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Ukraine - Country Economic Memorandum : Strategic Choices to Accelerate and Sustain Growth

Mars, 2012

This report undertakes a comprehensive
assessment of Ukraine's growth experience over the past
decade. It shows how vulnerabilities were allowed to
accumulate during the economic boom. And how growth,
averaging seven percent annually between 2000 and 2008, was
achieved without tackling Ukraine's well known
weaknesses in the investment climate and public sector
governance. The report also traces the emergence of large

Cambodia 1998-2008 : An Episode of Rapid Growth

Mars, 2012

Cambodia's growth over 1998-2008
has been remarkable (almost 10 percent per annum for a
decade). This paper applies a "growth diagnostic"
approach to understand how this happened and how it can be
sustained. Past growth has been driven by the coincidence of
a set of historical and geographic factors (including
opportunistic policy responses), together with the use of
natural assets (although in a non sustainable way) and the

Sri Lanka - Agricultural Commercialization : Improving Farmers’ Incomes in the Poorest Regions

Mars, 2012

The issue of regional differences in
development has moved to the center of the development
debate in Sri Lanka, partly after the release of regional
poverty data. For the past many years, there have been
significant and increasing differences between the Western
province and the rest of the country in terms of per capita
income levels, growth rates of per capita income, poverty
rates, and the structure of provincial economies. The

Ethiopia : Re-Igniting Poverty Reduction in Urban Ethiopia through Inclusive Growth

Mars, 2012

Ethiopia in the decade up to 2005 has
been characterized by robust growth rates of the urban
economy, where a still limited share of the population
lives. The urban economy has been estimated to contribute at
least half of gross domestic product (GDP) (53 percent in
2002/03) and to explain a significant part of its growth.
Only an estimated 12.6 percent of the poor live in urban
areas and the overwhelming concentration of poverty in rural

Macedonia - Moving to Faster and More Inclusive Growth A Country Economic Memorandum : Main Report and Annex

Mars, 2012

This report deals with medium and
long-term growth issues rather than the challenges posed by
the world financial crisis, the structural policy options
presented in the report become even more important in that
context, and can help to partially mitigate the impact of
the crisis on Macedonia. Section B looks at poverty and
inequality issues. Section C examines Macedonia's past
growth in terms of total factor productivity analysis,

Macedonia, former Yugoslav Republic of - Poverty, Jobs and Firms : An Assessment for 2002–2006

Mars, 2012

This poverty assessment report is based
upon pre-crisis data for the period 2002-2006. Though some
may have reservations that this information base is not well
suited to informing public policy choices of today, this
view would be short-sighted. Economic development is not an
overnight occurrence. It is also not something that can be
reversed through an economic shock, no matter how virulent.
The analysis of data from the first half of this decade

Macedonia - Moving to Faster and More Inclusive Growth : A Country Economic Memorandum - Overview

Mars, 2012

This report deals with medium and
long-term growth issues rather than the challenges posed by
the world financial crisis, the structural policy options
presented in the report become even more important in that
context, and can help to partially mitigate the impact of
the crisis on Macedonia. Section B looks at poverty and
inequality issues. Section C examines Macedonia's past
growth in terms of total factor productivity analysis,

Land title to the tiller. Why it’s not enough and how it’s sometimes worse

Policy Papers & Briefs
Février, 2012

textabstractMainstream adherence to land titling as a strategy to address rural poverty has gained even more sway against the backdrop of the contemporary phenomenon of large-scale farmland acquisitions, known to some as “global land grabbing”. The orthodox narrative, embraced in toto by organisations such as the World Bank, is that formal property rights mitigate the risks of these land acquisitions and allow the poor to access the benefits of these acquisitions.

Designing a Land Records System for the Poor

Reports & Research
Décembre, 2011

Designing a Land Records System for the Poor is the first attempt to fill the gaps in the development of new forms of land recordation to assist the implementation of a continuum of land rights approach at scale. It is about the development of the initial design of a pro-poor land recordation system - a recording system aimed at supporting the recognition and protection of a range of rights of the poor.

Regulating the Sustainability of Forest Management in the Americas: Cross-Country Comparisons of Forest Legislation

Peer-reviewed publication
Décembre, 2011
Costa Rica

Based on theoretical underpinnings and an empirical review of forest laws and regulations of selected countries throughout the Americas, we examine key components of natural forest management and how they are addressed in the legal frameworks of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Uruguay, and the U.S.

Land Reforms and the Tragedy of the Anticommons—A Case Study from Cambodia

Peer-reviewed publication
Décembre, 2011

Most of the land reforms of recent decades have followed an approach of “formalization and capitalization” of individual land titles (de Soto 2000). However, within the privatization agenda, benefits of unimproved land (such as land rents and value capture) are reaped privately by well-organized actors, whereas the costs of valorization (e.g., infrastructure) or opportunity costs of land use changes are shifted onto poorly organized groups. Consequences of capitalization and formalization include rent seeking and land grabbing.

Land Transactions and Chieftaincies in Southwestern Togo

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2011

Land access is becoming a crucial issue in many African contexts, where groups and individuals are coping with land scarcity and increasing competition over resources. Based on fieldwork carried out in the southwestern region of Togo, this paper explores the plurality and adaptability of the forms of land access that have historically emerged from changing economic and political landscapes characterized by the rise and the decline of cocoa cultivation.