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Decreto Nº 4.002 - Reglamenta parcialmente la Ley Nº 388 de 1997, Normas sobre planes de desarrollo municipal, compraventa y expropiación de bienes.

Amérique du Sud

El presente Decreto reglamenta la Ley Nº 388 de 1997, precisando y reglamentando algunos aspectos relacionados con la revisión de los planes de ordenamiento territorial y la modificación de sus normas urbanísticas.

Order No. 7/2002 amending No. 1 of Council Ministers Resolution No. 139/99, 4 November, subjecting to preventive measures the area to be included in the Ordainment Plan of the Castelo de Bode Dam

Europe méridionale

This Order amends no. 1 of Council Ministers Resolution No. 139/99, 4 November, subjecting to preventive measures the area to be included in the Ordainment Plan of the Castelo de Bode Dam. The objective is to create new settlements, construction or enlargement of pre-existing buildings or other installations among other environmental modifications.

Amends: Council of Ministers Resolution No. 139/99, concerning Order Plan for the Castelo de Bode dam. (1999-11-04)

Order No. 1/2002 alters the finality of the disaffection of the 120ha area of the partial forest regime implemented by Decree No. 38/88, 15 October, situated in the municipality of Mira.

Europe méridionale

This Order alters the finality of the disaffection of the 120ha area of the partial forest regime implemented by Decree No. 38/88, 15 October, situated in the municipality of Mira. Its finality is the construction of a turistic complex with golf course and support structures.

Order No. 1052/2001 defines maximum pricing by typology and zone areas on municipal resettlement programmes and the Special Resettlement Programme(PER).

Europe méridionale

This Order defines maximum pricing by typology and national zone areas for municipal resettlement programmes and the Special Resettlement Programme. The 2 Annexes are charts in which Annex I relates to the aforesaid and Annex II indicates the countries zones inserted in this Order.

Decreto Nº 1.337 - Reglamenta parcialmente la Ley Nº 388 de 1997, Normas sobre planes de desarrollo municipal, compraventa y expropiación de bienes, y el Decreto Nº 151 de 1998.

Amérique du Sud

El presente Decreto reglamenta la Ley Nº 388 de 1997 y el Decreto Nº 151 de 1998, en relación con la aplicación de compensaciones en tratamientos de conservación mediante la transferencia de derechos de construcción y desarrollo.

Implementa: Ley Nº 388 - Ley de Ordenamiento Territorial que modifica las Normas sobre planes de desarrollo municipal, compraventa y expropiación de bienes. (1997-07-18)
Implementa: Decreto Nº 151 - Compensación en tratamiento de conservación mediante la transferencia de derechos de construcción y desarrollo. (1998-01-22)

Decree No. 62 of 1999 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Regional Development on land administration offices.

Europe orientale

Offices are organized on a territorial basis: county and district offices, and sub-branches. Territorial competencies are determined in the annex. Offices deal with land administration in the capacity of representatives of the State. The structural organization of county offices shall be determined in the Regulation of Organization and Operation. Offices operate on the basis of an annual plan and may aim at producing surplus.

Implements: Decree No. 68 of 1990 of the Cabinet regarding land administration and its organization. (2004-03-31)

Decision No. 43/2004/QD-TTg approving the general planning on construction of Chu Lai Open Economic Zone, Quang Nam Province.

Viet Nam
Asia du sud-est

The present Decision provides for the approval of the Land Use Planning and for the development of industrial, touristic, infrastructural and housing projects in order to rehabilitate, recuperate and develop unused, public, agricultural and urban lands.

Government Resolution No. 150/2003 approving the Inter-municipal Territorial Plan of the “Alto Douro Vinhateiro” (PIOTADV).

Europe méridionale

This Resolution approves the Inter-municipal Territorial Plan of the “Alto Douro Vinhateiro” (PIOTADV). The aim of such Territorial Plan is to protect the classified territory and to preserve the characteristics of the area “Alto Douro Vinhateiro”.

Ordonnance organique de la planification et de l'urbanisme.

Europe occidentale

La susdite ordonnance porte la réglementation relative à l’organique de la planification et de l’urbanisme. L’article 2 établit que le développement de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale, en ce compris l'aménagement de son territoire, est fixé par les plans régionaux et communaux énuméré dans cet article. Dans l'élaboration desdits plans et lors de la délivrance des permis et certificats, les autorités administratives s'efforcent de concilier le progrès social et économique et la qualité de la vie en garantissant aux habitants de la Région le respect d'un aménagement harmonieux.

Resolution of Council of Ministers No. 76/2002 establishing the National Programme for the Land Planning Policy.

Europe méridionale

This Resolution of Council of Ministers establishes the National Programme for the Land Planning Policy (PNPOT). It consists of 17 articles dealing with the requirements to be satisfied in order to regulate the expansion of urban areas (in particular Lisbon and Porto) and protect the environment.

Implements: Decree-Law No. 380/99 establishing the territorial management regime. (1999-09-22)

Resolution of Council of Ministers No. 68/2002 approving the Regional Management Plan of the Territory of Lisbon (PROTAML).

Europe méridionale

This Council of Minister Resolution approves the Regional Management Plan of the Territory of Lisbon (PROTAML). It establishes all the sectors involved with the management of the mentioned urban area and specifies the baselines for the urban planning, as well as territorial, forestry and protected areas management, etc.

Implements: Decree-Law No. 380/99 establishing the territorial management regime. (1999-09-22)

Council of Ministers Resolution No. 41-A/2002 establishing the Urbanization Plan of the Industrial area of Pinhal da Rebela-Várzea in the Municipality of Felgueiras.

Europe méridionale

This Council of Ministers Resolution establishes the Urbanization Plan of the Industrial area of Pinhal da Rebela-Várzea in the Municipality of Felgueiras. The Resolution consists of 4 chapters regulating land settlement, soil use and transformation according with the environmental protection national policy.