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National Land Planning and Utilization Act.

République de Corée
Asie orientale

This Act provides for the formulation and implementation of plans to utilize, develop and preserve the national land.The State or local government shall take measures to efficiently utilize and manage national land which shall be divided into urban areas, control areas, agricultural and forest areas, and natural environment conservation areas.

Urban and Rural Planning Law of the People’s Republic of China.

Asie orientale

The purpose of this Law is to promote coordinated urban and rural planning to balance the country’s development and to protect natural resources as well as cultural heritages, and maintaining local features and traditions.The Law provides detailed requirements and approval procedures with respect to the formulation and amendment of urban and rural planning.

Loi nº 02-08 relative aux conditions de création des villes nouvelles et de leur aménagement.

Afrique septentrionale

La présente loi fixe les conditions de création des villes nouvelles et de leur aménagement. Sont considérées comme villes nouvelles toutes créations d'établissements humains à caractère urbain en sites vierges, ou s'appuyant sur un ou plusieurs noyaux d'habitat existants. Le schéma national d'aménagement du territoire prévoit l'opportunité de création de ville nouvelle et en détermine les fonctions et la localisation.

Land Code (No.442-II ZRK of 2003).

Fédération de Russie
Asie central

The stock of land in accordance with its destination is subdivided into the following categories: 1) agricultural land; 2) urban land; 3) industrial land; 4) land of protected areas; 5) forest land; 6) water land; 7) reserve land. The document consists of 5 Sections composed of 21 Chapters that contain 170 articles. Section 1 (Chapters 1-2) lays down general provisions. Chapter 1 (arts. 1-12) lays down general provisions. Chapter 2 (arts. 13-19) establishes competence of state institutions in the field of land relations.

Regional Law No. 542-III “On objects of cultural heritage”.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

This Regional Law regulates relations in the sphere of conservation, management, promotion and protection of the objects of cultural heritage and is aimed at ensuring realization of the constitutional right of citizens of access to the objects of historical and cultural heritage and protection, restoration and conservation of historical and cultural natural environment of the regional ethnic communities.

Loi organique de l'aménagement du territoire et de l'urbanisme.

Europe occidentale

Cette loi porte le régime général de l'aménagement du territoire et de l'urbanisme. Le titre I, relatif à l'aménagement du territoire, porte les dispositions concernant les plans régionaux, les plans de secteur, les plans communaux, les expropriations et indemnités, le remembrement et le relotissement. Le titre II est relatif au permis de bâtir et ses dispositions concernent la délivrance du permis, l'introduction et l'instruction des demandes et des recours. Le titre III est relatif au permis de lotir.

Land Reform Act.

Europe septentrionale

The Land Reform Act determines the bases for restructuring relations regarding land (land reform). Based on the continuity of rights of former owners and the interests of current land users that are protected by law, and to establish preconditions for more effective use of land, the objective of land reform is to transform relations based on state ownership of land into relations primarily based on private ownership of land.

Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China.

Asie orientale

The Law is divided into 8 Chapters: General Provisions (I); Ownership and Right to the Use Land (II); General Plans for the Utilization of Land (III); Protection of Cultivated Land (IV); Land for Construction Purposes (V); Supervision and Examination (VI); Legal Responsibilities (VII); Supplementary Provisions (VIII).This Law grants the ownership of land in rural and suburban areas to the collectives. Such land must be registered and recorded by the Governments at the county level. State-owned land may be used by units or by individuals and is recorded by local People's Governments.

Ley Nº 1.909/02 - Ley de loteamientos.

Amérique du Sud

La presente Ley reglamenta el loteamiento de inmuebles, entendiéndose por el mismo toda división o parcelamiento de inmueble en dos o más fracciones destinadas a la venta en zona urbana, suburbana o rural, con fines de urbanización. Todo loteamiento de inmueble privado estará sujeto a la aprobación de la Municipalidad, la cual será otorgada bajo los requisitos indicados en el artículo 2º, entre los cuales figura la declaración de impacto ambiental referente al proyecto de loteamiento presentado por el interesado.

Regional Act No. 16 on town and country planning.

Europe méridionale

The present Regional Act lays down the legislative framework in matter of town and country planning, taking into particular consideration, inter alia, the need to preserve the environment and regional landscape, including agricultural lands. The regional territory shall be managed at the municipal, provincial and regional levels. Plans shall be coordinated as provided in article 4. Article 47 concerns the environmental assessment of plans.