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Good Practice

Institutional & promotional materials
Octobre, 2022


The Global Programme 'Responsible Land Policy' (GPRLP) is part of the Special Initiative 'One World, No Hunger' of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), which aims to reduce extreme poverty and hunger.

Pathways for the recognition of customary forest tenure in the Mekong region

Reports & Research
Octobre, 2022

Globally, about 2 billion people claim ownership of their homes and lands through a customary tenure system. Customary tenure has long been insecure and is under growing pressure in many places. But it is also increasingly recognized through a variety of mechanisms, formal and informal. RECOFTC released a new report on the recognition of customary tenure of communities living in forested landscapes in Cambodia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Myanmar and Viet Nam. It also includes a case study from Thailand.

Fiche pédagogique : Le certificat comme outil de sécurisation des droits : premiers bilans et questions en suspens

Journal Articles & Books
Reports & Research
Octobre, 2022

À Madagascar, depuis 2005, la réforme foncière reconnaît légalement l’existence d’un régime de propriété privée non titrée (PPNT) aux côtés de la propriété privée titrée. Des guichets fonciers opérant à l’échelle des communes sont habilités à délivrer des certificats fonciers, preuve légale de propriété privée, à la demande du/des propriétaires et à l’issue d’une procédure qui s’assure du consensus social local.

Promoting, Facilitating and Regulating Responsible Land-Based Investment:

Manuals & Guidelines
Octobre, 2022

This manual aims to provide practical guidance to Government staff at central and local level in promoting,facilitating and regulating responsible land-based investments and is meant to be used along with the Introductory Guide for Communities, Governments and Investors. It has been written for all three RGIL countries,hoping that it will also be useful for other countries.

The Land Gap Report

Reports & Research
Octobre, 2022

This report looks at how Governments are using land in climate pledges. An international team analyzed commitments made for years 2030, 2050, and 2060 — looking at individual pledges and the implications for land use. The data should be considered a first approximation. Many national plans are still vague. There is a need for much greater clarity in nationally determined contributions about land use – and greater realism on the limits of land for carbon dioxide removal purposes.

BTI 2022 Country Report Lao

Reports & Research
Octobre, 2022

While Laos largely avoided the health impacts of COVID-19, the pandemic’s economic consequences exposed existing vulnerabilities, and left the country at the precipice of fiscal and debt crises. At the 11th national congress of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party (LPRP), held in January 2021, the LPRP reinforced key elements of the regime’s high-stakes economic strategy but also hinted that the pandemic had encouraged a shift in economic emphasis. Even before the pandemic hit, Laos’s economic transformation had started to slow in 2019.

Doing Business on Uneven Ground: Advancing land equality is key to addressing climate change and farmer rights

Reports & Research
Septembre, 2022

Land is the bridge between companies’ environmental and social sustainability agendas, and it is foundational to both. To implement their commitments on climate change, net zero emissions, human rights, women’s empowerment, and farmer livelihoods, companies must focus on land in agricultural value chains: who controls it, who can access it, who has rights to it, and who enjoys the benefits derived from it (‘land inequality’).

Pourquoi aller au tribunal si l’on n’exécute pas la décision du juge ?

Conference Papers & Reports
Septembre, 2022

Ces dernières années, le nombre de conflits d’héritage gérés par le tribunal de première instance de Cotonou a considérablement augmenté. Pourtant, même lorsqu’une décision est rendue, peu de familles exécutent le jugement. Partant de ce constat, cet article vise à comprendre la manière dont les héritiers comprennent et utilisent le droit dans la capitale béninoise. La justice y est mobilisée pour agir sur les hiérarchies familiales et l’accès aux ressources – un objectif qui ne nécessite pas toujours de respecter la décision du juge.