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Federal Law No. 222-FZ amending Federal Law No. 73-FZ “On objects of cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation”.

Juillet, 2017
Fédération de Russie

This Federal Law establishes that if land-use planning projects and land-use planning rules and regulations were drafted and examined at public hearings prior to entry into force of this Federal Law, the validation of the aforesaid rules and regulations, amendments thereto shall be performed in conformity with the acting Urban planning code and they shall be brought into conformity with requirements of Urban planning code by July 1, 2018.Information submitted to the rights registration authority on the boundaries of the protective zones of cultural heritage sites shall contain a textual and

Ley Nº 1.848 - Expide normas en materia de formalización, titulación y reconocimiento de las edificaciones de los asentamientos humanos, de predios urbanos.

Juillet, 2017

La presente Ley expiden normas en materia de formalización, titulación y reconocimiento de las edificaciones de los asentamientos humanos, de predios urbanos y dicta disposiciones para el pago de derechos notariales y de derechos registrales. La inscripción de actos administrativos de cesión o transferencia, a otras entidades públicas o a particulares, de bienes inmuebles de propiedad pública susceptibles de ser enajenados, que se encuentren ubicados en predios que hayan sido objeto de legalización urbanística, de acuerdo con las normas vigentes, se liquidarán como actos sin cuantía.

Law No. XIII-601 amending Law No. IX-415 “On geodesy and cartography”.

Juillet, 2017

Article 6 establishes that geodetic and cartographic products created by municipalities for the state shall be owned by the state, while geodetic and cartographic work created by municipalities for its own use shall be owned by municipalities. Article 9 establishes the competence of ministries and state institutions in the sphere of geodetic and cartographic activities.

Decreto Supremo Nº 020-2017-VIVIENDA ─ Modifica el Decreto Supremo Nº 015-2012-VIVIENDA, Reglamento de Protección Ambiental para proyectos vinculados a las actividades de Vivienda, Urbanismo, Construcción y Saneamiento.

Juillet, 2017

El presente Decreto Supremo modifica el Reglamento de Protección Ambiental para proyectos vinculados a las actividades de Vivienda, Urbanismo, Construcción y Saneamiento, en relación a la clasificación anticipada de proyectos con características comunes o similares sujetos al Sistema Nacional de Evaluación del Impacto Ambienta (SEIA) del sector saneamiento, incorporando al Reglamento el Anexo II sobre “Clasificación anticipada de proyectos que presentan características comunes o similares de competencia del sector saneamiento”.

Factors Influencing Perceptions and Use of Urban Nature: Surveys of Park Visitors in Delhi

Peer-reviewed publication
Juin, 2017

Urban green spaces provide important recreational, social and psychological benefits to stressed city residents. This paper aims to understand the importance of parks for visitors. We focus on Delhi, the world’s second most populous city, drawing on 123 interviews with park visitors in four prominent city parks. Almost all respondents expressed the need for more green spaces. Visitors valued parks primarily for environmental and psychological/health benefits.

Modeling Future Urban Sprawl and Landscape Change in the Laguna de Bay Area, Philippines

Peer-reviewed publication
Juin, 2017

This study uses a spatially-explicit land-use/land-cover (LULC) modeling approach to model and map the future (2016–2030) LULC of the area surrounding the Laguna de Bay of Philippines under three different scenarios: ‘business-as-usual’, ‘compact development’, and ‘high sprawl’ scenarios. The Laguna de Bay is the largest lake in the Philippines and an important natural resource for the population in/around Metro Manila.

Analysis of Urban Green Spaces Based on Sentinel-2A: Case Studies from Slovakia

Peer-reviewed publication
Juin, 2017

Urban expansion and its ecological footprint increases globally at an unprecedented scale and consequently, the importance of urban greenery assessment grows. The diversity and quality of urban green spaces (UGS) and human well-being are tightly linked, and UGS provide a wide range of ecosystem services (e.g., urban heat mitigation, stormwater infiltration, food security, physical recreation).

Agricultural Land Fragmentation at Urban Fringes: An Application of Urban-To-Rural Gradient Analysis in Adelaide

Peer-reviewed publication
Juin, 2017

One of the major consequences of expansive urban growth is the degradation and loss of productive agricultural land and agroecosystem functions. Four landscape metrics—Percentage of Land (PLAND), Mean Parcel Size (MPS), Parcel Density (PD), and Modified Simpson’s Diversity Index (MSDI)—were calculated for 1 km × 1 km cells along three 50 km-long transects that extend out from the Adelaide CBD, in order to analyze variations in landscape structures. Each transect has different land uses beyond the built-up area, and they differ in topography, soils, and rates of urban expansion.

Confronting the Urban Housing Crisis in the Global South: Adequate, Secure, and Affordable Housing

Policy Papers & Briefs
Juin, 2017
  • There is an accute lack of well-located urban housing that is adequate, secure, and affordable. The global affordable housing gap is currently estimated at 330 million urban households and is forecast to grow by more than 30 percent to 440 million households, or 1.6. billion people, by 2025.

Global Urban Lectures: Geoffrey Payne - Improving urban tenure security and property rights

Training Resources & Tools
Juin, 2017

Geoffrey Payne outlines five fundamental propositions that are key to his understanding of tenure issues and policy options.

These are:

1) That access to affordable land with adequate security of tenure and associated rights is a pre-condition for realising the goal of adequate housing and poverty reduction;

Sécurisation de l’accès au sol et à l’habitat dans les villes du Sud

Institutional & promotional materials
Juin, 2017

Cette journée de réflexion a été consacrée à la sécurisation de l’accès au sol et à l’habitat dans les villes du Sud, et notamment aux marges de celles-ci, dans les quartiers dits précaires ou informels. Elle s’inscrit dans la continuité des débats initiés lors de la 3e conférence mondiale des Nations unies sur le logement et le développement urbain durable (Habitat III), qui s’est tenue à Quito en 2016.

Loi n° 2017-48 du 15 juin 2017, modifiant la loi n° 2013-47 du 1er novembre 2013, relative aux dispositions dérogatoires concernant les procédures de changement de vocation des terres agricoles, de déclassement des terrains relevant du domaine forestie...

Juin, 2017

La présente modifie les dispositions des articles 1, 3, et 7 de la loi n° 2013-47 du 1er novembre 2013, relative aux dispositions dérogatoires concernant les procédures de changement de vocation des terres agricoles, de déclassement des terrains relevant du domaine forestier de l’Etat et de l’aménagement et de l’urbanisation des terrains, situés à l’extérieur des zones couvertes par des plans d’aménagement et affectés pour l’exécution du programme spécifique pour le logement social et à la création des zones industrielles et la poursuite de l’application des procédures dérogatoires qu’elle