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La foresterie à la FAO

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre, 1985

Le prsent numro d'Unasylva est consacr au quarantime anniversaire de la FAO, et en particulier aux 40 annes d'activits du Dpartement des forts de l'Organisation. Dans ce numro et dans les deux prochains, nous publierons, ct des articles d'actualit, des extraits des livraisons passes d'Unasylva. Par exemple, ce numro contient l'essentiel d'un article d'Andr Marie Aubrville sur la mort des forts de l'Afrique tropicale, tir du N 1 d'Unasylva. Trente-huit ans plus tard, cet article semble particulirement prophtique au moment o la FAO redouble d'efforts pour rsoudre la crise africaine.

Report on the problem of encroachment on arable land in Nigeria : prepared for the: expert consultations on prevention of encroachment on Arable Land in Africa Addis Ababa, 16-20 September, 1985

Reports & Research
Septembre, 1985

Nigeria has a land area of 925,768 km2 or approximately 92,4 million ha., which places her as the 14th largest country in Africa. With a population estimated at 80 million, every inhabitant theoretically has only 1.15 ha of land available for meeting basic economic, industrial and social needs. Lying between latitudes 4°N and 12°N, on the west coast of Africa and with 680 km of coastline, land is not homogenous and is therefore not fully accessible ant! utilizable for any or all of these basic needs.

Cosecha y beneficio de la semilla de Andropogon gayanus

Manuals & Guidelines
Décembre, 1984
Amérique du Sud
Amérique centrale

Se esquematizaron metodos alternativos para llevar a cabo la cosecha y el beneficio de la semilla de Andropogon gayanus. La cosecha puede ser totalmente manual, total o parcialmente mecanica. La cosecha manual ofrece los mas altos rendimientos de semilla pura con un contenido aceptable de material inerte, y obtenida sin recurrir a ningun acondicionamiento mecanico. Este metodo de cosecha esta restringido, sin embargo, a regiones donde haya mano de obra abundante y disponible.

La competencia por la tierra entre la agricultura y la ganaderia en el minifundio costeno

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 1984
Amérique du Sud

The results of a case study conducted in Betulia (Sucre, Colombia) in May-Dec. 1983 to evaluate the competition for land between cassava cultivation (monocropped or in association with maize or yam) and cattle raising are discussed. In general, profits from cassava either in association or in monoculture are much higher than for cattle raising. Regarding labor requirements, cassava cultivation and cattle raising are equally attractive from an economic viewpoint.

Plan piloto para el desarrollo agro-industrial del cultivo de la yuca en algunos departamentos de la Costa Atlantica de Colombia : Tercer informe junio 1983-junio 1984

Reports & Research
Décembre, 1984
Amérique du Sud
Amérique centrale

The 1st yr of operation (1983-84) of 6 cassava natural drying plants, established in some states of the Colombian Atlantic Coast as a result of the successful operation of the Betulia pilot plant (Sucre) established in 1981, is reported. Under the present production and commercialization conditions, the natural drying process of cassava proved to be an economically profitable activity in the region; however, it was sensitive to fresh root price and the degree of drying plant occupation. The major constraint to increased cassava yields is the lack of programs to produce healthy seed.

Utilizacion de la tierra e importancia de la yuca en la finca DRI en los Departamentos de Atlantico, Bolivar, Cordoba y Sucre

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 1984
Amérique du Sud

The results of a survey conducted in 1983 among 416 farmers participating in the integrated rural development project (DRI, Colombia) in Atlantico (60), Bolivar (66), Cordoba (156), and Sucre (134), on land use and importance of cassava within the farming system, are presented. Except for Bolivar, where cassava and yam plantings decreased, increased land use attributable to increased credit availability was observed. In general, 1.7 ha cassava was planted per farm in 1982-83, mainly in association with yam, maize, and plantains; 55 percent of the land planted included cassava.

De landbouw in het ruilverkavelingsgebied Westerhorn

Reports & Research
Décembre, 1984

Beschrijving van de struktuur van de landbouw in het ruilverkavelingsgebied Westerhorn van 1225 ha, gelegen in de gemeenten Grijpskerk en Grootegast. In dit gebied is de rundveehouderij de voornaamste produktietak en de enige waarin enige groei zit. De veedichtheid is er evenwel nog relatief laag, voornamelijk door een gebrekkige verkaveling en ontsluiting