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Housing and property restitution in the context of the return of refugees and internally displaced persons

Reports & Research
Mai, 2005

At its fifty-sixth session the Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human
Rights, in its resolution 2004/2, welcomed the progress report of the Special Rapporteur and
requested the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to circulate
the draft principles on housing and property restitution for refugees and displaced persons
contained therein widely among non-governmental organizations, Governments, specialized
agencies and other interested parties for comment, and requested the Special Rapporteur to take

Décret n° 2005-178 du 27 mai 2005 portant organisation du Ministère des Domaines et des Affaires Foncières.

Mai, 2005

Le présent décret fixe l’organisation du Ministère des Domaines et des Affaires Foncières, responsable de l’élaboration et de la mise en œuvre de la politique du Gouvernement en matière domaniale, cadastrale et foncière.Le Ministre des Domaines et des Affaires Foncières est chargé de l’élaboration, de la mise en œuvre, de l’évaluation de la politique du Gouvernement en matière domaniale, foncière et cadastrale.

Nyaunglebin District: Food supplies destroyed, villagers forcibly displaced, and region-wide forced labour as SPDC forces seek control over civilians

Reports & Research
Mai, 2005

Between October 2004 and January 2005 SPDC troops launched forays into the hills of Nyaunglebin District in an attempt to flush villagers down into the plains and a life under SPDC control. Viciously timed to coincide with the rice harvest, the campaign focused on burning crops and landmining the fields to starve out the villagers. Most people fled into the forest, where they now face food shortages and uncertainty about this year's planting and the security of their villages.

Legislação sobre os recursos naturais em Moçambique: convergências e conflitos na relação com a terra

Reports & Research
Avril, 2005

Moçambique é hoje um excelente exemplo para ilustrar a relação de reciprocidade entre desenvolvimento económico e o Direito. De facto, as dinâmicas económicas que se têm verificado no país, caracterizadas por sucessivas descobertas de recursos naturais, e que colocam o país numa posição de destaque sob ponto de vista económico, têm estado a contribuir para uma intensa actividade legislativa e normativa para responder aos desafios económicos que o presente e o futuro apresentam para o país.

Pa'an District: Food Security in Crisis for Civilians in Rural Areas

Reports & Research
Mars, 2005

Released on March 30, 2005...
This bulletin examines the factors causing many villagers in Pa'an district to say that they now face a deepening food and money shortage crisis which is threatening their health and survival. Based on villagers' testimony, the main factors appear to be recurring forced labour for both SPDC and DKBA authorities, made worse in some areas by orders for farmers to double-crop on their land and the encroachment of new SPDC military bases on villages and farmland.

Regional Law No. 94-GD “On land”.

Mars, 2005
Fédération de Russie

This Regional Law regulates land relations within the framework of plenary powers transferred to the regional executive bodies by the federal legislation. Regional Government shall perform the following plenary powers: (a) decision-making related to expropriation, including bailout, in cases envisaged by acting legislation; (b) land reclamation; (c) modalities of calculation of land lease and land rent payment for public land pertaining to regional ownership; (d) validation of cadastre land evaluation; and (e) application of land use restrictions.

Conflict in the Great Lakes Region - how is it linked with land and migration

Journal Articles & Books
Mars, 2005
Democratic Republic of the Congo

Africa’s Great Lakes Region has in recent years experienced
political strife, armed conflict and population displacements
with severe humanitarian consequences. While these events
have clearly revolved around political struggles for the control
of the state, recent research has pointed to the significance
of access to renewable natural resources as structural causes
and sustaining factors in struggles for power in the region.
Contested rights to land and natural resources are significant,

Wildlife Management and Village Land Tenure in Northern Tanzania

Reports & Research
Janvier, 2005

This paper explores and analyses contemporary contests over land tenure in
northern Tanzania’s village lands as they relate to wildlife management and land policy
and legislation. It details the nature of the contests and conflicts, including their legal
aspects, and further seeks to diagnose the underlying political economic reasons behind
these endemic conflicts. It concludes by relating these underlying issues to the broader
macroeconomic environment and efforts to improve the security of local land tenure in

The Transformation of Property Rights in Kenya's Maasailand: Triggers and Motivations

Janvier, 2005

This paper explores the puzzle of why the pastoral Maasai of Kajiado, Kenya, supported the individualization of their collectively held group ranches, an outcome that is inconsistent with theoretical expectation. Findings suggest that individuals and groups will seek to alter property
rights in their anticipation of net gains from a new assignment, even as they seek to eliminate disadvantages that were present in the status quo property rights structure. Heightened perceptions of impending land scarcity, failures of collective decision making, the promise of