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Resolution No. 376 of 2016 of Georgian Government on Recognition of Ownership of Land in Possession (Use) of Individuals and Private Entities and Form for its Certificate

Juillet, 2016

The Resolution creates the authority of the agency granting the recognition of ownership of agricultural/non-agricultural land to persons, entities and other formations which are in a legitimate possession (use) of the land or arbitrarily occupy the land. The document further specifies the procedure to gain such recognition and adopts certificate forms proving the same. It consists of three annexes: Rules for recognizing ownership of land in possession (use) of individuals and private entities (Annex No. 1); and Certificates of recognition of ownership (Annex No. 2 and Annex. 3). Annex No.

Decreto Supremo Nº 014-2016-VIVIENDA ─ Reglamenta parcialmente el Decreto Legislativo Nº 803, Ley de promoción del acceso a la propiedad formal.

Juillet, 2016

El presente Decreto Supremo aprueba el Reglamento de los programas de adjudicación de lotes con fines de vivienda a que se refiere el título III de la Ley que declara de interés nacional la promoción del acceso a la propiedad formal y su inscripción registral.

Decreto Supremo Nº 008-2016-VIVIENDA ─ Modifica el Decreto Supremo Nº 015-2012-VIVIENDA, Reglamento de Protección Ambiental para proyectos vinculados a las actividades de Vivienda, Urbanismo, Construcción y Saneamiento.

Juillet, 2016

El presente Decreto Supremo modifica el Reglamento de Protección Ambiental para proyectos vinculados a las actividades de Vivienda, Urbanismo, Construcción y Saneamiento, en relación a la ampliación del plazo de adecuación de la inscripción en el Registro de Entidades encargadas para elaborar estudios ambientales para el Sector Vivienda, así como también el plazo de presentación del Programa de Adecuación y Manejo Ambiental (PAMA) sobre las medidas a adoptar respecto a los impactos ambientales generados durante la ejecución del proyecto, y las preventivas por los potenciales impactos que se

Resolución Nº 172-2016-VIVIENDA ─ Reglamento Nacional de Tasaciones.

Juillet, 2016

La presente Resolución aprueba el Reglamento Nacional de Tasaciones, que tiene por objeto establecer criterios, métodos y procedimientos técnicos normativos para la tasación de bienes inmuebles, muebles e intangibles. El Reglamento es de alcance nacional y su aplicación es obligatoria para la elaboración de tasaciones comerciales y reglamentarias que soliciten las Entidades y Empresas Estatales de derecho público o de derecho privado.

Implementa: Ley Nº 30156 - Ley de organización y funciones del Ministerio de Vivienda, Construcción y Saneamiento (MVCS). (2014-01-18)

Decree-Law No. 39/2016 approving the exceptional regime for ownership transmission of municipalities of land in the private domain of the State.

Juillet, 2016

This Decree-Law, consisting approving the exceptional regime for ownership transmission of municipalities of land in the private domain of the State. The above mentioned exceptional regime regulates the following situations: The automatic validation of the alienations of land from the private domain of the State made by the municipalities, in the areas referred to; Validation of the disposals of land of the private domain of the State made by the municipalities in any land located outside specific areas for the purpose of performing tourist, industrial investments or similar nature.

Energy Sector Experience of Output-Based Aid

Juillet, 2016

Sustainable development goals (SDGs)
placed access to basic services at the center of
international development in 2016-2030. Out of 17 goals,
five address the access of poor people to basic services: to
health in SDG3, to education in SDG4, and SDG5, to water and
sanitation in SDG6, to energy in SDG7, and to urban services
in SDG11. The mutually reinforcing relationship between
electricity access, economic development, and poverty

Country Partnership Framework for Bulgaria for the Period FY17-FY22

Juillet, 2016

This program document presents the World
Bank Group (WBG) FY17-22 Country Partnership Framework (CPF)
for Bulgaria. The timing of the new CPF follows the
preparation of theSystematic Country Diagnostic (SCD)
prepared in FY15, and informs the areas and objectives ofthe
CPF in support of the WBG’s twin goals to reduce poverty and
boost shared prosperity1 for the bottom forty percent of the
population. The CPF proposes to focus WBG support in

Water Sector Experience of Output-Based Aid

Juillet, 2016

Convenient access to safe water is
central to human health and development. Water-borne disease
remains a major cause of mortality and morbidity in the
world, much of which could be eliminated by a combination of
better water, sanitation and hygiene (WaSH). The WHO
estimates that around 502 000 deaths a year in low and
middle income countries from diarrheal disease are
attributable to unsafe water, and that over 1 000 children

Roads and Rural Development in Sub-Saharan Africa

Juillet, 2016

This paper assesses the relation between
access to markets and cultivated land in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Making use of a geo-referenced panel over three decades
(1970-2005) during which the road network was significantly
improved, the analysis finds a modest but significant
positive association between increased market accessibility
and local cropland expansion. It also finds that cropland
expansion, in turn, is associated with a small but

Arrêté n° 14220-2016 du 5 juillet 2016 portant constitution de réserve foncière de l’Agence Nationale d’Appui au Logement et à l’Habitat (ANALOGH) pour ses projets de construction.

Juillet, 2016

Le présent arrêté met en place une réserve foncière (04ha 98a 31ca sise à Piste Avaratra, Fokontany d’Antsirabe Avaratra, Commune Urbaine d’Antsirabe I, Vakinakaratra) de l’Agence Nationale d’Appui au Logement et à l’Habitat (ANALOGH) pour ses projets de construction, en application de l’Article 38 de la loi n°2005-019 du 17 octobre 2005 fixant le principe régissant les statuts de terre.

Met en oeuvre: Loi n° 2005 - 019 fixant les principes régissant les statuts des terres. (2005-10-17)

Benefits of Urban Trees. Banner

Policy Papers & Briefs
Juin, 2016

The livelihood of urban communities depends on the wide range of goods and services provided by natural ecosystems in and around cities. The UPF approach can significantly contribute to the quality of the urban environment and provide a wide range of benefits including watershed management and disaster risk prevention, climate change adaptation and mitigation, air quality improvement, human health benefits, food and fuel supply, jobs and income generation and biodiversity conservation.

Habitat III National Report Tanzania

Reports & Research
Juin, 2016

Tanzania implemented extensive policy, legislative and structural reforms taken
and taken several other measures to fulfil her commitments to the Habitat II
Agenda. Yet achieving the objectives of "shelter for all" and "sustainable human
settlements in an urbanizing world" has remained elusive, due to financial and
human resource limitations of the urban authorities and rapid urbanization. Lack
of access to affordable housing, finance, land and services has resulted in most of