Planning Scheme (TPS). This paper reviews the evidence on whether the TPS mechanism has enabled transformative change with equitable outcomes in Ahmedabad City—and if so, how.

SDG 11 Synthesis Report

Reports & Research
Juin, 2018

The Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity. Goal11, one of the 17 SDGs, is about all of these dimensions, with a specific focus on urban areas and settings. This synthesis report is the first publication showing the progress, challenges and opportunities of global monitoring of this Sustainable Development Goal.

MAPTenure: Enabling Tenurial Clarity for Orange Areas of Central India

Reports & Research
Juin, 2018

More than half the villages of Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh are affected by a peculiar issue of tenurial ambiguity called “orange areas.” This issue impacts nearly 1.2 million hectares and 1.5 million, largely poor, landless and tribal families, that depend on these lands for food, fuel, fodder and other sources of income. This lack of tenurial clarity also impacts forest protection outcomes in the state and constrains the achievement of biodiversity, water and climate targets.

State-led Alternative Mechanisms to Acquire, Plan, and Service Land For Urbanisation in India

Manuals & Guidelines
Reports & Research
Juin, 2018

Rapidly urbanizing Indian cities need mechanisms to ensure that land is acquired, planned, and serviced with adequate infrastructure and social amenities, to prevent the occurrence of haphazard urban expansion and under-provisioned inner-city areas.

Such mechanisms should help government agencies recover their costs through land value capture, a method by which agencies recover part of the increase in the value of private property after it is serviced by new public infrastructure.

Shifting Centres: Site Location and Resource Procurement on the North Coast of Cyprus over the Longue Durée of the Prehistoric Bronze Age

Peer-reviewed publication
Juin, 2018

This paper examines the relationship between site location, resource procurement, and political economy in the context of three localised centres of settlement—Vasilia, Vounous, and Lapithos—which succeeded each other in the narrow, naturally bounded north coastal strip of Cyprus during the approximately 750 years of the Early and Middle Bronze Age (ca. 2450–1700 BC). Cyprus is home to abundant copper sulphide ores and was linked to the international metal trade in the first phase of the Early Bronze Age and again in the Middle Bronze Age.

SA Urban Conference 2017

Conference Papers & Reports
Juin, 2018
South Africa

The 2017 South African Urban Conference took place at the Moses Mabhida Stadium, Durban on 30 October 2017. It was hosted by the South African Cities Network (SACN) in collaboration with the Departments of Human Settlements (DHS) and Cooperative Governance (DCOG), the National Treasury, the South African Local Government Association (SALGA), South African Council for Planners (SACPLAN), and the Ethekwini Municipality.

Urban Land Dialogue Series 2018

Conference Papers & Reports
Juin, 2018
South Africa

In March 2018, The South African Cities Network (SACN) hosted its second Urban Land Dialogues Series in the provinces of Gauteng, Eastern Cape and Western Cape. The dialogues took place during a week when land was receiving widespread attention, as all eyes were on the Gordon Institute of Business Science in Illovo where the President had convened a Summit to discuss details of agrarian land expropriation without compensation policy,Under the overarching theme of inclusive urban land transformation, the aim of these dialogues was to build better shared understandings of the many issues that

Assessing the capacity and flow of ecosystem services in multifunctional landscapes: Evidence of a rural-urban gradient in a Mediterranean small island state

Peer-reviewed publication
Mai, 2018

Distinguishing between the ecosystems’ capacity to generate ecosystem services (ES) and the actual use of these service (ES flow) in ES assessment and mapping is important to develop an understanding of the sustainability of ES use. This study assesses the spatial variation in ES capacity and flow in the Mediterranean small island state of Malta. The services included in this study were crop provisioning, beekeeping and honey production, fodder and livestock production, crop pollination, air quality regulation, and aesthetic ES.

The geography of future water challenges

Mai, 2018

This new report by the PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency in collaboration with the Clingendael Institute and other Dutch research institutes points to pressure on security and migration arising from too little, too much or polluted water. Many integrated solutions are possible to divert this trend towards a sustainable and climate-resilient world.

Los procesos de espacialización de la población en las ciudades : una alternativa de la intervención estatal a la superación del desplazamiento forzado. Colombia 2004 – 2015

Reports & Research
Mai, 2018

Desde el reconocimiento de la existencia del desplazamiento forzado, el Estado ha ampliado y fortalecido la protección para los derechos de las víctimas. No obstante, las vulnerabilidades asociadas a la situación de desplazamiento se han agudizado. Este escenario da cuenta de una relación paradójica. En este trabajo pretendo mostrar una de las caras de esa situación, la forma en que el Estado ha administrado el asentamiento de la población en situación de desplazamiento como una forma de respuesta a las demandas de las víctimas para la cesación de la situación de desplazamiento.

Emerging Livelihood Vulnerabilities in an Urbanizing and Climate Uncertain Environment for the Case of a Secondary City in Thailand

Journal Articles & Books
Avril, 2018

ncreasing flood risks in Thailand are leading to new challenges for flood management and subsequently for livelihoods, which are still significantly agricultural. Policy makers prefer building flood protection infrastructure over utilizing non-structural measures like urban planning regulations to mitigate risks. We argue that unplanned urbanization intensifies flood risks and livelihood vulnerability and may even create new poverty patterns in peri-urban areas.